Nepotism Can It Be Avoided?

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Nepotism is the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by giving them jobs even when they don't deserve it. Nepotism has many disadvantages in the society. It causes people to feel cheated and neglected. It reduces organizational performance and worsens work culture with under skilled employees and management no longer judging employees solely on merit. Nepotism in the workplace also ruins the relationship and trust between staff and leaders, as well as the relationship between staff and favored employees. This can prevent an open work environment, making staff unwilling to collaborate with one another which brings down the business.

If you look carefully nepotism also has its advantages. One of which is building a family legacy. Private organizations will prefer to hire family members to build a family legacy. Nepotism in this case reduces hiring costs and increased retention time. People consider costs when hiring famly, having family members or relatives as employees, reducing an employer's recruiting costs.

These advantages bring me to my question: Can nepotism really be avoided? Let’s be honest if you should see your family member in need of a job and someone else in trouble who will you pick?

Family is very precious to many people in the society and people will all try their best to make family happy. Will you really pick a stranger and leave your family jobless? Some people will consider it as brutality, others will consider it as not being partial. What will you consider it as?

Comments (12)

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  • yes, nepotism can be avoided if one is brought up in a home where the are taught how to fend for themselves without the help of their parents, and also if people are enlightened on the negative effects of nepotism through talks or the mass media.

  • Regarding the question of whether we can completely eliminate favoritism in the workplace, the answer is not definitive. We can take measures to mitigate the impact of favoritism and promote equality, but completely eradicating this phenomenon may be challenging.

    Achieving a complete avoidance of favoritism requires comprehensive and sustainable efforts. Here are some strategies that can be followed to address favoritism:

    Establish clear policies: Clear institutional policies should be put in place, stating that treatment should be fair and based on merit and performance. These policies should be known to all employees and strictly enforced.

    Provide training and development: Equality can be enhanced by providing training and development opportunities for all employees. Opportunities should be provided equitably and fairly to enhance their skills and increase chances for career advancement.

    Encourage diversity and fair representation: There should be a commitment to encouraging diversity and achieving fair representation of all racial, ethnic, religious, national, and gender groups. This can be achieved by adopting recruitment policies aimed at increasing fair representation and providing equal opportunities for all employees. Awareness and training programs can be implemented to promote the importance of diversity and fair representation and enhance the capabilities of leaders and managers to make objective and fair decisions.

    However, it should be noted that achieving complete eradication of favoritism may be challenging due to the interplay of human and social factors in the work environment. It is important to realize that change takes time and continuous efforts for ongoing improvement.

    Ultimately, the focus on promoting equality and fairness in the workplace aims to create a work environment that respects individuals, recognizes their value, and provides equal opportunities for everyone.

  • If the other person is more qualified than the one in my family, I will definitely hire him, because if I hire the least qualified (from my family members), it will cause damage to the business and it will fail and production will decrease because the work is incorrect
    In return, I will give seminars and advice to the person who is a member of my family, and I will tell him to strive, learn, and become an individual with a high position in society and a person who depends on him and who is employed without mediation, bribery, or nepotism

  • The question you asked us is a very cool question because these things happen a lot in societyThe answer to the question: If two people come to me who want employment, the first is close to me and the second is someone I do not know at first.
    And this is all because I do not like to wrong any one, whether it is a relative or a stranger
    And that people are equal to me

  • Can nepotism be avoided?! Yes, if someone from my family wants to work and another person is in trouble, I will choose the person who is in trouble because he needs more work, and in order not to be a reason for preventing the other from working, I can give him another position that may be less than him in work, because relatives are not relatives in work either. Relatives are relatives only when you are outside work, but when working, everyone is equal and the best is the one who earns the work, so I consider it not biased regardless of the kinship. 👌🕵🏻‍♂️

  • The question of whether nepotism can be avoided is complex and depends on various factors such as cultural norms, personal values, and the structure of organizations or institutions. While nepotism can be prevalent in some societies or industries, efforts can be made to minimize its impact and promote fairness and meritocracy.

    In order to mitigate nepotism, it is important to establish transparent and merit-based recruitment processes that prioritize qualifications, skills, and experience. Implementing policies that encourage diversity and equal opportunities can help ensure that positions are filled based on merit rather than personal connections.

    Organizations can also promote a culture of accountability and professionalism, where decisions are based on objective criteria rather than personal relationships. This requires strong leadership and a commitment to upholding ethical standards in hiring and promotion practices.

    Additionally, implementing strong checks and balances, such as independent review panels or oversight mechanisms, can help prevent nepotistic practices from going unchecked. Ensuring that recruitment processes are open, competitive, and inclusive can also help create a level playing field for all candidates.

