marvellous_lemon has not published standpoints yet.

Comments by marvellous_lemon

Comment Post Date
I think it is important for me to talk about the news because it helps me with Topical talk and... #13 You and the news 29/11/21
I think c could represent the news as planes affect climate change and climate change is always... #10 Pick a picture 09/11/21
I have chosen the word ‘Journalist’. The poem is here: J: Jack of all trades, master of... #8 The News 27/10/21
(1) To stand up for the envioment I think stand up for the enviroment is the most important... #20 Ranking reasons 03/2/21
Your vote could change which candidade is chosen to rule over your city,town or country! Vote... #5- Three Sentence Speech 02/10/20
When the pubic vote they have the power to vote for who they want but not the power to get who... #3 - Power to the people 21/9/20