Gender stereotype!

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An established and quite frankly worrying stereotype latley is that men are better than women in most things in life. An example of this is: "Men are better police officers than women". It may be true on the strength side, but not always as women can train physically to achieve muscular body-types. Men are naturally born with a denser muscular physique but it does not mean that women can not be a police officer or will be a bad officer. Did you know that only 35% of women are police officers that means that 65%of them are men! Surely in 2024 we can see that this is an outdated opinion and something that requires changing? However, another worrying stereotype is that men can't have emotions. We all have them, so how come men aren't allowed to feel them? I hate the saying "Big boys don't cry" because it puts pressure on men and they'll grow up not wanting to show any sort of emotion and it will cause some underlining trauma. Did you know that the biggest killer of men under the age of 24 is suicide? Men need to know that emotions is simply part of being a human being and it is totally acceptable for them to express these. Another thing I don't like is that women are meant to be frail housewifes who don't get a say in anyhting and have to have dinner on the table by five o 'clock. Women and men should have equil rights and should not be stereotyped. Women should be able to fight crime and do work that will get their hands dirty. And men should be able to be a loving father who shows emotions, who can cry, who can show any other emotion other than anger. Gender stereotypes needs to be stopped and it needs to be stopped now. Or God forbid the future!

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  • I agree totally with you! The fact that many people only think of stereotypes about women and not men is unfair. Many people forget about men as they are just seen and strong people who show no emotion whereas they are exactly like women on the inside. Everyone shows emotion and can be sad and cry, be angry and be happy. But men are seen as resilient and strong to the point they are seen as not real men if they cry or show emotion to sad and upsetting topics. Recently I have been seeing a lot of men wearing men can cry too hoodies which I feel is spreading awareness about stereotypes that are not thought of as much as those involving the prejudice of women.

    1. I agree that gender stereotypes are unfair. How else do you think you could spread awareness and increase equality within society?