Enhancing the Human Body

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Enhancing the Human Body

Hello topical talkers. I am consistent_crow Today I will be talking about The Enhanced games.

I strongly disagree with the enhanced games.The Olympics is very similar to the Enhanced Games.The difference is the Enhanced Games encourages using performance enhancing drugs.But the Olympics does not.In fact the Olympics checks for performance enhancing drugs. So I don't believe in the Enhanced Games.The Enhanced games can be very risky and harmful.Also it encourages people to use those drugs. One primary reason for my opinion is because I did some research and one major side effect is early heart attacks that can lead to a lot of pain or death. Another major side effect is kidney failure, a condition in which one or both of your kidneys no longer work on their own.The last major side effect is insomnia, which can lead to a lack of sleep.Theses facts can ruin someone's life.

That is why I, consistent_crow, disagree with the Enhanced Games.

Thanks for listening.