Are these games fair for athletes?

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The Enhanced Games are believed to be a better version of the Olympics. The idea of these games were evoked by a billionaire with the name of Peter Thiel. Practically, these games were created so athletes can use drugs to help with their performances in the Olympics without being checked. Would athletes overuse these drugs to a point of overdose? The usage of these drugs can have various outcomes. The initial reasons given for using banned substances included achievement of athletic success by improving performance, financial gain, improving recovery and prevention of nutritional deficiencies, This information is important to let others know about the risks and helpful factors of these games.

People may think they are openly supporting the idea in order to reignite the connection between science and sport. This is showcasing the incredible capabilities of the human body when performing at its peak potential. Others say it is unfair for others who may use the drug, but can’t perform to the best of their abilities because of disabilities or other diseases. They believe that it gives an unfair advantage due to certain things. Most athletes are aware that doping is considered cheating, unhealthy, and risky due to the potential sanctions. However, it is also widely acknowledged for its effectiveness.

In conclusion, despite the numerous arguments presented, I firmly believe that the use of Enhanced Games should be prohibited. I am of the opinion that the presence of drug usage among athletes will greatly diminish the enjoyment for spectators. Instead of appreciating the inherent skills of the participants, the attention will be shifted towards the effects of performance enhancing substances. I believe that many athletes put in good effort towards their sports, and it would be unfair if others could use the drugs just to be better.

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  • It's not fair because scientists will be able to give athletes drugs without these athletes being tested for drugs. This may help some of these athletes to gain an advantage- make themselves faster. Many people consider this cheating and the only reason why they have been beating records.When you use drugs it is sometimes called doping, some people think that using drugs are not fair but some people think that they are normal and fair. Drugs are usually banned and some people think it can be harmful for people to use drugs as their are many risks involved although it may make them jump higher or run faster.