Navigating the Impact of AI and Education and Work

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.


Hi, I'm Affable_plantain, I’ll be talking about AI in education and work. If it is good or not. I think it’s important to talk about AI and education and work because people should know about it. I think people should know about it because it affects people's daily life if it would be in education and work. I think people should know about it so they can voice their opinions because while it is something that doesn't require people's opinions for its creation. It would affect people's everyday life, people's work, education, money, and behavior.It’s important to discuss and know about.

People like teachers,students, and people who work at any big business or even small businesses would be affected. Teachers will lose their jobs, people who work with big and small businesses will also lose their jobs. Not all of them but most and it would also affect people's money which would affect their behavior. If people start to go broke and only people who own businesses get money people will start to steal, kill, ect to get more money.It's not ideal but it's what they would have to do to get by. An example of this is in Walmart, they have machines that do what cashiers would do instead of a worker being there is just a machine. People are not needed anymore for that part of shopping. While they do have people, if they had more machines they wouldn't need people.Some people agree with this some people think that it will help people out. Some people disagree, some people think that it will turn people lazy and it will hurt the environment. A lot of people don't even know about this being a possibility.

I feel that using AI in work and classrooms is wrong because people will become lazy and it will hurt the environment. As I mentioned before people will go broke and will do horrendous things to survive. I agree with the people that think it will help keep out more but at what cost.Is it better to help people out and risk their humanity or help people out in a different way that is not dangerous communities. You have to think more about the consequences in this situation. like the harm it could do, the effect it could have,and the behavioral changes it could include .You also have to think about the students. We will turn out way differently if we were taught by robots. Some things will be different for us :our understanding of things.There will no longer be emotional and behavioral debates in the classroom that challenges our minds.It would affect students more than ever and shouldn't be done.