Teacher intelligence has more value and potential than human intelligence

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In today's changing world, AI is all around us. It has become an integral part of everyone's life. It is also a subject of Education and has greatly transformed the classical ways of teaching. These days, AI is being leveraged to the maximum extent in education. Teachers are using it to enhance their students knowledge and familiarise them with their educational concepts more easily using different forms of AI. Many parents around the world are also encouraging its use to exhibit the experiments and knowledge virtually which otherwise couldn't have been taught. AI is a storehouse of knowledge which is being used to the maximum extent in the field of education to obtain the best results and prepare the future generation.

However, AI has some disadvantages as well. Despite having so much information, potential to provide insights and knowledge, it cannot compete with the conventional method of teaching, i.e. education taught by teachers. AI definitely provides more insights into any topic but it is only a real life teacher who can empathise and bond with their students which AI definitely cannot achieve. AI is good in answering questions under certain conditions. A student may feel detached while using AI as they may not be able to form the bond with a machine which they can with their teachers .

Teachers have the ability to connect with their child, thus inculcating a sense of mutual learning . AI on the other hand can be referred to as one sided. It provides great information, that is true, but it cannot relate with a student in the same way as a teacher can. Teachers can be imaginative, understand their student And help them develope their creativity and desires thus producing a great generation.

AI is an integral part of all of our lives in today's modern world, however, despite its ability to revolutionise all fields including the field of education in many aspects, I believe that it can never replace a true teacher who believes in imparting knowledge and guidance to nourish his/her students.

Many thanks.

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  • I love this! AI has many benefits, afterall, it is a"storehouse of knowledge" that can give you knowledge at any point you need. Though they can't get that human connection with their pupils, AI is still a great tool to have. I personally think that AI should work alongside teachers to get the best experience of learning possible!

    1. I agree because... you have viewed the situation from a great perspective. If AI and humans work together mutually, it will fetch great results in any field , AI having the knowledge and humans the experience and empathy!