Competition #7 winners

08 March 2024

Standpoint skills

Welcome to this week’s competition! Every Monday we’ll open a new competition and the winners will be announced on Fridays. If you win, you’ll get three stars and your entries will be pinned to the top of the discussion!

It’s time to start working on your Standpoints! And to make sure they are judged fairly once you’ve submitted them, we’ve asked some top experts from The Economist to help. Each Standpoint judge has a different area of expertise: Henry Tricks is a fantastic writer, Katie Bryant is a whizz at making films and Jason Palmer is awesome at audio.

All of our judges agree that the best place to start with your Standpoints is to think about the skills you will need to use: speaking, listening, problem solving and creativity.

  • accurate_ferret | St Cenydd Community School | United Kingdom 04 Mar 2024

    The skill i am going to be focusing on is speaking. This skill is important for us becausr speaking allows us to communicate to other about our thoughts and express our feelings. Speaking is a very powerful skill and makes us have the power to be heard. speaking helps us express opinions and help us debate to find our point of view and learn others to build on our speaking. Speaking boosts confidence and helps us be a better listener.

  • optimistic_cranberry | Schiller-Gymnasium | Germany 04 Mar 2024

    I think everyone can agree that communication skills are necessary for understanding each other, that is why I am going to focus on the listening skill. The listing skill essential in both personal and professional fields due to its diverse benefits. Primarily, it improves communication by ensuring that messages are received accurately and completely. When people actively listen and take note of what is being said, misunderstandings are minimized, and relationships are strengthened. Additionally, listing encourages active engagement in conversations and meetings.Futhermore, respect and consideration for others' perspectives is being learned. Overall, perfecting the art of listing helps to improved productivity, builds stronger relationships, and increases problem-solving abilities.

Comments (104)

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  • “The skill I am going to focus on is listening .This skill is important for understanding the news because it is said that if you make listening and observation your occupation, you will gain much more than you can by talk and without a listener any news is purposeless and it helps me to form opinions about the news because if a news attracts our ears, it will surely effect the opinion of people. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because I'm currently focussing on improving this skill…”

  • Hello friends ,
    The skill I'll focis on is problem-solving. It's crucial for understanding news, as it allows for critical analysis and proposing solutions, such as in economic crises where it helps asses impacts and suggest strategies. This skill aids in forming opinions by considering various perspectives and evaluting evidence
    strategies. In making my Standpoint, problem-solving enables presenting well-reasoned arguments and proposing actionable solutions."

    1. I agree with you, talented_apricot.
      I feel problem solving is the most important skill in this lesson? Why? Well, in my opinion, speaking, creativity and listening are still branches of this skill. To solve a problem, you must be a good LISTENER. This means you must acknowledge and tolerate the opinions of others. Then you look for the most CREATIVE and fair solution to the problem which will okay with at least 60% of the population because not everyone can agree on the same thing. You must then politely, with concrete evidence and reason SPEAK out your solution and once again LISTEN to others' opinions to know if you have promoted peace in the society. Then lead by example.
      Thank you.

  • “If a prison is bad it would be better if they just let the prisoners go.” - this is what I am focusing ion today so my reply is:
    I do not agree that prisoners should be set free because prisons are designed for the purpose of imprisoning the people committing harm and crime to the society. So instead of releasing prisoners prisons should be able to get to the government to make its environment fit for its purpose of public protection and making the society/community better and safer for those around it.

  • I believe that problem solving is one of the most important skills in understanding different peoples view points because when we are presented with issues such as the topic of business and politics we always hear how they are effecting peoples views and how others feel about the problems addressed. We never truly understand how to fix them when reading the news but with problem solving we can focus on the issues and highlight areas we can improve. By doing so with problem solving we can formulate ideas on the news as we know how to address said issues and focus on ways improve. This skill will help my standpoint because I can propose my ideas on the topic while also presenting ways in which the news and media can fix these problems in quick and resourceful ways.

    1. I agree with you busy trumpet. Problem solving is a skill that needs to be understood by everyone in the society. When one has the ability to solve problems amicably he or she would be known as a counselor in the behavioral and character formation. When i can be able to solve problems so much well my stand points would be eloquently perfect together with audio clipping , wow such nice skills we have.

      1. I agree with you polite_ pomegranate. Problem solving is a really a very important skill to be learned and adapted by the people of the societies. I believe that in every stage and task of our life we face many problems hence, to overcome these problem it is important for everyone to develop problem solving skill in themselves and I am trying to develop this skill in myself so that I can help my near and dear ones , friends , family and other people to overcome the challenges that they have to face in their life and even this would support me in creating a standpoint as if I would solve the problem of the standpoint topics I can easily generate new ideas about the topics and can perform way better in this competition. Really these skills are really very interesting and useful.

        1. I agree with you active clarinet because problem solving is very essential in our every day life. In so many countries individuals who have the ability to think well and and solve tough problems are usually wanted .
          When you can solve problems without any problem you would have the ability to think well, listen well, speak sensibly and also be creative. Remember you only talk when you are asked to talk and only when you have something sensible and reasonable to talk.
          When I have all the skills combined I really think that my stand point would be very nice and captivating, I can't wait for that.
          Thanks 👍.

      2. I agree because, People that have the ability to solve another person's problems should be called a solutionist. These people help people so much that the people do not have a reason to complain about these things.
        people so not always help but a lot of people's problems are fixed.
        THANK YOU.

      3. I agree with you polite_pomegranate because when people are very inquisitive they will be able to solve a lot of problems in their society. I also feel that the topical talk festival has given students an opportunity to show what they know about the world around them and trending topics. Students unconsciously form a problem solving habit.I believe this skill will help me a lot in the future.

      4. I agree because... I knew someone that taught me a lot about the world and one thing I have picked is that no matter who you are, if you want to be part of history you have to at least come up with something knew, different from the ordinary.

  • Hello,
    The skill I am going to focus on is speaking creativity . This skill is important for the understanding the news because we can talk to family an friends to broaden our views and opinions about things in the news . An example of this is women in media . If you are a male and talk to a female about this they may have different views or understanding to you . The same thing can work vice versa . It helps me form opinions about the news because after I have a sensible conversation with different views and opinions it will help me to make up my mind and formulate a opinions. This skill will help me to make my standpoint because I am going to make a audio standpoint and if I learn how to speak eloquently and have multiple opinions it will help me .
    Thank you for reading ,
    Good day .

    1. I completely agree with you, imaginative_attitude
      Being able to speak or give your own opinion about a topic is very important here in Topical Talk. This skill can help people have different opinions/views about a specific topic, then help them express their opinion to other people. This skill will help me make my standpoint because when I have the right evidence, the right tone of voice, and an understanding of the topic, I can write a lot about just one small topic.
      Thank you for listening!

  • The skill I am going to focus on is "listening".This skill is important for understanding the news because it allows us to gather information and perspectives from various sources. In today’s media, where news is often biased. Listening helps us circulate through the noise and develop a more comprehensive understanding of current events. For example : Think about the news of climate change, by listening to different experts, scientists and affected communities we can have a better understanding about the issue. We might hear about the scientific solutions of climate change, the potential consequences of inaction. By attentively listening these voices, we can make a more informed opinion on the topic.
    Listening also helps us to recognize and evaluate different perspectives. Active listening allows us to engage with a range of viewpoints. If we listen to individuals with differing opinions, we can identify common ground and critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of their arguments. This enables us to form a more well-rounded opinion based on a broader range of perspectives.

