India’s voting system

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

I think that although India’s voting system does work I feel that it takes to long and that they should choose a different system that is quicker and more efficient for instance in England the person with the most votes wins but in India you have to choose your most favourite then your second favourite etc. therefore it will take around a week instead of day in England my source

I feel like it is unnecessary to have voting station within a 2k distance of each house because if you had one lone house far away from any village you would have to have a voting station within 2k of that house. However I also agree that it is helpful to have voting stations nearby because it means that everyone has a chance to vote. Despite this, only around 67% of people voted at the last election that’s roughly 1 billion people but that then leaves 440 million people who didn’t vote. Compared to England (who had 75% of people vote) India didn’t have a large percent of people voting

Even though India’s system is very different it is still very helpful because it means that if your first choice doesn’t get it your second choice would still have a chance. This meant you could

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  • Hello
    I deeply acknowledge the concerns raised about the well-organized and turnout of India's voting system compared to England's voting system. The diversity and size of India's population presents unique difficulties that may need a different approach to assure that everyone takes part and representation of everyone.