Women in media uplifting their voices.

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Hi everyone i am talented_apricot let's talk bout women in media uplifting their voices.The way women are shown in the media has been unfair for too long. They're often portrayed as weak or irrational, while men are seen as strong and in control. This is wrong, and it's time to change it.

Even when women do the same things as men, they're judged more harshly. For instance, if a man dates multiple people, he's seen as cool, but if a woman does the same, she's called names and looked down upon. It's not fair.

The media has a history of treating women badly. They've even supported awful things like lobotomies as a way to control women who didn't fit society's expectations.

But things can change. We need the media to start showing women in a better light, with respect and fairness. And this isn't just a problem in some countries - it's a global issue. Women everywhere face discrimination and unfair treatment.

By showing women in a more positive way, the media can help make the world a fairer place for everyone, regardless of their gender. It's time to uplift women's voices and give them the respect they deserve.

Thank you,