    Listening as a skill will help me to make my standpoints because I can empathize with the experience of others. This can lead to a more inclusive Standpoint, understanding the diverse impacts of news events. Listening helps me critically evaluate information and arguments, enabling me to separate facts from opinions or propaganda. By being open minded, I can adapt my Standpoint, recognizing that new information may enhance my initial understanding.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because creativity allows an individual to spark interesting topics or debates. Everybody can talk about gender inequality, but only certain talented individuals can spark arguments or debates. These certain talented individuals have a sense of creative liberty that most people don't have. This "creative liberty" allows them to portray and present information in a satisfactory and logical way. When an idea can be questioned on a base level, it has failed. When an idea can be questioned on a deep level, it has succeeded. Political and sociopolitical speakers want to make people believe their ideas. They do this by sparking topics that don't have a clear right or wrong; it makes people question what they believe in. When they question a belief, they become more susceptible to believing in other beliefs. That is how powerful figures make people agree with their sentiments. So, if you have enough creativity to make people question all they know, you are a very talented speaker. All of this links back to creativity; this creativity links back to the creative and charismatic fellows that were able to sway large amounts of people to believe in them. It helps display opinions and emotions, and I intend to put it to good use. I want to make people believe or think about things they have never believed before. I want to make people contemplate their existence. I intend to leave a mark on this festival, maybe even the news in general. I intend to leave a talented_signature on the contract known as the Standpoint.

  • So according to me the skill , which I am going to be focusing on is listening . This skill is very important. It will enhance our patience level and will make us listen to others point of view also. If we will listen carefully , then we will be able to speak our answer after it , after listening, we can solve the problems also and will obviously enhance our creativity . Listening can lead to all these skills and will make us one step ahead. Also while talking , if we listen calmly then it shows respect in front of people for others . Also, unless we try to listen to everyone, we cannot make a proper decision.
    Also listening to somebody is a great task and if someone is achieving it then it’s very good, we always try to see a point of view only and does not listen to everyone’s talk. But the one who listens to everyone , or the one who goes ahead, taking everybody , only succeeds.
    So according to me, when should have listening skills and it will definitely make them to grow higher and higher………….

  • Hello friendships;

    I think we are being faced with to much information about climate I think it is making children petrified about the world because we are being told that our world could flood explode and that means we might live on Mars and run out of oxygen food and water and die instantly so I think that is what worrying our Earth and disturbing all of our unique Citizens of our outstanding world
    I wish you all luck with this competition
    Goodbye for now

  • Hello Everyone!!!
    The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is very important in understanding the news because news is the passing down of information and societal happenings from one person to another, this skill helps me to be able to form opinions about the news because it allows me to know more about the happenings in my society such as new laws which can help me to become a better citizen by me knowing what to do and what not to do in my community, it also helps my problem solving skills by the fact that if I listen, I can know the discussion or task given to me and to answer clearly, take for example, the topic "Eco Anxiety", this is my best topic so far because I have been able to use the knowledge I have gotten from this skill to answer the questions and tasks in the topic and properly. This skill will help me make my standpoint because it allows me to collate information about the topic I will discuss as my standpoint.

    1. Nice,you can also categorize this as problem solving skill.we all have a knowledge of what eco anxiety can cause,they have been news and story of how the environment is been harmed by human activity.if it was not for problem solving skill some of us would have migrated to other countries and let our country get destroyed.but so far so good temporary solution has been found and we have been able to curb eco anxiety.because find a problem without looking for solution is not possible,there is always a solution to any problem.

    2. I agree with you devoted television, the skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because it can give more knowledge on how to respond on the news and also can give you more ideas and strategies on the subject. It helps me to form opinions about the news because I think it is a skill that can allow you comprehend and get a different perspective . People always need another perspective to get a diffrent answer. This skill will help me make my standpoint because, when someone listens they can comprehend it easier and understand quicker. When you listen you get more opportunities to answer.
      In conclusion listening skill is a great asset to possess as young person.

  • According to me, speaking, listening, problem solving and creativity, all are important because these skills provide us with different views, which enhances are decision making on any topic. But, the skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because the more a person listens, he attains more knowledge. I believe listening is the most important of all because if a person just listens to other people, like, when the person apprehend debates on various topics by different people, he understands about the world.
    I am more of a listener than a speaker, that is why, I have experienced that if we carefully listen, we get a great understanding of the news.

    Listening skill helps me to form opinions about the news because it helps me to understand what the news is about, how does it affect different people and if it can be advantageous for someone else. Additionally, listening is somewhat more than hearing, so as per my point of view, listening also includes understanding of the topic. Nevertheless, I wouldn't agree that listening provides a person with education or very great study of the topic when it comes to news, because whatever the person is listening depends on speaker's perspective.

    Now, this skill will help me to make my Standpoint because, I have carefully listened the points of different people. Understanding their views give me a balanced knowledge because some people agree to somethings or they disagree, while others' opinions are based on consequences. Also, as I read so many comments, which are different thoughts by different people, give me some situations and perspectives which I feel I could never imagine.

    Altogether, I believe in 'The more you listen, the more you learn'. This means that if a person remains calm and listens to people around him, he can actually learn a lot. But, it depends upon the person to speak more and listen less, or listen more and speak less. Further more, listening is as important as speaking, so if speaking can make someone confident, listening can do it too. And, is speaking can make a conversation or a debate more interesting and knowledgeable, listening can make it too.

    1. I agree with you that speaking, listening, problem solving, and creativity are all important to our daily lives and we need to implement it to our country.
      Speaking ; we need to practice speaking in our society especially us the citizens(women), we have the rights to speak for our freedom, for movement, right to live and right to chose , government should allow us the citizens to speak for the benefit of our society and to stop gender inequality in the society.
      In terms of listening, government should give us listening ears to the citizens to hear their opinions and what the government need to improve in the society or country, and for the benefit of all.
      For problem solving , in the aspect of youth development, government should solve the problem of youth development of un-employment, by providing skill acquisition center for graduate that are not yet employed, they should provide that center so that they can acquire skills, so that they can provide their needs, than being idle at home doing nothing.
      Further more i will say that all of them are important to us they citizens and we should try and implement it in our daily lives.

  • Greetings,
    As for me I will try to make a balancement in every skill as that will be very effective. I personally think that if there is a balancement of everything my skills and thinking will be a lot better. Like, if I focus on speaking my confident and vocabulary skills will increase in a really better way. The skill listening should be focused by everyone as it is necessary to understand and respect everyone's way of thinking and opinions. But the skill I will be focusing on most is problem solving and creativity as they require every skill and can enchance our development. It is a very important and crusial skill not only here but also in life. These two skills are really important as in the standpoint because listeners give focus on a person's own thinking and creativity.

  • The skill I am going to focus is problem solving...this skill is important as in our daily life we come across numerous problems sometimes they are easy to solve while at time it really stressful and difficult..but if we have this skill we can easily obscure any obstacle in this skill the backbone is patience as if we have patience to understand,anylasis, interprete the problem we can overcome the issue easily...not only this but other aspects like the above skill listening, speaking, creativity are also integral part of solving any problem and this skill will help me to form my options like when I have the ability to solve any problem I can easily express my views and opinions infront of all confidently without hesitation..I can share my own thoughts on the issue and solutions to overcome it....

