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Comments by thankful_olive

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I agree because i think that an environment can lead to either a rise or a downfall of a... Businesses v the environment 18/3/24
Thank you polite pomegranate for this lovely comment. I like how you said a child might not be... WOMEN: A Pillar Of Our World 17/3/24
I vehemently agree with you. Standing on the point that this has been a problem dating back to... Unfair advantage? 07/3/24
This is good I agree. But let's agree to disagree. In the sense that the more factories and... Profits or the planet? 07/3/24
Yes, I vehemently agree with you, in my Country today there are a lot of failures attached to it... “What do young people want from their elective leaders?” 07/3/24
I wholeheartedly agree to what you've said. Such an interesting point made here because if you... What are the benefits of immigration? 28/2/24
Yes I vehemently agree with you. Based on the fact that, it is true that industries throw their... AI and the planet 28/2/24
I see eye to eye with you on this subject owing to the fact that the stability of a Country... How might the news affect businesses? 20/2/24
I vehemently agree with you in the sense that, when there is an AI accident, do not look at the... AI accident: who is responsible? 20/2/24
I agree to disagree in the sense that, yes AI bots are programmed to do some operations which... Will AI transform the emerging world? 19/2/24
Hello everyone. Alright what really stupefies me the most is about education. Why will girls... Gender inequality: have your say! 19/2/24
Yes I accede to what you are saying for the reason that what ever we do affects our... Businesses v the environment 18/2/24
Hi, I also disagree amicably. In the sense that, yes AI helps us a lot and its very reliable... AI and the future of education 18/2/24
Exactly! Because the more people in a country or certain place with the limited amount of... Fair or unfair? 14/2/24
I tally with you because, although there is beauty in umber but too much hands will make a... What do you know about immigration policies? 14/2/24
Alright! Good question made here. If you look at it with a lame mans understanding, the face... The “face” of a business 14/2/24
Hello unbiased planet, that's a good question. Now you see as we are all human, we are also... What’s the purpose of prisons? 09/2/24
I accede to your comment here forceful lemon and really a lot has been said about this. So ill... Will schools exist in future? 09/2/24
I sincerely agree to this point made here in the sense that, it is not upright or principled to... The “face” of a business 06/2/24
I outcome 10/12 and this quiz has helped me a lot and has given me more information about other... The business and politics quiz 06/2/24