Comments by polite_king

Comment Post Date
I agree with your point of finding a way to help ex prisoners when they come out of prison.... Supporting ex-prisoners to reintegrate into the society 11/3/24
In this time of climate crisis , we all have a responsibility to do our part and help the... Is there any hope for the future? 11/3/24
Personally, eco-anxiety has affected me in a positive way. It has inspired me to take action... Eco-anxiety 11/3/24
You raised an important point about the challenges faced by prisoners upon their release from... FREEDOM IN A CLIMAX AND ACCEPTANCE IN SOCIETY 10/3/24
Hey, everyone. We need climate change reminders to encourage action: The reminders can motivate... Why we need climate change reminders 10/3/24
I agree because... Using animals to test drugs that have not been tested is a form of animal... What do we know about the future of ability enhancing drugs? 10/3/24
I agree because... If we send humans for battle they might get severely injured and might lose... AI: and the future of war 08/3/24
I think AI is beneficial in the metaverse because it can provide you with a smart companion with... AI's role in the metaverse 08/3/24
I also think that human intelligence can be enhanced . If a drug is developed specifically to... Enhanced Games: what else can be enhanced and why? 08/3/24
I also believe that stereotype is the root cause of gender inequality as many people believe... Stereotypes 07/3/24
I like your points there can be hope for the future if we all work together and think of ways to... Is there any hope for the future? 06/3/24
I also agree that it is not all businesses that should get involved in protecting the... Profits or the planet? 06/3/24
I think the most engaging topic discussed in this festival is women in media. This is because... STEP TWO: get ready for the competition 05/3/24
I think relaxing immigration laws has positive and negative effects in the aging population. It... Ageing populations 05/3/24
Hey, Topical Talkers! In our recent class, we discussed the Indian election and had a debate... How did the lesson go? 05/3/24
I agree with you because a prison serves as a correctional facility for people who have been... Cleanliness or hygiene's of prisons 05/3/24
The skill I am going to focus on his listening skills . This skill is important for... Competition #7 winners 05/3/24
Good morning Eva. I think prisoners can turn their experience in prison into a positive one by... STEP TWO: get ready for the competition 03/3/24
The new knowledge I have gained from this festival is on prisons. I used to believe that prisons... STEP TWO: get ready for the competition 03/3/24
I agree with you that implementing a role that prohibits the use of enhanced drugs in sports is... You make the rules! 02/3/24