Will A.I. Revolutionize Education?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


Hello, I am here to tell you about my topic: A.I. Many people think A.I. will benefit humans and something it will cause harm to us. This issue is something that is not commonly talked about in today's day and age. A.I. is dangerous as it can already track where someone lives and what someone likes based on their search history and recently watches. If this is not scary enough, many people are investing in the idea of A.I. in education. This is a dangerous feature as it needs to be addressed by the government. Many people can be amazed by the growth of technology during the past decades. Many people have also lived with A.I in their household, as it plays an importance on daily life for some. Many people have I-Phones, and Siri is a type of Artificial Intelligence that can be found. When I ask Siri a question, it usually gives me answers that make it hard for me to understand. There are many kids in the world who have learning disabilities, and a parent would certainly not want their child to be instructed by a robot. One thing a person can do better than A.I. is help kids with assignments. Some kids have a hard time understanding some subjects, like me. I am very good in math, however I am in the struggle bus in geometry. Thankfully, my teacher helps me understand what certain things mean. This symbol clearly states that A.I cannot do what a human can do: teach. A.I. in work can give some advantages though. Even though A.I. cannot teach, A.I. can help clean up the schools. I used to be in a basketball team, and we would always go to different team schools on game day. Many of the schools we go to have old paint and basically look dull. Clearly a janitor is not going to be enough. There should be like every weekend robots can come in to clean the school. Robots can also be used to help grade papers. Some teachers incorrectly grade assignments, like my Chinese teacher. She accidently gave me a 10/100 instead of a 100/100, and forgot to change it until around 2 weeks after the incident. People can be forgetful, so this is where A.I. comes in hand for. Many people may not agree with what I believe, however I think that A.I. should only be in some fields of education. Some people may ask, "What role do students play in the future?" Students will be in school learning from teachers instead of being in an online class learning. If we all play our cards right, we can benefit children from generations to come.

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  • Hi everyone! I wanna tell you what i think :-
    AI has the potential to revolutionize education by personalizing learning experiences, automating administrative tasks, providing real-time feedback to students, and offering advanced analytics to educators to improve teaching methods. However, the extent of this revolution depends on how effectively AI technologies are implemented and integrated into educational systems.
    Thank you everyone! Bye!