Enhanced Drugs Shouldn’t Be Used

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

In my opinion, enhanced drugs shouldn’t be used in games even if it’s used by all athletes competing, making the game fair. I think this because Enhanced drugs can make a normal athlete a “super-human”. Some people might even think that enhanced games would be awesome because you get to watch athletes with real super powers and they might think, “how could anyone not want to watch real life super heroes?” However, these “super humans” that are using enhanced drugs could, suffer from the side effects of the drugs, might make games unfair, and healthy athletes might be harmed by the drugs more than others.

  • To start, athletes who use enhanced drugs might suffer side effects of the drugs and some side effects might kill an athlete that uses it. For example, if an athlete was to consume an enhanced drug he/she might feel stronger or faster. However, the athlete might not read the side effects and even if they do some might still take the drugs and the side effects might hurt their career and themselves. Some people might think, “if the side effects are bad then why not take antibiotics to stop the side effects from harming the athlete?” Although this sounds like sort of sounds like a good idea, I know that antibiotics kill bad things people might have inside them, but also kills good things. If athletes were to take enhanced drugs and antibiotics they might die from making that decision.
  • Secondly, athletes that use enhanced drugs make the game unfair because the other athletes might not want to use enhanced drugs. For example, athlete A use the drugs to be faster and stronger.On the other hand, athlete B is not because they didn’t use the drugs. This means that the games would be unfair because of the advantage the athlete A gets. Some people might think, “If the athletes who use enhanced drugs play in enhanced games there should be no problem.” However, if some athletes stop using enhanced drugs there will not be enough players using enhanced drugs and then the games would become unfair.
  • Finally, healthy athletes might be harmed by the drugs more than others. This is might be because they never used it or they are not experienced with the side effects. For example, if there is a healthy athlete, they might be interested in enhanced drugs and might try it. If there is a risk of liver problems, they might not know what to do and hurt themselves during the game. Some people might think that the athletes would be fine because they are healthy and they wouldn’t feel it because of the strenth the athlete is given. Although it might be true for some side effects, the other ones might be fatal, untreatable, or causes a lot of pain.
  • In conclusion, Enhanced drugs shouldn’t be used because, athletes suffer the side effects of the drugs, it might make the game unfair, and healthy athletes might be harmed by the drugs more than others. Some people might disagree with my opinion, but I still strongly agree with that enhanced drugs shouldn’t be used.