Comments by fair_river

Comment Post Date
I should not count them or list them on you, because the truth is clear to the people of the... Suggest a discussion! 25/4/23
I got 7, but I'm not sad, but I always have a feeling. Why 7? Not 10, but this is not the end,... Test your knowledge 25/4/23
Can you give me country names for fair kings and why do you think they are fair? Suggest a discussion! 25/4/23
We have discussed in the class the subject of kingship, and the teacher has directed us some... Suggest a discussion! 24/4/23
We have already discussed metaverses in the computer department at school, and we have taken... ...Matthew Ball! 20/4/23
At school we discussed the topic of climate in science class and we have discussed What is the... Competition #2 Global discussions 20/4/23
I agree because... I think you are right because it is one of their rights, but why do doctors... Suggest a discussion! 19/4/23
_Do you think that the strike is the best way to get the dues? Are there better ways to... Suggest a discussion! 18/4/23
In our school, we have learned how to preserve the environment, and we have learned that our... Suggest a discussion 17/4/23
I agree because... Connect with new people. It could be dangerous. It is important to understand... How to stay safe on the Student Hub 17/4/23
Yes, social networking sites are a world or a large sea of ​​fish in which there are poisonous... How to stay safe on the Student Hub 14/4/23
What are the tools and techniques needed to build a metaphor? ...Matthew Ball! 14/4/23
How can users interact and communicate with Metaverse in a better and more effective wa ...Matthew Ball! 14/4/23
What are the companies and entities working on developing metaverses and what products and... ...Matthew Ball! 14/4/23
I believe that there is unequal treatment between men and women regarding the issue of... …Joe Burton! 13/4/23
We have learned in school how to contribute to preserving the protection of the environment and... Suggest a discussion 13/4/23
I agree because... I think he built this section to consult people about his drawings or works,... …Joe Burton! 12/4/23
Will the earth, for example, last for another 100 years, after all the damage it has been subjected to? Suggest a discussion 11/4/23
How can we as school students help the health of the earth Suggest a discussion 11/4/23
Did the existance of COVID 19 lead to climate changes and in what way? Suggest a discussion 11/4/23