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Comments by gutsy_penguin

Comment Post Date
My stance is that point C is the best choice in my personal opinion, but choice D should be... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 08/3/24
The skill I will be focusing on will be listening. This skill is very useful and critical to... Competition #7 winners 07/3/24
Well glorious truth, I absolutely agree with this statement that you have. The Enhanced Games... Unfair advantage? 07/3/24
There are many reasons why people are not changing when it comes down to climate change and also... Why don’t people change? 04/2/24
Well, if I had an AI robot I would let it do all my jobs and all my work. Now, I would not let... AI companion 02/2/24
I think that AI will do more bad than good to the planet. The reason why I say this is because... AI and the planet 01/2/24
In my opinion, I agree with point A. The reason why I agree with point A is because even though... AI accident: who is responsible? 01/2/24
I agree with this because AI will be able to do things humans cannot. For example, AI will be... AI and the planet 31/1/24