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Comments by cultured_wallaby

Comment Post Date
I strongly agree with opinion C. It depends on the type of business because, there is no reason... Businesses v the environment 07/3/24
The piece of information that surprises me the most is the fact that women are said to be... Gender inequality: have your say! 28/2/24
I strongly agree with opinion A. Women deserve to be recognized; women are mostly treated... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 28/2/24
I strongly agree with opinion B. If people are using drugs to enhance their performance, it will... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 28/2/24
There are so many points that explain the purpose of prison, and I am going to be talking about... What’s the purpose of prisons? 13/2/24
I agree with what Joe Biden is doing ,These are the reasons why I agree with Joe Biden: 1.... Fair or unfair? 13/2/24
Countries could really benefit from immigrants, the main reasons I am saying this is... What are the benefits of immigration? 12/2/24
The most obvious answer to this is laziness. To save the planet people would have to cut down on... Why don’t people change? 10/2/24
There are several ways to make a change in the environment, but for this comment I will be... How to make a change 10/2/24
If I had an AI companion, it would let me help me with two (2) things and these things... AI companion 10/2/24
I have a feeling that AI is on the hub because, when you look at the school that is at the... AI bots on the Hub? 09/2/24
Techsolves is responsible for the robot accident. If you are a company dealing with AI it iw... AI accident: who is responsible? 08/2/24
I strongly agree that AI will do more good than bad to the planet, AI helps the planet, farmers... AI and the planet 08/2/24
In the contract deal, there could be some conditions that the candidate gives to the business to follow. Businesses and elections 07/2/24
Hi marvelous hedgehog, I strongly agree with you that age is just a number, and people do... Too old, too young, not enough, too much 06/2/24
I think the best option is the one that says businesses should be allowed to share opinions... Businesses and elections 06/2/24
In Ghana, there are no animal rights a person can see a goat, kill it and sell it just like... Animal rights 06/2/24
A brand should have total control over the celebrity, because as said if the celebrity does... The “face” of a business 05/2/24
If I was the company, I would leave, because it would not be safe to stay in a country where war... Countries behaving badly 05/2/24
I think there should be a discussion on the "Bermuda triangle" this would encourage other... Suggest a discussion 05/2/24