The Enhanced Games: Dope in or Dope Out

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


The enhanced games are a set of activities for sports like the olympics. These games are for those who use drugs to enhance their bodies into a more ideal type of athletic abilities. Thus, called the enhanced games. This topic intrigues me because I worry about the type of drugs these athletes use and how it could mentally and physically affect their bodies. Not only are drugs not a good substance for the body (unless used for medical reasons and prescribed), but also they can cause mental problems for the user of the drugs. Therefore, today we should not have enhanced games.

Many athletes disagree, but also others do agree with the enhanced games. According to TheConversation by Joel Abrams, “However, it is far from clear that enhanced sport will open new horizons of sports performance, support athlete autonomy, or promote fair competition.” This shows that these drugs might cause more harm than good and that these drugs might cause problems in the future. Drugs overall are a harmful substance that can ruin one’s body. Of course, there are different kinds of drugs that many use for medical conditions or if a doctor prescribes them, which is perfectly fine. What I am here to talk about is the drugs that these athletes use. Some which are not even discovered or checked if it is safe injecting in our bodies. These drugs can make an athlete more aware, active, and energetic to win. Although it also has big negative effects on the athlete. As for an audience however, they might find it entertaining, yet most do not consider the effects it could have on the athlete. Some have even argued that these games could make the games more fair. Although I argue that raw talent is what makes these Olympics what they are today and enjoyable.

As a middle school athlete, my opinion is that we should make these enhanced games different from the olympics. I too, understand what it feels like to work extremely hard to get a certain skill, although suddenly overlooked. I can relate to these athletes, and from my point of view I believe that in the future this may be possible, being another factor from the Olympics and not the Olympics itself. As for now, I believe these games would be unfair to those who truly participate and work hard to become what they achieve.

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  • Hi! I like how you mention how the Enhanced Games can make an effort to gain skills used for the Olympics get overlooked. Though I have a question, how are we so sure that all the drugs used by athletes are harmful? Some of the drugs could be antibiotics, therefore they are beneficial though likely unsafe if in large doses.

    1. Hello! I understand that some drugs can be harmful to athletes, although that does not change the fact that the games are unfair. Yes, some might be beneficial, but also it will be an unfair advantage to the athletes that worked hard to be able to even make it to the Olympics. As I said before, talent is what makes these games interesting. These 'benefits' will make these games less interesting and entertaining for the athletes and the crowd as well.