  • “The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because I believe that when you speak you have conversation it's better for a person to understand the problem and get a better solution for it and it helps me to form opinions about the news because you speak, you give your opinion, you recieve someone else opinion and that helps a lot to gain more and more knowledge. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because i can give my opinion in my best way and will able to listen to someone else opinion also soe that's why I believe SPEAKING and giving opinion is very important”

  • Hello !
    The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important formaking standpoint, understanding the news about what we are discussing and this skill helps me to make standpoint about any news because this skill includes imaginary story, examples about topic and also helps to make standpoint realistic . Creativity also includes the opinion of our friends, teachers too. So I think creativity help me most to make my
    standpoint. For example: "climate change in your country". As I am from a landlocked country 'Nepal'. In vllage area, climate is perfect as there is no deforstation, and full of natural resores. but in city area, pollution is inreasing day by day because of green house effect. In conversation with my friend, she exclaim that people are deforstating to make furniture ,avoiding renewable resources. So this sould be decreased, people should try to use renewable source of energy, use electric appliances , conserve energy to make good and healthy environment .

  • The skill I would like to focus on is creativity as without it you wouldn't be able to form your own opinion on the news. Yes speaking itself is important, but if you are simply having the same voice as others your view won't stand out. So using creativity to form a new and interesting opinion is vital when understanding and discussing the news. Creativity also helps people form articulate and eloquent answers in regards to the news.
    This skill will help me to make my standpoint as it will help make me an individual opinion and have a standpoint that stands out amongst the rest.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because it helps you think about news while considering the implicit meanings which helps you to understand it in your own way and it helps me to form opinions about the news because I consider the creativity of others. This skill will help me with my Standpoint because since everyone is going to be making standpoints, mine needs to be creative so that it will standout and it will not have the same idea as someone else.

  • The skill i am going to be focusing on is speaking. This skill is important for us becausr speaking allows us to communicate to other about our thoughts and express our feelings. Speaking is a very powerful skill and makes us have the power to be heard. speaking helps us express opinions and help us debate to find our point of view and learn others to build on our speaking. Speaking boosts confidence and helps us be a better listener.

  • One of the topical talk skills that I believe is important is being open minded. When you are open minded, it lets you understand people's perspectives on a topic and allows you to learn from others; even if you disagree with someone, you should still be open minded and hear what they have to say as

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important because speaking is the discussion part where you are more free you don't have to just read the words you wrote you can joke with the audience try to make them humble or make them feel your writing by your speaking pitch for example when you see a breaking-news report and a calamity happened to someone who is familiar or lovely for people so he speaks patiently and using formal language so you know that he is in a tense or sorrowful moment and this is too profitable because you have professional experienced speakers who craft the feelings in the audience.

    This knack will help me to make my Standpoint because you need to add the feelings to the audience to have an excellent defining to your standpoint (just professional experts can do it perfectly) moreover this creates for me an opportunity to seem like an expert or something near this.

  • I think everyone can agree that communication skills are necessary for understanding each other, that is why I am going to focus on the listening skill. The listing skill essential in both personal and professional fields due to its diverse benefits. Primarily, it improves communication by ensuring that messages are received accurately and completely. When people actively listen and take note of what is being said, misunderstandings are minimized, and relationships are strengthened. Additionally, listing encourages active engagement in conversations and meetings.Futhermore, respect and consideration for others' perspectives is being learned. Overall, perfecting the art of listing helps to improved productivity, builds stronger relationships, and increases problem-solving abilities.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem-solving. This skill is important for understanding the news because many current events present complex challenges that require smart solutions. For example, climate change is an ongoing issue that demands creative problem-solving to mitigate its impacts and practice sustainable practices. By looking at different points of view and information, people can figure out possible answers and support good rules. Problem-solving also helps me form opinions about the news because it enables me to carefully analyse suggested solutions and predict their outcomes. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because it helps me understand complex problems from different sides and come up with useful ideas. I use problem-solving methods to create strong, convincing arguments that deal with all the details of the subject.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening . This skill is important for understanding the news because of by listening we wuold understand and it helps me to form opinions about the news because when I listen I learn new things and become able to solve different problems. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because when I listen I would know the instructions given to me on how to make my standpoint correctly without missing anything.

  • Hi wonderful topical talkers!!
    The skill I am going to focus on is the problem solving skills and speaking skills. The problem solving skills are important for understanding the news because it helps me to critically analyse information to solve a problem. It even gives a level of satisfaction because you feel proud that you have been able to bring a solution to a problem. Also, the speaking skills will enable me to speak out my mind and show my ideas which will also even help me to build my confidence
    and these skills helps me to form opinions about the news because the problem solving skills will help me to think deeply before making an opinion and this will make my opinion accurate and the speaking skills will help me to say my opinion easily. For example, in my country, citizens want to always know how the cedi is doing against other foreign country's currency due to trade. These skills can be efficient because the problem solving skills will help the citizen to put things together and try to come up with a solition to tackle the currency depreciation. The speaking skills can help in a case whereby they need to voice out their opinion without feeling shy and this will boost their confidence level.(I chose two skills so I will talk about how they can help me make my Standpoint separately).
    The speaking skills will help me to make my Standpoint because it will help me to speak fluently without stammering to show any type of fear and this will build my confidence.
    The problem solving skills will help me to make my Standpoint because it will help me to delve deeper into detail and find a way to tackle the issue given.
    Thank you.

  • The skill I am going to focus on his listening skills . This skill is important for understanding the news because it allows individuals to consider other people's perspectives and understand their point of view. By doing so, it can find solutions that could improve someone's situation.
    This skill l can help me understand the news because it can readily find a solution to someone's problem by actively listening and understanding their situation.
    The skill will help me to make my standpoint because I have actively listened to most people's comment and understand where they are coming from and some of this comments have changed the way I think and make me become more passionate pick what I am going to write my standpoint on
    Listening skills will help my standpoint because I can now fully understand what people are thinking and the problems other places are going through together with finding solutions to the problem I'm going to talk about.

  • The skill I'm focusing on is listening. Listening is very important for understanding news because, without listening skills, you don't know how to take things in and see how those affect the other skills. Listening helps me understand news better than I already had, which helps me make my own opinions stronger. So, listening will help me make my Standpoint because it helps to guide it in a way.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving skills. This is because developing problem solving skills is important and it allows us to think critically and search for information that can help us understand complex problems together with finding solutions to them.
    By improving our problem solving skills we can break down complex news topics into simpler and more manageable pieces which can assist us comprehending the main idea behind the news and formulating informed opinions. It also helps us to understand others perspective leading so the creation of effective solutions.
    Problems solving skills will help me in making my standpoint because it will inspire me to think of ways that will make a positive impact in others. It will also help me to write understandable terms to make people understand the main concept behind my standpoint. Thank you

  • I think listening is important because then you can hear then you people talk. It is important to listen to hear because then you can watch the news and hear what other people say because then you know what other people and can under stand them and then you would have to know sign language.

