The effects of eco-anxiety

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Devastatingly, the temperature has been rising and people are getting more and more frightened this is called eco- anxiety. People across the world, cannot sleep at night, some people cannot eat because they are fearful, frightened and frustrated because of this problem.

Some people believe that eco –anxiety is normal because it makes people more aware of what it is and what’s happening and it is being more and more common. 84% of young people worldwide say they feel worried about climate change.

However, some people think that eco-anxiety is not normal because people believe it is fake and there is no crisis. Other people think that young children should not worry because they are overreacting and exaggerating. Alternatively, some people believe that they have more important things to worry about like money or food.

In my opinion, this can be stopped by driving less and recycling more. We could eat more plant based items. We could also calm our self down so we do not think about it too much.

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  • Eco-anxiety is one of the problems affecting people all over the world. However eco-anxiety has greatly affected us globally and it is itching deep into the lives properties and growth of the world.
    Sequentially,there have been up to 7700 injury and up to 374 deaths all over the world due to eco-anxiety majorly in Nigeria, states that are greatly affected include; Benue,Jigawa,Anambra and zamfarawa states have been greatly affected by eco anxiety.
    Some of these effects include flooding, damages lives and properties, washing away of soil, deforestation and pollutes the air which causes greenhouse gas, these effects are what we face all over the world and.
    Moreover climate change can be both man -made or natural but majorly man-made.
    Additionally, Matandas Gandhi said and i quote “nothing in this world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity “end of quote ignorance on the side of we the humans is greatly affecting us as we see eco-anxiety as a natural problem.
    Conclusively, for us to feature in the future in the nature of eco-anxiety we have to stop destroying the world with our hands and implement solutions to the effects. It all starts from us.

  • I think these are good ways to help calm and decrease eco anxiety, and I would like to add one more thing to the list. I think a lot of people should stop burning things outside such as leaves and plastic, and other materials. Plastic has very bad chemicals in it, and when people burn it, it can be very bad for your health. This goes along with recycling and air pollution. I think there should be laws to any kind of fires, or things people do that create air pollution if we want to stop climate change and eco-anxiety. It will be better for our planet, and for our health and lungs. We should all be able to breathe fresh air.

  • The effects of eco-anxiety are really bad. It results in sleeplessness, loss of appetite, weakness and genuine stress about earth. If you think too much about earth and not anything else, that can be extremely unhealthy for your mental health. Also, if you lose your appetite, you will starve and you need food to survive on earth. Additionally, weakness is also very damaging but on your physical health as you need to be strong and being weak won't help your strength. Sleeplessness will result in tiredness and when your tired you can't really do anything and you need to do things in daily life. But it is normal as these terrifying events can be scary and worrying and eco-anxiety can spread awareness about the sad times on earth that mother nature has to go through every single day.

  • I think that eco-anxiety is a real thing. It is a fact that climate change is a very serious problem and it is understandable that some people fear how it will affect the future. I think that many people overlook the problems that it is creating today. A way in which we could decrease the eco-anxiety would be to start raising more awareness about the problems that climate change is creating. We should also teach people, not only children but adults as well, how they can help prevent it. Even the smallest actions can make a difference.

    1. I agree that small actions count! Can you give some examples?

  • I think that Eco-anxiety is good because it makes people with it aware of what is happening to the world and makes them want to take action to save our planet from climate change.I think that to help the planet and stop eco-anxiety, people could recycle more and walk to places without using any sort of vehicle transport because it will polute the air. If a place is far away,you could potentially go on a bus because i holds lots of people and polutes less.

  • Hi, there.
    I agree because the impact of eco-anxiety is crucial in raising awareness and combating climate change. Many people of the world are very worried about climate change. They often suffer from emotional trauma. They need to give good news about climate change. Furthermore, the eco-anxiety effect is very important for those who are not aware of climate change. It is enough for each person to take small actions to fight climate change because every small actions can make a big difference in the future. For example -
    1. Each person should plant more trees in any vacant place (rooftop, balcony, garden, road side). This will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.
    2. Use of renewable energy at home should be increased. For example - using sunlight instead of electric lamps.
    3. Reduce energy consumption both indoors and outdoors. This will reduce temperature rise.
    4. Plastics and other materials must be recycled. Use of plastic should be reduced. For example, using jute bags instead of plastic bags.
    5. Everyone should commute by bike and on foot.
    6. Creating awareness about climate change among family members and neighbors.
    7. Making students aware of climate change in every educational institution.
    Thanks a lot.

  • Eco-anxiety is a good and bad thing.It has helped us greatly as people are getting up and doing something about there anxieties.It is also a bad thing as its anxiety,its not a good thing to be constantly worried about the environment because it can effect someone mentally.I think we should be teaching young children to care for the environment but not to have them scared for their future.