    However, it is important to acknowledge that completely eradicating nepotism may be challenging, especially in informal or small-scale settings where personal relationships and family ties hold significant influence. In such cases, creating awareness about the negative consequences of nepotism and promoting alternative approaches, such as mentorship programs or internships, can help provide opportunities to deserving candidates beyond family connections.

    Ultimately, whether nepotism can be avoided or not depends on the collective effort of individuals, organizations, and society as a whole to prioritize fairness, equal opportunities, and meritocracy in decision-making processes.

  • To avoid nepotism, a collective leadership strategy requires to ensure that employee hires, and promotions. And also desirable projects are spread equally within the organization. Nepotism can wreak havoc on a company's culture, and it often places workers in positions for which they are unqualified.
    The leading cause of nepotism in the workplace is someone high up in a business willing to use their position to benefit personal relationships over the overall business objectives.
    Nepotism destroys organizational leadership.
    The corrosive act of nepotism often places the wrong people in leadership or subject-matter-expert positions. Poor leadership can hurt your company's reputation, lead to destructive decision-making, and spark turnover contagion.
    Nepotism can be avoided
    How to avoid nepotism in the workplace
    1. Improvise Fair written policy. A written policy plays a significant role in preventing the ways through which nepotism can occur.
    2. Create detailed job descriptions.
    3. Promote transparency in Hiring and promotion processes.
    4. Objective decision-making.
    5. Equal employee treatment.

  • The question of weather nepotism can be avoided is complex and depends on various factors such as cultural norms ,personal values ,and structure of organization or institution .while nepotism can be prevalent in some societies or industries, efforts can be made to minimize its impact and promote fairness and meritocracy. Another way is owner separation from job role .

    1. I agree with you and the topical talker that created this standpoint because the question it makes me to think hard and whether or not nepotism can be stopped or not lies in the collective decision and beliefs held by people of affluence in the society. We all know that people try to cover nepotism with the term 'loving support' and that is not good because it does not allow people to build their own reputation by themselves without excess external aid or support but the thing is that culture, norms, family bonds and ties, societal rank and traditions are all factors that make people give aid in excess but instead of it actually helping them it slowly destroys them, why do I say so, Nepotism is basically giving someone an unfair advantage over others and it means bending the normal due process just because of their connections with them and this does not help because it makes them to be lazy and spoilt with the mindset that there will always be someone to give them whatever they want thus not allowing them to learn or experience anything if they had worked by themselves.
      Helping friends and relatives is good but in excess is bad so, if we could educate the masses about how being nepotic destroys society, what hardwork stands for and the potential dangers and negative effects it places on those cheated on it could actually reduce cases of nepotism and also reduce corruption which eventually will make the world a better place for people with talent and skill get equal and fair opportunities.

  • I agree when you said family is very important to some people,and people would do anything to make their families happy.
    But I do not think it should be at the expense of someone else's happiness.
    In all honesty,I cannot leave my family jobless if it is within my capacity to help them,and I cannot also give them a job if they are not qualified.
    The least I could do is give them some capital to start up a business.
    Employers should put in mind that they are working for the country and hiring someone who's not skilled for a position could affect the activities and thereby not improve productive activities.
    And also,they should know that personal matters should stay at home,and business matters should be at work.
    They should not involve family with business.
    Although people might consider it brutal,
    Employers should not let a person handle a position he/she knows nothing about because it could also affect the industry not only the country.
    So I think the best thing employers could do is to be neutral.

  • In my opinion, nepotism can be avoided when one is old enough to. For example, when a famous person's child is still young, they have no way of avoiding nepotism if the parent offers it. But someone who is the child of a famous person but older, they have a choice whether to fall to nepotism or to build off of their own success. It depends on the situation.

  • When it comes to nepotism it can be avoided because as long as people don't choose family over other people that could do a better standing in a job position or a film. Other wise if the baby of two popular people does things on their own and gets the role by doing good then yes that would be able to avoid nepotism. That is only one of the ways but there are much more.

  • I'm my opinion I believe nepotism cannot be AVOIDED because....... people don't always realize when they are committing it because people just think that they are pleasing their family, friends or associations, which is an unfair treatment.To avoid nepotism, a collective leadership strategy requires to ensure that employee hires, and promotions. I think nepotism has more disadvantages than Advantages.
    If i was to choose whether to give my family the job or give a stranger, i would give my family because to me, a family is someone closer to me and whoever I can depend on for support, to laugh with, to play with, and to share the challenges and rewards of life with.

    But on the other hand 👏 other people also want to gave that same job. It's hard to decide and so i would consider it being partial.
    So to be honest i think it's right to give my family a job free of charge.❣️