  • My skill is listening because if you are a news reporter you need to listen to there side to the story and listening is olso important because we can help them if they are scared and give them advice to keep on going and follow there dreams and then they can help someone else and they can help so it could Cary on and then we can help the environment and the world

  • My skill will be listening because I can hear the news and tell the things what are happening to people and then they will trust me so they will believe me and then by the time I will understand the news so I can tell my own opinions to help the whole environment to make living things to not die so quickly and the world will become a better place and it will not die.

  • The skill I’m working on is creativity because having this skill means my work is more interesting and I can let my imagination go wild and I can I can be more creative with art my writing and make imaginative games .creativity is about creating things like amazing words and your mind can help you construct huge words.And your work can sound better and you can construct more complex things, like a builder has to be creative when they are building a house , and an artist is creative when they are painting and design there picture.

  • My skill is football, helping my parents with chores and laying my parents bed.

    1. Great to hear that you help parents with chores! To enter into the competition make sure you choose one of the Topical Talk skills.

  • My skill is listening because if you don’t listen you will not grow and not be learn. And you need to focus on important things like the news and understand things at school. You can improve your skill if you listen and so you can get a job and become smart, and graduate.also you need to be solving hard things

  • In a recent survey 20% of young people said that anxiety about the climate has infected alot of people.
    Anxiety gives you bad infections that give you panic attacks loss of apatite and you wont be able to sleep.
    45 % of young people are worried about
    rising se levels comepered to 31% of older parents .
    Increasing levels of eco-anxiety the chronic fear of environmetel doom-were likely to
    be underestimating and damaging to many in long tern public health eperts said.
    between 2010 and 2020 people were 15 times more likely to die from extreme wheather
    such as flooding droughts and storms acorrding to IPCCS report.
    reserchers found thatclimate change was likely a factor in a deverstating 2019 australian bushfires destroying
    almost 10thousend homes.

  • Hi, the skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because it can help us to understand the problems and organize our ideas in our head, in order to think the best solution possible; and it helps me to form opinions about the news because you can set out creative ideas. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because I would make an interesting video with creative comments and oppinions.

  • Im going to choose the skill problem solving. I personally think that one of the mayor problems are that some news do not represnt people our age. Mostlyy al of the news are for adulst and things that are important in their lifes such as politics and there are not sufficint news from shcools, for example

  • Good day everyone
    I am not going to focus on any one of these skills because all four of them- speaking, listening, problem solving, creativity- are necessary to understand a news properly and help us make our standpoint better. Four of them are connected and we cannot ignore or consider any of these skills unimportant. Let me explain through an example:
    Suppose you have to share your thoughts on a particular news. First, you need to listen to the news and have good listening skills to understand it. Then, to interpret the news, you are required to have good problem solving skills. After that, if you want to express your views by writing, you must have creativity to frame and improve your content and if you present your view orally, you are required to have good speaking skills.
    So, if you want to make your standpoint better and impactful, you should have all of the four skills.
    Thank you

  • The skill am going to focus on is listening. It is so important for understanding the news because listening is the act of paying full attention in other to gain understanding without saying anything to disrupt the flow of conversation. Listening can also mean paying attention with a full concentration to understand the details of what someone else is saying. This skill helped me in so many ways in the students hub. It allows me to study whatever any student has stated, analyzes it, think twice in other to know what am going to reply the student or whoever ask me a question. I believe is from listening that understanding comes because when you don't listen. There is no way you're going to understand whatever is been said there. it also helps problem solving skills, with the help of listening, I was able to understand some topics in the discussion that I have never heard before like the eco anxiety, women in media, and also the Indian election etc. listening will help me a lot to make my standpoints in the sense that it enables me to go to through all the comments been made or spoken, think wisely, arrange my speech before I agree or disagree with any comment. I also believe that the best way to solve problem does not relies on speaking, sometimes you keep quiet for a while and listen attentively to other people's opinions then you decide on what to do. When you listen attentively, and you speak well you solve problems, when you solve problems you become creative.
    In conclusion, listening still remains the best skill to help you in solving problems because a wise man relax, listen and think twice before speaking.
    I rest my case. Thanks for listening.

  • I think the skill listening is the most important to understand and form opinions of the news. Listening helps us to know different facts, figures and point of views. It is listening that can make a person knowledgeable. Some people say that being a good listener is one of the most important skill. I am going to focus on this skill in my standpoint. I think if I hear the opinion of different people, I will have a bigger picture of what's happening. I will also be able to diversify my knowledge and be more accurate. Also, being a good listener will help me to make my content more creative and better. Hence, I am going to focus on listening.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because it shows different ways to understand things and it helps me to form opinions about the news because it gives me a different perspective on the news. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because it will show me more ways to look at news and give me new ideas.

  • Listening is one of the most important skills. Listening can help you use your other skills because you cannot speak if you do not know and you cannot solve a problem if you do not have any information. Listening lets you gain insight about other ideas and topics to help you solve or respond to something.

  • Good morning, The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because you can observe and listen carefully, and it helps me form opinions about the news because I am able to consume the information and think about it again. This skill will help me to make my standpoint because it can help me see problems from different perspectives. This can help overall because it can help enhance your knowledge.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking skills this skill is important to understanding because it indirectly brightens young people's future and it helps me to form my opinion as it makes us confident improves facial expressions. This skill will help me to make a standpoint because as when we listen we analyse that topic and helps creating our opinions and soon when we get into this habit so we know how to frame the answer like a proper introduction, main topic, conclusion so same took place with me also now I also soon started knowing how to frame long and short answer and it also improves our eyes contact being confident means having an eye contact with the person and smile facial expressions so that's the reason why I chose speaking skills.

    Thank you!!!!

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. Listening is crucial for understanding the news because its more than just hearing words as it requires processing, interpreting, and comprehension of the information shared. Effective listening helps me to discern between facts, opinions, and sometimes the bias that can be present in the news. By prioritizing listening, I delve deeper into the context and intricacies within the stories I hear about. Listening helps me to have a better grasp of the ongoing events.

    A real example of where I realized listening is important is in the coverage of complex issues such as climate change. Different local news stations in my area present the same fact in various ways, emphasizing certain aspects over others. For instance, a few news tellers focus on climate policies, one broadcaster focuses on the economic impacts, while some others highlight environmental consequences. By listening carefully to this variety of sources I understand the multifaceted nature of the issue, while keeping in mind the different points of view and also makes me capable of expressing my opinion on these issues respectfully with a non-prejudiced approach.

    This skill will help me to make my standpoint as it ensures that I develop a comprehensive and balanced understanding of the issues at hand. Listening enables me to identify key arguments, evidence, and point of views that I may not have considered otherwise. It equips me with the ability to engage in meaningful conversations, challenge my preconceptions, and construct a standpoint that is not only well-informed but also empathetic to the different dimensions of the news stories.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving. This skill is important for understanding the news because there may be an issue for example, a problem in the environment. Someone who can solve problems may be able to think of a solution to the issue. This helps me form opinions about the news because problem solving can help me think about solutions to things I see on the news. Problem solving skills can help me create opinions over certain topics too. This skill will help me make my Standpoint because I am still trying to make this skill stronger. It can really help me out in the real world when I get a job. We problem solve everyday so it is good to have this wonderful skill.

