AI is it good or is it bad ?

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AI, will it change schools for the better ?

Initially, I think AI will be good for schools as it will broaden children access to learning and will be able to teach them new skills preparing them for work ; it will help them to get higher marks on things like GSCE papers.

To demonstrate this , 64% of schools in the UK now use technology . Whether this is using a smart board or using tablets it shows us that a lot of schools are changing . Another way to illustrate my point is that a Finnish schools in Tampere uses a robot called Elias . Elias manly teaches math and language to the students . This would help the students as Elias knows 23 different languages and would be able to learn a lot more quicker than a human . Robots like Elias would help students as well because it does not get tired of repetition , asks students questions at the levels , inspires students to participate in the lesson and it can give feedback to teachers . This would significantly improve a students learning journey .

Conversely, people may state that learning by a teacher and pen and paper is simply the better option as students will be able to connect with teachers and have a emotional connection allowing them to feel more comfortable learning . For instance, 65% of students have said that they prefer in person learning which already shows that do not prefer learning with a screen . It would also be better to learn by physically going and do something instead of replacing it and doing it in front of a screen . Lastly, multitasking is something that has been shown that are brains can not do while learning and on technology and using AI it would prove difficult to learn .

Comments (17)

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  • Well...If we are gonna talk about if AI is Good or bad.. Then we have to know what AI does .. I strongly believe that AI is Good, since it helps humans in almost all kinds of ways , Lets take AI helping students as an example, AI helps student study better...get ideas and AI also can explain stuff / topics to students who don't understand it can also help teachers prepare for their classes ..... so thats why i believe AI is really useful.

  • Hello everybody!
    I'm sympathetic clarinet.
    In my opinion AI is good and bad in the same time.
    Firstly why AI is good
    Because it helps us and many things for example searching about any information, translating , and nowadays many places depends on the AI for example smart malls, and and some places we can find robots .
    Lastly why AI is bad in my opinion :
    Because nowadays many jobs depends on AI that's mean that many people will not work or I will not have work.
    And also people can use AI in bad things.

    1. I agree because everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Till now, we have observed both. AI has turn out to be really creative and helpful for humans, it can work in places where human beings cannot which include hazardous places, like underwater mining/research, AI machines can be sent in space, and more. While, AI is creating certain issues, such as people are getting unemployed and addicted. But, I still feel that AI is good as it can create wonderful jobs for humans and can take over some jobs.

  • I think bad because you will be addicted in everything that uses devices . And AI can make mistakes

    1. I strongly agree because... as AI can be very useful people tend to use it a lot. At some point in time teachers had to start restricting laptops. Students learn with it for 5 minutes and then play games. Some use websites to answer questions. AI should be taken seriously.
      AI shouldn't be dependent. Any glitch could happen at any moment. It could easily malfunction.

    2. I disagree because it helps many people doing their tasks in easier way and faster way,
      Also it helps people earn money much faster, may be you are right that it has some disadvantages, but that can be controlled, your uses is the main factor which determines if AI or any thing is good or bad.

  • Hi topical talk
    Yes AI is good and also bad in some aspect
    Where AI is good is in health care and in our modern building that is smart house. AI help doctor to Scan and prescribed drugs for patients and even when women are pregnant, there was an AI machine designed to scan whether it is a boy or girl and time for delivery. Also they house that we use today are designed with AI machines that we call smart house, for instance there is a school named cathedral high in Indianapolis, in there school there are censor that when you pass any light it will shine and you can clap your hand and it will on.
    Then in the bad aspect like those that use x-ray AI machines this will lead them to have skin cancer and in they aspect of when AI is taking away human job and leaving humans unemployment and this not good for humans.
    So am saying that AI is good and bad, so we not say only The good thing it have done for and leave the bad one, we should say the both.

  • Hello everyone!
    I think AI will be useful for schools. It could help in a lot of things like grading exams and test with precision help the student understand something about the lesson and teach a lot of things Ai could help the teachers prepare for the class it could make sure that something is true or not. Ai could make some mistakes, but it will be less than a human being. Now that begs the question will AI take the place of teachers? I think not yes, AI is a valuable tool for teachers in supporting student learning it cannot take the place of teachers. AI can't understand the students as teachers can. teacher makes sure to teach every student the way they can understand. AI couldn't understand every student and the way they can learn. In conclusion AI should be in every school to aid the teachers and student but AI couldn't in any way teach the students.

