Comments by positive_potato

Comment Post Date
It is hard being me ,I have many different traits but unfortunately forgiveness isn't one of... Weekly Competition #17 15/1/19
Several police officers huddle around a stabbed corpse in the streets of london. Weekly Competition #16 08/1/19
Money matters because it symbolises currency and gives value to something so we know what it is worth. Weekly Competition #13 07/12/18
I am sceptical about headline A, because why would the banks give £1,000 to every non working... Weekly Competition #12 27/11/18
I would invest £25,000 on a house and put the rest in a NHS medical fund to help the sick Weekly Competition #10 13/11/18
I think that we could trade Items that we agree should be the same value e.g. camera could be as... Weekly Competition #9 06/11/18
Ithink doing something without making a fuss about it is better than saying you will do... Weekly Competition #6 16/10/18