  • The skill I am going to be focused on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because you may have to communicate what is being said to others and it helps me form opinions about the news because I can easily express any thoughts or feelings about what I interpreted. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because I could become more open with my opinions about the change happening in our environment, also I could make inferences of different opinions many will have while viewing the news.

  • The skill I would like to focus on is creativity. Having creativity allows different and more complex viewpoints about the news. Speaking, listening, and problem-solving are also very important skills because all of which help one understand and speak out about the news. Creativity helps people understand the news in different ways. Personally, I value different and creative responses to news because it can show people a different perspective that they may not have thought about before.

  • The skill I'm going to be focusing on is creativity. I am picking the skill because I feel adults and children in today's time heavily lack this skill. The skill will help me with my standpoint because it will help me create new and original ideas that can set my standpoint apart from others. A unique and original standpoint can lead me to getting a better score on my standpoint as well.

  • The skill I’m going to be focusing on listening you have to listen because if you don’t listen for example if you were in school and a teacher was telling you news and you didn’t hear it or even if they said it was an activity and you still didn’t hear you won’t be able to do it .My friend that sits next to me told me to never cry because crying is a weakness that can defeat you I listened and I aimed for not crying and that was a good call I needed.

  • The skill I'm going to focus on is active listening. This skill is very important for understanding news because ."we tend to think of listening as a passive activity, but in fact, it's something we have to work at." There are other ways you can show that you are actively listening, such as by giving the person speaking your full attention and not interrupting. You can also show you are listening by giving the person small verbal and non-verbal signs to show you are following what they're saying. For example, you can nod and say things like 'yes' and "hmm". And, as we've just seen, it means engaging with what the other person is saying. So, active listening really describes a whole set of behaviours and a way of communicating that says, "I am interested in what you're saying and I am making an effort not just to hear the words, but to understand the total meaning of what you're trying to tell me." At the same time, what's often missed out is that listening is also a way of gathering information for yourself and, maybe, learning something. "Listening to news on the radio or on the television. We might be sitting in our own homes, but by listening to what's happening in the local community, the city, or the world, we can be part of a much wider set of experiences and events." So, despite the apparent passivity, the experience of listening involves both parties—the person who is talking and the person who is listening. In other words, we are listening not just to the words but also to the feeling, mood, and what is behind what is being said—to the whole "communication. This can help me in my standpoint by connecting with news about the topic I choose before posting my say on it.

  • The skill I'd say is important for understanding and forming opinions about a topic is creativity. Sometimes in the lessons you'd have to see something from a different perspective. You'd have to be creative to see how a paralympian might react to the Enhanced Games. You also have to be creative when commenting in order to get stars during the festival.

  • In my opinion, listening is best. I said this because when you take your time and listen to something you are being told, you get to understand it better and if not, you will be able to pose relative questions to better understand the topic. In the end, after listening carefully, you can easily explain it without difficulty and answer questions posed to you without false information. From this you can come up with ideas to improve the situation of the topic you carefully listened to. This skill is important for understanding the news because of what I stated above, and it helps form theories and opinions about the news because after listening to the news, your mind starts bringing all kinds of thought about the topic of news you just heard, so in the end you will be like " So this is bad" or you would ask questions such as "What if ___ didn't exist, how would that affect the world?". These opinions and questions can derive discussions to listen to everyone's opinion and questions which allows the sharing of information someone wouldn't have known.

    This skill would help me to make my standpoint because I would be listening to different opinions about the topic that can help me set my opinion to explain in my standpoint and hopefully others would be able to listen to also form their standpoints. When I go over the different opinions, I can pick the one I agree with most or share my own opinion that is different from the opinions of other topical talkers. Me being able to listen to opinions and information about the topic would help me understand it better to form a good standpoint because if you want to do something you need to understand it properly, so you don't divert from the topic or share an opinion that (excuse me to say) don't make sense.

  • The skill that I want to focus on is problem-solving. This skill is crucial for understanding the news because it enables me to reason about various topics and helps me to form opinions. With this skill, I can analyze the events reported in the news and express my thoughts about them. Problem-solving will help me to create my Standpoint by making it easier for me to comprehend different opinions and provide valid explanations to solve problems

  • Hello Topical Talkers!!!,
    The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because it helps you effectively state your ideas with impeccable evidence and it helps me to form opinions about the news because of the confidence build up as my ideas are expressed and also the reflection that I obtain from my peers during that period of "speaking" . This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because it helps me organise the information into digestible amounts for diverse audience which would mean that my point would go to numerous people. Speaking regularly helps in refining language skills such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. It enables individuals to articulate their thoughts effectively, leading to better communication and comprehension skills. peaking is fundamental to human interaction. Engaging in conversations fosters social bonds, empathy, and understanding. It allows individuals to express emotions, share experiences, and connect with others on a deeper level, contributing to overall well-being. Speaking facilitates cultural exchange and understanding by bridging linguistic and cultural barriers. Through conversations with individuals from diverse backgrounds, individuals gain insights into different perspectives, traditions, and worldviews, fostering mutual respect and appreciation. Speaking also encompasses the idea of problem -solving as by cleverly amalgamating your thoughts to the people you can resolve the thickest of the problems. I feel speaking is poignant as it helps us interact and I cannot live without speaking in a day.

  • The skill I am focusing on is problem solving. I believe that this is important for understanding and sharing your opinion in news as the news is never going to give you the whole story. You need to be the one to be able to understand the bigger picture. If the news is going to tell you everything, then that doesn't leave you with the curiosity to actually be interested in it. Also problem solving can help you structure stories, it can help you involve people with your news opinion. You can base it on their curiosity. I believe that this can help me make me make my standpoint as problem solving can prove to be the core of knowledge. To truly want to know something you must have the curiosity to solve the problem of its complexity.

  • Mine would be listening, because although sharing your own opinion is very important, listening to others and taking tips from them is a big part in forming your own. Also, being able to understand and build on others thoughts is very helpful when taking on every day life, and team games. If you were to start reading something, but decide it doesn’t match your own, that doesn’t mean that it can’t be useful or it can even change your own opinion! You need to be able to involve people, not just always say your opinion is right, because listening can up-level your own point you’re trying to make.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This is important because it allows me express my opinions and thoughts. As a Topical Talker, speaking my opinions and ideas can help improve my communication and analytical skills. Being able to speak my opinions and ideas on this Festival has helped improve my studies, speaking allows others to agree and disagree with idea helping me to learn more form other Topical Talkers. An example is women in media , women are able to speak their feelings and opinions, and that is how so many women around the world are able to many change against gender equality and unfairness to women. I think this skill will help me in my Standpoint because speaking you ideas and thoughts can be make a difference and help tap in your potential and help me improve in my language skill.

    1. I agree with you because being able to speak is one of the greatest aspects of life because, with your opinions and speeches, you will be able to impact the world positively and make a great change in the world. This will also improve your creativity rate because you will be more exposed to imaginative spirits and dare to speak out loud for the whole world to hear you and be influenced by the words that you speak.
      Thank you and have a great day !!!

  • Hi topical talkers,
    The skill I am focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because it enables good communication and comprehension of complex information. It helps me form
    opinions about the news by allowing me to articulate my thoughts clearly and engage in meaningful discussions. This skill contributes to making my standpoint more understandable because it enhances my ability to express and defend my perspectives good.
    Thank you!

