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Comments (11)

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  • Hello, topical talkers.
    Unemployment is a very prominent issue in the society that can be defined as the case in which an individual or group of people are employable but are unable to find a job. This case has proven many negative effects on different people.
    Unemployment can be caused by different factors but speaking on recent factors, I have to mention how AI has rendered many people jobless causing them to be unemployed. When AI got to the point of performing human tasks, many people opted for them completely taking over human jobs meanwhile, not considering their effects. Though AI may be very accurate and efficient, we should consider the fact that humans could suffer consequences of being unemployed such as being unable to meet up one's needs. We should weigh our choices and work in concurrence with everything made available around us to achieve maximum results rather than rendering some particular people jobless causing them to remain unemployed at that point in time.

    1. Unemployment is an issue of great concern which has destabilized the economy of a lot of countries, introduction of artificial intelligence has made matter worse a lot of jobs are going into extinct because the realization that the AI powered tools have more capability and increase in efficiency employer are no longer interested in employing human labor which they have to pay but the AI is like free labor and they are more productive in jobs that carry out procedural steps so most employer invest in those tools and something terminate the contracts they have with humans . This has rendered a lot of people unemployed, thereby causing an increase in the dependant population even though some of them are able bodied working population but there are not given opportunities, jobs that has been going extinct e.g dispatchers, customer care managers e.t.c

  • AI will always lead to unemployment because AI has no emotions it is made to be precise and prefect it never has the ability to doubt its self. But i think that many new jobs will open up because of AI for example repairing jobs or monitoring AI.

    1. I agree and disagree. AI for now doesn't have emotions, but even if they did, we still can't stop them from doing their job. Since they are AI, they are programmed, Which means they will always succeed in their job, no matter what. Although some jobs will be made, really if AI took over all jobs, there are still jobs AI can't do like a therapist or influencer.

  • Hi topical talkers, AI's role in the upcoming future is very pivotal as there are many jobs that AI can do, as AI is participating in the world's economy and taking over jobs it makes me wonder 'How do the industries want people to be paid and buy their products' AI was made to assist humans not to do all of the work for us, this is a big factor that contributes to the reasons for unemployment, but if the humans can work together with the AI, everyone will be happy, there will be the role of science in the industry and people will also play roles in the economy, this way the people will still be able to have jobs and gain an income.
    In short, the sole proprietor of a business should understand that AI is not meant to take over every job because they are better but rather are there to help the workers to do their jobs better.
    Thank you for reading.

  • I feel like unemployment will happen with AI. As humans we make mistakes even when it comes to work but when there is something like AI it desinged to do its job perfectly and when it compares to humans we will get outshined by them.

    1. I agree because... A lot of people feel insignificant because they make a lot of mistakes, but AI is programmed to do things perfectly so they can outshine the employee and compare it to its perfect work.

  • Hi Topical Talk
    I will say that AI should provide job's for everyone and avoid unemployment
    Unemployment is a very issue that is happening in the society today, mostly happen to youth and we need to improve on it with AI .
    Providing jobs for youth like electronic engineering ; AI should provide space for the youth to be able to get more jobs

    1. I agree because AI is made to help humans in the best possible ways, if it creates unemployment for humans or becomes a danger for humans, I feel it is of no use.
      AI should simply create jobs and opportunities for everyone, then if it even takes some hazardous tasks, humans would be benefitted.
      In future, I would really like to study about AI in detail and even work upon it, but I would not enhance AI to take jobs of people and create an era of mass unemployment. Additionally, unemployment can also lead to depression or other psychological disorders, and even getting involved in illegal activities.

  • Unemployment has become a really big issue today because of artificial intelligence. AI is becoming more and more smarter and larger everyday and it has been doing human tasks to the point where some jobs can be done just by using AI. Even though AI is intelligent enough to do something a human hand can, it can never understand another person’s emotions and intentions.

  • unemployment is a very serious thing even now but imagine a non-living object that can work all day every day for free. it would also have so much knowledge it would be able to do any job it is asked to do except for some jobs which they might never be able to do like being a builder since it might take more than knowledge to do a certain job.

  • Unemployment is really a treading issue which has become a threat to the society and the world at large, and if this unemployment is not properly tackled it will lead to poverty and that means that as unemployment increases, poverty will also increase and it has been discovered that this this issue is affecting the youth mostly.
    Now with the rate by which AI is increasing, it looks as if it will soon take over all works done by humans which will lead unemployment that will at the end lead to poverty, but I believe that so many jobs will also be available because of AI like software programmers, because they are the people which program the AI.
    Software programmers came into existence because of the presence of AI that is to show you that so many works can be created because of AI.
    when this work is created, it reduces unemployment and at the end it will lead to the termination of poverty.
    THANK YOU......

