My view in eco-anxiety

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Shockingly global warming is powered by people although some do not mean it, after this process there is no going back. Eco anxiety is an environmental threat. What will happen in the future? Eco anxiety could spread all over the world. Unfortunately 75% of the world is troubled because of this.

Some people believe some people say it can be a good warning. Evidence suggests that the more climate change get people to take more action. In addition some believe climate change is a massive warning.

This good news can be abandoned since there is a lot of bad news. A lot of people are threatened because of climate change. Some of the threats could be real. On the other hand people have different threats; however some people believe that people have other things more important than climate change.

In my opinion climate change can be bad because it can cause eco anxiety, but on the other hand it can also be good to get people to take action. After some research I believe that the solution is to participate in putting things where they go. Ultimately, we must do something about eco anxiety and climate change, take more action!

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  • Personally, I think climate change might not be as bad in some people's views as they might have not experienced it but if they started to feel how bad climate change is, I think it might be too late as some countries such as the UK is quite cold so I personally think sometimes when people realize that climate change is getting worse, it will be too late to take action. When more and more people experience eco-anxiety, I think it might raise a warning to others that we should take action now but I think eco-anxiety is not a really good thing to experience.
    On the other hand, climate change might not be as bad because after some research, I found out that higher levels of carbon dioxide (climate change) could act as a fertilizer and increase plant growth. This will be good for the growth of plants but I am not quite sure whether high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will be good for us. Sadly, the amount of benefit a crop receives from climate change depends on its type so high levels of carbon dioxide might not be good for some kinds of plants.