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Comments by helpful_tradition

Comment Post Date
listen: If the world adheres to the correct actions to combat the Corona virus, it will... #36 - Head to headlines 22/5/20
this is scary. But it is interesting to explore it. #36 - Head to headlines 22/5/20
wow!! we wish her to continue her way #36 - Head to headlines 22/5/20
Another question: How does extreme weather negatively and positively affect water bodies? Is it... #33 - Ask the author! 28/4/20
A question for Anita: When have people first lived extreme weather? Which area on the earth... #33 - Ask the author! 27/4/20
My question for Anita Ganeri: for sure The teenagers can help To solve problems. so my question... #33 - Ask the author! 27/4/20
Maybe she loves these things ,so if the person liked something and he started to think deeply... #33 - Ask the author! 27/4/20