Selam Gebrekidan


Selam is an investigative reporter for the New York Times. She has reported on the British criminal justice system, the centuries-long trial of Haitian debt, corruption in South Africa and the misuse of money.

Selam is a Festival topic expert on women in media.

Comments (8)

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  • If I could meet Selam Gebrekidan. I would ask her several questions :
    1.How do you cope with or counteract online harassment and what can media organizations do to protect their journalists?
    2.How do you approach the intersectional experiences of women particularly those who are from marginalized communities in your reporting?
    3. In your investigations, have you come across systemic biases or inequalities within media organizations that hinder the progress and representation of women?

  • Hi, if I could meet Selam Gebrekidan, I would ask her to take care of companies that maltreat women and misuse their money.

    1. I agree with you because according to my research, some ways that we can deal with companies that misuse their money and maltreat women is to;
      Prevent violence and harassment by identifying potential risks,
      Commit to gender equality and diversity across the workplace,
      Protect employees with supportive policies and procedures,
      Collaborate and campaign beyond the immediate workplace,
      And to be accountable and monitor action.
      These are all ways that Selam Gebrekidan will be able to stop the current situation.
      THANK YOU.

  • If I were to meet Selam, I would ask her a such a good question. Has she ever investigated on the cause of gender inequality, did she ever found someone guilty during investigation, because I want know how she deals with people who discriminated others. Where they ever punished severely for committing gender inequality. Also along with that, you reported on the British criminal justice system. Where those who committed gender inequality among the criminal. Have you made justice for those who go through gender inequality. I will really like to know. I will also want to learn she handle matters such as gender inequality

  • If I could meet Selam I would like to ask her if she has such a mindset of giving her information and evidence because of the past, past role models, or because of the way you have lived your life in a particular environment. The hub stated that you are an investigative reporter for the New York Times, which means you based your information based on facts and evidence. And finally, was there ever a period of time or circumstance in which you were unable to obtain information and proof on certain matters and so unable to administer justice?

  • Hi if I could meet Selam Gebrekidan I would ask her if she had ever experienced gender inequality in her community or her life and how she dealt with it.

  • Based on what Selam Gebrekidan said, if I could meet her, I would ask her if she could go investigating companies that maltreat women and misuse money due to her type of occupation, journalism. I would ask her these questions because of the women specifically. There is a lot of gender inequality in our world today and it needs to be stopped for good by us humans. So I think that Selam Gebrekidan could stop some if these through her occupation.

  • If I could meet Selam Gebrekidan, I would ask her if she has gone all the way to find out all about these companies that misuse their money illegally and if the case that she has witnessed gender inequality in her occupation hurts as much as I assume it hurts.

  • If I meet Selam, I will ask if she will be willing to share some of those moment she described as been harassed. It will help me in my decision in career choices.