Comments by empathetic_elephant

Comment Post Date
There are various reasons why people may not be changing their behavior to protect the planet.... Why don’t people change? 30/1/24
Certainly! Here's a question for discussion or debate: "In response to the state of emergency... Suggest a discussion 30/1/24
If I could meet Raman I would ask her about her specific strategies and initiatives at PwC for... Raman Rai 26/1/24
Hey there! We have learned so many things in the classroom. We discuss a debate on the topic "... Classroom spy! 26/1/24
I will never agree with point A because while machines can assist in learning and provide... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24
The continued advancement of AI is likely to create a variety of new job roles, some of which we... Jobs of the future 23/1/24
The story from within my life time that has stood out is the global COVID-19 pandemic, which... Competition #1 winners 23/1/24
In the field of AI education, there are various opinions and discussions about it's impact on... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
I also agree because when we are online, we often share our personal information such as our... How to stay safe on the Student Hub 23/1/24