Comments by quiet_horse

Comment Post Date
The climate is changing, why aren’t we? Weekly Competition #35 03/6/19
Make earhth great again Weekly Competition #35 03/6/19
Global warming is a global warning Weekly Competition #35 03/6/19
Make a change for climate change Weekly Competition #35 03/6/19
Be the solution, Not the pollution Weekly Competition #35 31/5/19
Last year, I signed up I be school council. But to be school council, you had to write a speech.... Weekly Competition #34 30/5/19
I finished all my work at school one day and handed it to my teacher to mark. She said that I... Weekly Competition #34 29/5/19
One day, my friend told me that A man from Waterbury in Connecticut faces divorce after his wife... Weekly Competition #34 29/5/19
At school, we did a debate and I was being open minded by using counter arguments. I was also... Weekly Competition #34 28/5/19
Last month(April 23) me and my dad and my sisters went Westfield. We got hungry so went to go... Weekly Competition #34 28/5/19
Donald Trump, creating border between Mexico banning thousands of immigrants from coming in! Weekly Competition #33 20/5/19
The world would not be better without borders because without borders what is the meaning of... Weekly Competition #32 16/5/19
There was once a girl (wishing to remain anonymous) that was 17 year old in Istanbul, her life... Weekly Competition #31 09/5/19
Trump stopping Americans from going to the other side of his wall Weekly Competition #29 23/4/19
I have responded to Graham Smith! Easter Holiday Competition 10/4/19
Direct Democracy is simply the concept of a democracy in which voters are able to directly... Weekly Competition #28 01/4/19
Not that long ago, Comic Relief Red Nose Day was held at our school and worldwide. In school,... Weekly Competition #27 25/3/19
Not that long ago, I used to love using coloured pens to draw on my hand or my nails or... Weekly Competition #24 04/3/19
One day, at my old school, i found out that one of my friends were being bullied. She made me... Weekly Competition #24 04/3/19