  • We cannot deny that AI is very useful and it helps the human but at the same time if we depend on robots it will affect the work of humans many people are going to depend on them and donot work Although it is very useful for students it can make mistakes but It plays an important role in our community such as helping humans at their work and it facilate our life we see that there are many videos that are made with AI amd they are very useful and it reduce danger

  • In my opinion A’i doesn’t have emotions that is why they can’t be good nor bad, We’ve all seen the headlines about AI, both the good and bad. Regardless of what you think of the risks of using AI, no one can dispute that it’s here to stay. Businesses of all sizes have found great benefits from utilizing AI, and consumers across the globe use it in their daily lives I hope I was not able to confuse you but to tell you that Ai isn’t good or bad.

  • i dont think AI is good because it can take jobs of people if they make a website with AI witch means more unemploymemt

    1. Thank you for that wonderful comment, but I think 8 disagree with you because the presence of AI can actually provide so many works but in a more advanced way.
      For instance if your work was a grass cutter, and there is now a tractor which can cut grass, it will how be left for you to upgrade in a way that so can operate the tractor, now you see that you have not lost your job but have improve in your job.
      Also AI can also create new jobs such as software programmers, because they are the ones that develope the AI and also works like robotic engineers, so that if by any mistake the AI gets to malfunction they can be able to repair them, as we all know that even humans false sick ones in a while so also will AI get to malfunction at some times and it will only take the efforts of the robotic engineers to get them repaired.
      So I will like to end by saying that AI will only help us to improve in our areas of specializations but not to deprive us of our jobs.
      THANK YOU.......

  • Hello everyone, I hope you all are well!

    To begin with, AI (artificial intelligence) can be good if you are struggling to solve an equation. AI can assist you in solving it and along with that, it shows you the steps on how to solve it and it gives you the answer just in case you are still struggling to solve the equation/question. AI can also be there just in case you just need someone to talk to- someone who won't judge your situation or anything like that. AI will generously put itself out there to help you! AI can also be there if you need to release your anger, AI will even apologize if they had angered you or not.

    AI can also be bad but only if you use it the wrong way. If you only use it for the answers, then you will not learn anything and you will not fully understand the question/equation that you needed to solve. So if you had a test that was a similar type of question that you needed to solve, you would not be able to work it out as you just cheated with artificial intelligence like ChatGP or anything else like that.

    Bye guys I hope you have an amazing day!!

  • I think AI is good for advanced technology but is also bad because it can take over needed jobs eg. Surgeons. Unemployment is already on the rise and this could make it worse the only jobs I think are those that require human emotions eg. Carers, nurses and teachers.

  • AI has made our life better and easier in many things we see now robots are playing important role and in the future it will work more than people but do you think this is a good thing ?
    I totally agree that AI will help people and make them more comfortable but if we depend on robots there will not be many workers we will see robots doing everything but that doesn't mean it isn't important no of course it is important AI will help in learning and it gives us exactly the information that we want we can search for anything and find it easy

  • Hello guys!!

    In my opinion AI is both good and bad.

    When I say AI is good, I mean it can assist in so many ways.
    1. Help teachers
    2. Summarizes notes for students
    3. Tackling Illegal Fishing:
    4. Fighting Human Trafficking:
    5. Disaster Response and Relief
    6. Enhancing Education:

    AI being bad

    So AI can be bad by doing these things:

    1.Job Automation
    2.Dissemination of Misinformation
    3.Bias and Unethical Behavior
    4.Security Risks
    5.Lack of Creativity and Emotion

  • Bad because AI can take over people and their jobs. AI can’t communicate with other people and AI cannot picture like you.

    1. Can you think of some jobs AI can't replace?

  • AI can help people in every day jobs.They can help teachers that is why it is so is bad because AI don’t have emotions or feelings.

    1. Can you explain how AI can help teachers?

  • Hello,
    In my opinion A.I is good
    and bad.
    Like any technology AI it's a double-edged sword just as you can use it for good you can also use it for evil..
    A.I as it has Advantages it has disadvantage, from it's Advantages (High Accuracy with less error , High speed , High reliability and it is useful for risky areas )these are some of the advantages of A.I as A.I has Advantages it has also disadvantage from it's disadvantage:(incurrs High cost , leads to unemployment, no improvement with experience, lacks in creativity)

  • In my opinion, AI can be great and also horrible. First, AI can be great because it can help people solve health problems by detecting issues with health test. It can also help us analyze data or information. The Mars Rover is an AI machine and it collects data for scientists which would be pretty helpful for them.
    As for the bad side of AI, sometimes Artificial Intelligence may tell you false answers, and some AI can sometimes break be inaccurate. Artificial Intelligence lacks in emotion. It can malfunction or even be hacked sometimes. These are the reasons why I think AI can be both good and horrible.

  • In my view, AI is good !
    Because it has many advantages and features that sometimes humans don’t have. AI is beneficial for many reasons and in many fields for example education, healthcare, agriculture…
    AI can help students too like doing homework, studying, and tasks.
    I believe that If we use AI wisely we can do many things.