  • Hi, I feel that listening is arguably the most important skill for understanding news.
    Let me explain why :
    Actively listening allows you to absorb information from various sources, such as news broadcasts, interviews, podcasts, and discussions. In this very process, one can also grasp different shades, contexts, and different perspectives. I have also observed that once I listen carefully to news or valid information I identify key points, evaluate truth, and pick out masked messages. Continuous listening enhances reading skills and your overall understanding of news events. Listening helps me to form opinions about the news because it prompts me to fact-check and verify information. It also helps me to identify bias in news reporting. By this, i can recognize when a news presenter or interviewee emphasizes a particular viewpoint. Clemency also has a way of influencing our opinions, as we consider the human impact of news stories.

  • The skill I am going to be focusing on is speaking. However I want to put forward that listening is just as important. These skills are important for understanding the news because we can listen to issues and other peoples opinions. Speaking is also important because we can communicate our point of views.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because you can't do any other skills before you have listened to what has happened and it helps me to form opinions about the news. This skill will help me to make my standpoint because you can't speak without knowing what to say about the topic, and you can't problem solve without knowing the problem.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving. This is important for understanding the news because there are so many problems and they need to be solved and it helps me to form opinions about the news because the world is in dire need of service all over the place. This skill will help me to change that.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because to actually understand something(the news) you need to first take it in an then talk about it with someone it also helps me form opinions about the news because if I discuss it with someone it can help to bring up different opinions. This skill will help me to make my standpoint because i could discuss it with other people and it could help me see the different sides of the discussion.

  • The skill I am focusing on is "problem solving" as, if there is a puzzle or mystery that needs solving,{ E.G: a murder}, the detective would not know where to start. Nobody in general would know what to do and how to catch the murderer and arrest him.

  • My skill this week is "creativity" as, this will help to broaden my opinions and to help understand a range of views from many different people. For example how Paul Pogba has been taking drugs to improve his footballing performances and how he has been banned for several years and even though it shouldn't happen it has and should people be helped out of the situation even though it is against the law.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because then you can tell others what you think is right and it helps me to form opinions about the news. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because you might be able to understand and you might have a new idea that could change the world for the better but no one will know because you haven't spoken up.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving. This skill is important for understanding the news because the sometimes news stories are quite hard to process or understand. For example things about AI. younger children may not understand the development in AI. Problem solving helps us to ask questions and consider what the news is try to tell us. It also gives people opinions on the topics so they can make up their own minds and feel like they have a say.

  • I am going to focus on problem-solving as a skill which is crucial for understanding the news. Instead of getting stuck on the problem, problem-solving helps us to focus on finding a solution. This will help me develop informed opinions about the news by considering all perspectives and finding the one that I agree with the most. The problem-solving skill is important for me to communicate my Standpoint effectively, as it enables me to express my opinions clearly and concisely while taking all viewpoints into account.

  • Honestly I think all the skills are equally important for creating innovative and skillful presentation. Words are very powerful it doesn't matter which format are you using to express your feeling whether you are writing your speaking . But you have to be careful about the words you use because this can have huge consequences in the future, words can develop someone or they can destroy someone. But I think the skill of listening is often underestimated . But I believe that it is one of the most crucial and important skill to develop for able to make yourself better a good listener could also be a good speaker a good problem solver and a creative thinker because you are not only using your own mind set or or opinions to conclude a answer but you are willing to take help from other and understand the problem deeply. You know for able to conclude a answer specially problems For this huge problem in society we need to hear everybody's opinion For able to understand the depth of the situation.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This is because all skills depend on how well you can express them or use them, and that is rooted in creativity. For example, when expressing a point or making a statement, you are using you speaking skills. However, when you are attempting to persuade the listener of your point you need to be creative in terms of how you start the conversation/ argument and how you conclude it. Another is example is when are listening to another person arguing a point. In this situation, you are using your listening skills, but how you take in the information is all about how creatively you are thinking; thinking in a standard typical way will prevent you from truly understanding the argument and considering it in a creative manner. This means that my creativity affects my other skills and how I generate my opinions surrounding world problems. Overall, I think this skill will help me the most in making my standpoint because it enhances all my other skills and allows me to successfully think outside the box when problem solving.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is crucial for understanding the news because it allows us to hear the tones, and emotions of the delivery of the information. By actively listening to news, interviews, and podcasts we can better understand the text and the different perspectives being presented. Furthermore listening also helps us to pay attention to details, complex stories, and different perspectives. This skill will help me make my standpoint because it will help me better understand things, help to build more knowledge, and make collaboration easier.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because when I need to write a specific news article or topic, I have to read it carefully, understand it well, and delve into the details to organize my thoughts for writing. Analyzing the information helps me to write effectively. That's why I find writing very important for understanding the news. and it helps me to form opinions about the news beacause, this skill helps me organize my thoughts and gather the necessary information for writing. It requires thorough research and gathering numerous examples to support my viewpoint. This allows me to express what's in my mind more accurately and vividly, unleashing my imagination to explain multiple examples that illustrate my perspective more clearly and comprehensively and all of the previous will allow me to make my standpoint clearly.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because during this global talk, I have learnt a lot from many people and it has really helped me in my creative side.
    By listening to others I have found myself solving problems by thinking deeply, it helped me have better communication with others and allows me to express my thoughts and ideas in a way fully I could never have. And by listening to others we broaden our perspective and increase our thinking scope let’s not forget about the way it helps improve communication because by listening to others you not only receive information you learn how to interact with others, understand them better and even increase your level of empathy and it helps me to form opinions about the news because as I listen I gain understanding of the topic given me to knowledge on whether it is good or wrong. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because I can include what I have learnt from others through listening and judging it, it will also help me retrieve facts from other Topical talkers which have made me think differently about a topic.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding the news because when people listen, they understand the message(without misinterpreting it). Listening reduces confusion and increases understanding. Listening also avoids wrong assumptions. Misinterpretations are caused by assumptions. Listening helps us to avoid making hasty and wrong judgments. By listening attentively, the risk of misinterpreting someone’s intentions is reduced. Listening helps me to form opinions about the news because it allows me to hear(or in this situation read) various views and interpret them properly. It helps me understand the way others see things without jumping into conclusions. Honestly listening is important in all the skills. You cannot properly solve problems without understanding and you cannot understand without listening. You can also not speak properly if you are out of context which is where listening comes in. It is also impossible to be creative about something you do not understand therefore, listening is also needed. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because by reading and understanding other comments, I can gain insights from different angles, helping me to form well-grounded standpoints.

  • All of the Topical Talk skills are important in different and unique ways, each one having their own uses, and are frequently used together. The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. Being creative is an essential skill when it comes to comprehending and forming opinions about what's going on in the news. Being creative helps one form ingenious ideas for various things in the news, such as problems or inventions, and helps them understand things from various distinctive viewpoints. For example, on Fox 5 News of Atlanta, residents in the area were trapped by fallen trees, and streets were heavily flooded. To prevent these disasters from happening again, one might think of inventive methods to keep rain from overflowing on roads and to improve sewer systems without damaging the ecosystem through creative and innovative approaches. The ability to be imaginative and experimental will help me make my Standpoint because it helps me envision alternative solutions that are beyond what's obvious and construct original concepts, creations, or opinions about a topic, like this one.
    Thank you for listening!