  • Unemployment is a big problem, even more so with self checkouts being in most shops in the UK instead of the normal checkouts with humans(namely Asda, Aldi and Lidl.) This is a problem that, as hinted before, has caused mass unemployment, with some people preferring self checkouts and others not.

    This is a fact that will only worsen throughout time, but the question is, how do we prevent that. One way to do just that is by the government making it illegal for shops and companies to have more than a set amount of their 'employers' being AI such as 50% or such. But, this would still leave so many people without jobs, and I find a way to combat this would just be to make other jobs completely illegal for AI to do proffessionally such as an artist or a musician. I mainly say those two jobs as i personally believe it just is not real art if AI does it because it would always have to be based on other art.

    (Just to let you all know I'm just basing this whole comment on what i know to be true in the UK, so if its different where you, please let me know!)

    1. I agree to your comment but in my own view in this perspective of your comment , I want to say that even if unemployment is a big problem , self employment can be helpful because the case of unemployment is seriously ravaging in some countries like Nigeria ,but when the youths are self employed they might not have to worry and they can achieve this by going for special trainings and learning different trade .
      THANK YOU.

  • AI is a smart app, robot or machine. It is programmed to do things that humans are usually meant to do.
    In the future AI may work in schools, hospitals, police offices and much more, which is exciting and the limits are potentially limitless
    AI is smart and a good alternative but if AI starts doing human work many problems will be created.
    Many are unemployed because AI took their jobs, these people will try to find jobs that can already be full.
    This can also cause people to end up in the streets because if they get no job they cant get money anymore.

  • Hey there! 😊 I understand that you have some concerns about the impact of AI on the job market. πŸ€” While it's true that AI can perform some tasks better than humans, it's important to remember that AI is also creating new job opportunities in various industries. πŸš€ For example, AI is being used in healthcare to improve patient outcomes and in education to personalize learning experiences.

    However, it's important not to put all your eggs πŸ₯š in one basket 🧺 when it comes to career choices. It's true that some jobs may become redundant due to the implementation of AI, but it's important to approach this change with a positive attitude. Instead of fearing job loss, we can focus on upskilling ourselves and learning new skills that will prepare us for the future job market. πŸ“š This will not only benefit us individually but also contribute to the growth of the economy. πŸ’°

    Overall, AI is a powerful tool that has the potential to benefit us in various ways. We just need to approach it with an open mind and willingness to adapt. Let's work towards creating a future where humans and AI can coexist and thrive together! 🀝

    1. I disagree with your comment, although it is true that AI is a powerful tool. This powerful tool has managed to take over simple tasks like farming, concrete work, and painting from people all over the world. In less than a year, Ai has been able to take over 70% of jobs in Ghana, including banking, painting, music, healthcare, and so on. Citizens fear job loss because inside out technology will always be one step ahead of us because of its unique features, but it can only dominate once given the chance. Due to AI working in fields, there will be a drastic increase in carbon emissions, loads of electricity usage, and the cost of repairing them once in a while, which is very costly. I believe there is a lot of hope because, just like how someone was able to create AI, people can sit down and craft more jobs that are solely human-centered and require the necessary traits humans possess. I truly do not see a world where AI and humans thrive together; one must dominate. Humans have to act fast and deal with this detrimental issue analytically; otherwise, there might come a time when AI will instruct humans to do tasks in workplaces. However, AI, on the other hand, can fuel good profits in an economy due to its abilities, but it comes at a cost: the safety of our environment's atmosphere, more cases of illnesses from humans due to technology, and a greater cost in repairing machines. AI is indeed beneficial, but only to a certain degree, let's be ready to face the hard truth and know that AI is taking over workplaces quickly, and we as humans need to act fast or be subjected to AI.

      1. 😊 Thank you for sharing your opinion! I understand where you're coming from. While πŸ€– artificial intelligence has certainly made significant strides in recent years, it's important to remember that machines lack the capacity for empathy and creativity that humans possess. There are situations where human input is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, and to make decisions that are nuanced and complex. πŸ€” Additionally, while AI can certainly be efficient in certain tasks, it's not infallible, and there may be issues that arise that require human intervention to resolve. So while AI may have its place in many industries, it's unlikely that it will completely replace humans in the workforce anytime soon. πŸ™Œ