Women In The Media

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

In this standpoint, I will be expressing the reasons why I think that women are not treated fairly in the media. Some of the simple reasons are that news companies have to be reminded to feature woman in the news and to hire them; in sport men football players are payed more than women; women and the shocking numbers in the work industry.

Women are featured in the news to most people, but actually some news sources still -after all of these years- have to be reminded to feature women in the storys and news pages.

Some would think, that it is better to be reminded than to not feature them at all.

They are wrong.

There have been so many conflicts and wars for womans rights that they should now know that woman are the same and should be treated as equally as men. That is one of my reasons why I think that woman are not being respected and portrayed correctly in the media.

When I went on to the BBC Sport website, only 6 out of the 56 storys were about women.

There is also shocking stasitic that the highest-earning male footballers collect in over £173,000,000 a year, while their female colleagues earn approximately £417,000 every year, showing us that the earnings of the best female players is only 1% of their male counterparts.

This is completely unfiare and under reported.

It is also true that a woman’s football tickets,on average, adult tickets across the clubs cost between £8 and £10 and children's tickets range between £4 and £7.50. With men, the tickets are tickets for England games vary significantly, with prices starting from under £20 and reaching over £2,000, depending on the seat position and package. This proves my point even further that woman are not treated fairly and even this inequality in football is under reported.

According to a 2020 report by the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, women make up roughly 34% of on-screen characters across television, film, and print media.

Only 22% of the 180 top editors across the 240 brands covered are women, despite the fact that, on average, 40% of journalists in the 12 markets are women. In 2022, this figure was 21% across the same markets. Among the 38 new top editors appointed across the brands covered, 26% are women. These facts are astonishingly bad and I cannot believe that woman are treated this badly which proves my point even further.

In conclusion, I still think that women in the media are not treated as fairly as men and that they don’t have the same opportunities as men. And this has been the case for many years and hardly any think has changed.

Thank You.

I have copied and pasted from Gitnux, University of Oxford, Collingwood, Radio Times, goal.com and mostly Google.