  • Competition #7
    The skill I am going to focus on is speaking because this skill is important for understanding the news you can speak defend yourself and to be bold and try to intaract with people and to be corageous and you will try to get your own opinion for what you want to do and also it helps me to form opinions about the news because like the journalist if the don't know how to speak the can't achieve the information they want to relay and broadcast.This skill will help me to make my standpoint because if I speak much I can get what I want to say and say it better

  • I think the skills listening and creativity will help me in my day to today life because firstly creativity is an important skill in life i use creativity in every thing i do but on the other hand listening is very important to me because when I listen I understand better to me listening is very important, and it is not very easy to master and i think everyone should master it. To me these skills help me build up important things and i can use them every day so that's why i choose these skills.🏅🥇🥈🥉🏆.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This skill is important for understanding news because when people have good listening skills, they can get detailed information and when I tell it to others I don’t give wrong information to others. Listening helps me to form opinions about the news because when I listen attentively, I understand information better and put it in my own words thereby explaining the news in a simpler way to others. This skill can help me to make my standpoints because when I pay detailed attention to the topics and listen to instructions very well and I can make good comments. Listening is very important to me.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving. This skill is important for understanding the news because it will help people raise awareness and engage in conversation, this ability is crucial for comprehending the news since it identifies societal problems and suggests potential solutions through research and analysis. When they are completed correctly, they can assist me in forming thoughts regarding the news and keep me fully engaged in society. It is also important that each of us must be able to give a solution to the issues reported. My ability to think critically, form well-rounded opinions, and develop solutions and problem-solving strategies for society will aid me in formulating my standpoint.

  • I go with the option of creativity. I choose this because creativity is an awesome thing and it is the bedrock on which the other skills are built, it helps in problem solving, listening and speaking skills as it helps you to effectively communicate your ideas and most of the time if you hear creativity it can mean AI, Art, or the composition we write everyday during our Topical Talk Festival, I can say that if none of us were creative we would not be here writing or typing this composition that gives us stars. Creativity will help me make my standpoint as it will help me present my views creatively and engagingly so I can connect with others.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is the speaking skills. This skill is super important to me because when I hear the news, it will be there inside me, if I don't express it, it will remain inside me and I will come into the hub and would not know or have anything to say. This skill will help me to bring out opinion to the news because if I am not able to express myself, I will definitely not know what to say but before I will say something, I would have taken my time to analyse it inside me and talk to myself about my opinion and then put it in writing. If am not able to say it in my mind, I will not be able to write it.
    This skill will also help me to make my standpoint because my teacher always say to me that if I want to make a speech, even though I don't know what am saying, I should present it with good intonation and speaking skills. Now, this standpoint is like a speech and the only thing that can help me is my speaking skills. After judging it and it makes sense, it will be recorded even though I make wrong speech.

    1. Actually, that yes speaking skills is important but don't you think that the most important is critical thinking from my own perspective of knowledge, why because it is when you think first before you can speak on any topic.

      So in conclusion I will go with critical thinking. Thanks.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because for example drawing an image or cartoon requires a great deal of creativity, and when people grasp what is being presented, they can place themselves in the situation. This brings out the best qualities in people. It also aids in the formation of opinions about the news, as various ideas and thoughts are used to inform and alert us to various events occurring on Earth and occasionally in space.
    This skill will help my standpoint because the topics we have been studying over the last few weeks in the Topical Talk Festival have been interesting and imaginative. Recall that news is an important tool that can be utilised for many purposes, one of which is to tell us of news that we might not be aware of at this time.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving. I think the problem solving skill is important for understanding the news because it would help solve the unknown questions you have asked yourself when you were watching the news. Problem solving not only helps you understand the news but it develops your brain and makes you think out of the box. Using problem solving skills while watching the news also helps you have improved thoughts and open up to new ideas. This helps with your education, your confidence to stand out on your own opinions and makes your ability to think higher than it used to. This skill will help me make my standpoint because I can investigate issues, weigh the benefits and drawbacks of a topic, and then come up with technical solutions, thereby making my opinion solid.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. It is important for understanding the news because it helps us to think out of the box and form a different perspective, a different opinion about the news from the rest of the world. Social media is one of the most controversial topics till date. This controversy is only possible because people are creative enough to form different opinions about the topic themselves. It enables us to analyze, question and evaluate the news Creativity is a skill without which problem-solving is impossible. When a person is creative, then only he/she can look at both points of view to solve a conflict. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because it will make my work original and different from others.

  • I believe that speaking and listening is important for understanding the news because if you can properly decipher the given information you receive, it will allow you to explain it to other people so they understand. The skill of listening and speaking tie closely together in many different applications, which can support my learning in other aspects of life. For example, if you can properly understand news in media, you are better able to make a standpoint voicing your topic on it, which is very important to be able to do. My chosen skills will support me in making a standpoint because they let me break down words into simpler meanings, and enhance my vocabulary to make standpoints easier.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. I think that creativity is one of the best qualities. Without creativity a person can never create anything new. Because creativity is required to create something new. Without creativity you cannot understand any news. If there is no creativity in a person then he can use skills like speaking, listening, problem solving for any purpose. Because then he will not be able to create something on his own merits. Creativity is most needed when I create a standpoint. I will write the comment through my creativity. So I think creativity is the most important.

  • I will concentrate on developing critical thinking skills. This ability enables us to examine and assess the information that is provided to us rather than taking it at face value, which is crucial for comprehending the news. By encouraging us to take into account various viewpoints, recognize biases, and evaluate the available evidence, it aids in the formation of opinions about the news. FThis ability will support me in developing my standpoint because it will guarantee that my viewpoint is well-founded, supported by a careful examination of the relevant data, and takes into account different points of view. My ability to form a thoughtful and informed Standpoint that adds to a deeper and more nuanced discussion of the topic is enhanced when I apply critical thinking to the news in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.

