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Comments by precious_desert

Comment Post Date
I think scepticism because a Journalist should all ways find out the truth about something... #35 - Skills for success 13/5/20
The cracks in nature I give this title because there are lots of cracks and some are... #32 - Give it a title! 20/4/20
What the NHS could improve on is to create an app on an iPad and when you face it at someone it... #27 - Ideas for Improvement 20/3/20
The hardest thing to get my head around is why there are different political parties and why we... #23 - I Can't Make My Mind Up - Winners Announced! 17/2/20
I used to think that all this political stuff and Boris Johnson was boring and just nothing i... #22 - I used to think... Now I think... 13/2/20
I personally think that they should not have more respect because, there already politicians and... #21 - Poll - Do politicians deserve more respect? 07/2/20
One change I would make for politicians is that they should study and think more about there... #20 - What One Change....? 24/1/20
How do you have the guts to interview politicians and the prime minister, How are you so brave. #18 - Question the Questioner - Winners Announced! 13/1/20
Something that I think will happen is someone will find a habitual home. Something that I think... #15 - Will, Might, Won't! 20/12/19