Richard Nash


Richard is a Senior Global Advisor for Corruption, supporting the integrity of electoral processes and addressing political and administrative corruption issues that undermine democracies.

Richard is a Festival topic expert for elections.

Comments (5)

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  • If I could meet Richard Nash. I would ask her several questions :
    1. How effective are current measures in combating election corruption, and do they address root causes?
    2. How can the influence of money in politics be curbed to ensure fair elections?
    3. How can countries with deeply entrenched corruption initiate sustainable reforms?
    4.What are the risks and unintended consequences of implementing technology in elections?

  • Richard has worked on a wide range of things helping people. If I meet him, I will ask him what he thinks really young people should primarily demand from their leaders. This is because young sometimes tend to have misplaced priority.

  • As a global advisor, what are the steps, procedures, and plans you hope to accomplish in order to stop corruption? Because corruption can be difficult to eradicate due to people's mindsets and points of view, have any individuals ever approached you who you have advised and who genuinely understood and made an effort to stop corruption, or have any people approached you who would like to emulate your efforts to stop corruption?

  • Why did you chose to be an advisor, was it because of the situations that occured in the society, or you had an instinct that problems such as this is going to happen. Did you see this kind of issues coming little by little in the society. What is the reason for this kind of issues happening in the society. Who is the main people responsible for such kind issue in the society. I will really like to know

  • Hello, there.
    If I had the opportunity to meet Richard Nash, a festival topic expert for electoral, I would ask him what steps can be taken to stop corruption in a fair and participatory election as it stands today. I will also ask him what kind of effect the "first past the post" electoral system will have on the social, economic and political system of a country and how fair or safe this electoral system is for the citizens of the country. Also, how much will this election system support democracy or is it a democratic election system?
    Thanks a lot.