  • The skill I will be focusing on will be listening. This skill is very useful and critical to understanding the news because of the important events that the news may explain and inform us about. And if we don't listen or miss something critical going on, then we may not be informed about what is going on and it could be a very alarming event going on. And listening helps me to better gain an opinion about the news because of some events that go on and we can relate to these situations or even helps us to express ourselves more efficiently. Like for example, the Texas Wildfires. These horrific flames they are currently dealing with are the worst fires in Texas history. Lots of debris burning and so many families have lost their homes and even worse, their own family members due to these wildfires. This is why listening is so dominant and crucial for us to listen to what is happening in US history, and even World History. This skill will help me with my standpoint, because listening is a very critique skill and so this will help me to be able to form an opinion and help to record my video.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is creativity.To me I think that this standpoint is mainly about creativity if you can be so creative you can create something well and this can make you get an infinite number of stars.i understand that the other skills are very useful but this one is the one which has helped me since I started global conversation.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because I can then ask questions and engage with the news and it'll help me form opinions about the news because I will not have any confusion relating to it and make false judgements due to that. This skill will help me make my standpoint because I will be able to fully make a coherent opinion and will, hopefully, allow others to see my viewpoint on certain news.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. The skill is important for understanding the news because it is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the news process, listening is the key to all the effective skills which can help in building trust of the people, reduces misunderstandings, eradicating conflicts, and encourages empathy, it also effectively contributes fewer errors which help in building careers, and it also helps me to form opinions about the news because we know that different news are spread in the media, some maybe accurately correct but some may not, but as we pursue a good listening skill we come across various accidents heard which strengthens our experience which may help us in differentiating between the news and help me choose my opinions and keep my decisions in front of everyone. It can also help us in various areas, which may help in broadening of our own view on areas of distinct topics that influence around the world. Everyday begins with several incidents across the globe, which are mentioned in the BOLD LETTERS of the newspaper, through which its our choice in which perspective we take it and our creativity how we keep it in front of the people, through listening various sources, information, clue regarding the same news can make it clear and enhance our way of expressing it towards the people. Because people have the habit to exaggerate the news they hear, so the point is that even the news is exaggerated it should remain a truth! As it is rightly said ,"Good Listeners are Good speakers" and "Every Conversation starts with a Good listener". This astounding skill will help me to make my Standpoint because the skill that I have chosen is - Listening, as Listening is the base of everything and encompassed each skill whether it maybe problem-solving, speaking or creativity. It is said that what matter we listen we speak and express it in our thoughts it is only the way through which we get our content and points to speak, problem-solving is another part as by listening the problem carefully and meticulously helps our ideas to bloom in our mind with deep thoughts and at the last we take 'Creativity' which is also inculcated by listening other's experience and views on a particular topic through which we get a new design to complete the same experience in a different way. One thing was common in all these skills which was - 'Listening - It is the first block of every skill and encompasses everything precisely. '

  • The skill I will focus on is listening. Listening is such an important ability for standpoints because you learn so much from it. Using the ability to listen will allow me to learn more. Learning more means I gain knowledge I can use for my standpoints. Listening is not only good for achieving knowledge, but you can also listen to criticism to improve your writing also. The more you listen to the news the more you learn about it. Listening allows you think about something, and the more you think about something the more opinions you will generate. All in all, listening is key for writing standpoints and understanding the news.

  • The skill I am going to focus is listening and problem solving. These skills are important for understanding the news because I can gather information from different source by listening and also the problem-solving skill helps me to think out of the box. It helps me to think about the news in a different way and also help me to come up with different realistic and innovative solutions. It is true that listening can influence people in a great way. One of the biggest examples is the historic speech of 7th March of Bangabandhu. By listening the 18 minutes speech, the whole Bengali nation was inspired by patriotism and was ready to sacrifice. This shows the power of the listening skills. And obviously, the problem-solving skills will help you to cope up with any situations. This skill will help you for better understatement of any news.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is problem solving, This skill is important for understanding the news because if you are able to solve serious issues that are out there not only do you become prestiged but you are start to gain some knowledge on the topic and you can teach others about things and help them to achieve goals and on top of that if any obstacle comes your way from the news you can easily come over it and it helps me to form opinions about the news because I can come up with ways to solve whatever is going on thats wrong and this will help me make my standpoint because with problem solving I can make solutions to whatever topic is being shown and put it out there for people to reply and give me feedback on their ideas aswell

  • “The skill I am going to focus on is creativity. This skill is important for understanding the news because being creative helps you delve deeper into information and make good assumptions for unstated discussions, and it helps me to form opinions about the news because I would go around the news like a detective finding clues and then I will combine all my clues to create something believable. e.g. There is a murder history where the murderer has not been figured out, but they give details like which people were there when the tragic event occurred, and I could put them together to make something sensible and believable. This skill will help me to make my Standpoint because It will give me the ability to create something topical talkers would love to comment on. This skill could help topical talkers easily get 5 stars by suggesting a discussion.

  • My chosen topical talk skill is creativity and you may wonder how being creative helps you to understand and form opinions about the news. Creativity is the key to understanding and forming opinion about the news because creativity leads to open-mindedness, creativity is all about freedom and original ideas which is a building block to finding new and old information that is coming from a different standing than your own. This enables the ability to accept different thoughts and views to learn instead of judging. Creativity helps me create opinions and understanding about the news because it helps me to discover challenging ideas and form new ones with all perspectives. Creativity will increase my chances of receiving a Standpoint simply because it will encourage me to be more inclusive and accepting of challenging ideas during this Topical Talk and future ventures in my lifetime.

  • I have felt that listening is the most important skill for understanding the news. So, I am going to focus on listening because I believe that listening enables people to capture the tone, emphasis and subtle nuance in the information being conveyed which can lead to more comprehensive understanding. Firstly, Engaging with news, boardcast or podcast through listening can provide valuable insights from experts, interviews and discussion that can enrich your understanding of complex issues. Secondly, listening news rather than just reading them can make that content more memorable and engaging, aiding in retention and deeper comperhension.

    Thank you!!

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening. This is important for understanding the news because listening is an efficient skill that will help you overcome obstacles in life, you need to listen to get information and understand. You need to also note that everything begins with listening, to learn a language you need to listen. According to Robert Baden Powell he says “If you make listening and observation your occupation, you will gain much more than you can by talk. This is why I believe listening produces more results than any other skill. Every other skill begins with listening, you can't problem solve if you don’t listen, and you can not also speak effectively if you don't listen and comprehend what you are required to work on.
    This skill will help improve my standpoint because I will listen to other’s opinions, comprehend the information and then make up my own opinion before delivering my point.

  • I think listening would be a good choice because I can easily use all the knowledge shared by my fellow talkers to develop my point many strategies like this are used in different areas of life like construction, war planning etc., in my case this would be my standpoint it would allow me to see from different perspectives and from there choose the one based on the most facts and makes the most sense so generally I feel if I use my listening skill I can give someone else's opinion proper representation in my standpoint.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is listening skill .This skill is important for understanding the news because listening is a very great asset that everyone should have and also, when you listen, you gain more. It helps me to form opinions about the news because whenever I listen to other people speak , I articulate all my thoughts from the
    different perspective from them and put them together to form my own opinion. I also chose listening because you need to listen first before you can speak or even talk about problem solving .The skill will help me to make my stand points because as I listen I add to my knowledge and when I hear other peoples opinion, my understanding would go to a higher level.

  • I choose problem solving because it is a very important skill to us as humans.I say so because many other skills can not work without this skill. I have heard many other people say people that work with this skill mostly fail at the end. As for me I am going to focus on problem solving so I can understand things easier. In my classroom if my classmate and I are being asked a question most especially in subjects like mathematics, we do a lot of problem solving in class. This is why i think problem solving will help my standpoint. In todays world this is a critical skill, as it will help reduce a lot of the challenges we go through. Problem solving will also help to reduce if not stop the conflicts around the world because i believe conflicts thrives on disagreement so if this particular disagreement problem can be solved, the world will be a safer and better place.

  • The skill I am going to focus on is speaking. This skill is important for understanding the news because for example if newscasters do not speak about the news we will not know what is happening and a lot of people who are auditory learners might not get the news, so I believe this skill is also very important to them. This skill is not only important to me but to everyone, as it helps express our ideas and people can tell when someone is right or wrong when we speak. In speaking you can express how confident you are. This skill will help my standpoint as I hope to make an audio presentation of my opinions.

  • Hello
    The skill that I will be closing is problem solving because mostly in this competition it mostly contains problems and wants you to solve them and when you solve these problems you may link them all and get to one answer and that will help in the standpoint