What is eco-anxiety?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Recently, eco-anxiety has been increasing and growing amongst children across the world. Eco-anxiety is causing long lasting damage to many, experts say. Eco-anxiety is when people are scared, terrified and anxious about climate change which causes global warming. The risks to the planet are the temperature get higher and higher making are atmosphere crumble slowly .Climate anxiety can lead to symptoms such as panic attacks loss of appetite, weakness and sleeplessness .

The weather due to climate change such as droughts ,flash floods, floods and extreme heat waves and so much more .Eco-anxiety can be different causes like watching too much negative stuff on the internet ,watching smoke being pumped into are atmosphere or waste jut lying on the ground so there are quite a lot of reasons about eco-anxiety .

Last year eco-anxiety 19% of people had eco-anxiety and now 17% of people have it so COP21 spread more awareness then COP28, that means that people started to not care about it that much and not take it that seriously anymore, we should all take it seriously .researchers found that climate change was a likely factor in the devastating 2019 Australian bushfires ,destroying almost 10,000 homes.

In a recent survey 20% of young people said their anxiety about the climate crisis is so bad that it impairs their ability to function normally, meaning they lose their ability to sleep to work or socialise normally.

In my opinion, eco-anxiety is a big worry and something needs to be done to help the people suffering with it. We should support each other and make others aware of the problem and what it is.

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  • Focus on what you can control

    Do you really want to leave this tragic topic alone? The air pollution, chopping down trees without a planet B! Can we all agree that we don't want to die at such a young age, when life is so short. All of us change, or all of us die.

    With no attention to the concern, life will be over very soon; however, it's not too late to fix it. 2023 was the hottest day on record! 1 year ago we had the risk of illness and possibly death. Do you really think this subject matter is going to fix itself?

    Have you ever heard the phrase there is no planet B? Don't ignore it and take notes. Just because YOU didn't do it, doesn't mean YOU don't have to fix it. 2 wrongs don't make a right. The future is in the kids' hands and unless everyone wants to die, We must take action now!

  • Eco-anxiety is when a person is extremely anxious about climate change and global warming. These people have it real hard as if they are serious sufferers (which most eco-anxious people are), they can't sleep, can't eat, can't feel strong and can't stop thinking about climate change.

    1)If you cannot sleep, you will end up being tired and when you're tired, you can't concentrate and you need to concentrate in everyday life and tricky situations in life and you can't do that when you're tired.

    2)If you cannot eat you can starve and when you starve you find it difficult to survive and thrive in the world.

    3)If you can't feel strong you end up weak and weakness doesn't help your strength and is the exact opposite of strength.

    4) If the only thing you'll be able to think about is a negative thing, that is really impactful on your mental health as you need to think in everyday life and with mental health damage, that could be difficult.

  • So we've been talking about eco-anxiety but what is it?

    Eco-anxiety is when a person is very worried about the future for earth and climate change and global warming. Serious sufferers overreact a little bit as their sufferings result in sleeplessness, loss of appetite, weakness and worry for earth's future. And these overreactions can result in an unhealthy survival rate. Sleeplessness is horrible as just 72 hours without sleep will result in hallucinations and they're really unhealthy for your eyes. Loss of appetite will leave you hungry and you need to eat or your survival chances will be low. Weakness is bad as you feel all floppy and can't lift up heavy things even though you might need to. And finally, worry about earth will cause you to only think about a negative thing which is bad for your mental health.