Thinking questions

This post starts with a small challenge – don’t scroll down until you have completed it. Good luck!

Artboard 115


You have three minutes to draw a picture of a cat wearing a dress, playing football in a forest.

Ready... go!

“What’s this challenge got to do with AI?” you might ask…

Well, AI can now create art. For example, it completed the same challenge in a matter of seconds and came up with several results.

Here are two of them:


Comments (182)

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  • Based on the two images of the cats in the forest, I realise that the AI obeys your wishes LITERALLY . Some artists always like to convey emotions in a METAPHORICAL way so you understand the picture better. For example, I have seen some posters with a deeper message than what is actually painted. One I saw on the street was a tree with the body of a person from the torso up and the roots, bark and stump of the tree below the middle. The person was holding an axe and they were separated into two pieces. It made me realise that we are hurting the trees without realising we are hurting ourselves in the process as the trees are the lungs of the planet. Another is a person's mouth bandaged and people are screaming to say something out loud. This conveyed the message that people just do not have a voice in society. Another was a media chip slicing someone's brain and this represents the media brainwashing teens. The metaphor behind every art piece is what influences people to make a change. If you asked the AI to paint a picture of stopping climate change, the AI would likely just write stop climate change with a tree dying. But what if you had the idea of drawing the Earth as a melting ice cream on a cone. That is much more effective. AI do produce more efficient pieces of art, but only a hand with a paint brush can really push things to the next level.

    1. During my research on AI and arts, I learned some ground-breaking information and this made me understand and agree with your comment because I feel your comment raises valid points about the limitations of AI-generated art when it comes to conveying emotions and deeper messages in a metaphorical way. While AI can produce efficient pieces of art that follow instructions (obey) precisely, it may struggle to capture the distinction and representation that human artists can convey through their work. Artists often use metaphorical and symbolic elements in their art to communicate complex ideas and emotions. For example, a mouth bandaged and people screaming could represent the silencing of voices in society.
      By relying on literal interpretations of instructions, AI-generated art may not be able to capture these types of deeper meanings and connections and it may not be as effective in conveying messages that send great meaning to the world
      Furthermore, I feel your comment suggests that AI-generated art may lack the creativity and imagination of human artists. While AI is programmed to follow certain patterns and styles, it may not be able to come up with truly innovative and original ideas on its own. This could limit humans' ability to push artistic boundaries and create truly groundbreaking pieces. While AI may be efficient and precise in following instructions or in your words "obeying" it may not be able to capture the deeper meanings and connections that human artists can convey through their work, therefore, I truly agree with you.

      1. Your phrase "artistic boundaries" really caught my attention here, spirited_gazelle! Can you explain what you mean? And maybe share an example of how this has been done before, or how it could be done in future?

        1. I believe that there is a barrier that every artiste wants to break. This enables the flair in their creativity. Hence, in order to explore the innate ability to create something that eyes or ears have not seen nor heard yet, they tend to go beyond their comfort zone to materialize that aesthetic value they intend to depict.
          In a nut shell, "artistic boundaries" in my comment refers to barriers that artistes tend to break with regard to their creative zones where they will invent a unique art.

    2. I agree because...Yes, AI may be able to produce masterpieces in record time but it always just be a machine carrying out an instruction. AI will never really have that touch of creativity and human touch, though it might have been ordered to create art by a human. Once i saw a painting of an invisible man playing a saxophone with colours everywhere. It was truly a masterpiece but a lot of people failed to recognize the painting and the artist. Humans express themselves on paper, AI carries out an instruction blindly. AI might be easier and less time consuming but human artists take so long to do their paintings because they want to find a perfect way to express themselves on their canvas. The melacholy art series by Edvard Munch represented immense sadness. People use AI as a way of self expression, that is what art is all about.

    3. You made a very blissful comment here accurate_atom but I'm not sure of all your statements being accurate. The acronym "AI" means Artificial intelligence, I said the meaning of this acronym not because we don't know what it means but because we don't seem to get the whole essence of the name. Artificial intelligence is the ability of a computer to function like a human. About a month ago I read through a story of a man sending his robot to get his book for him, he and this robot were on the first floor and the book was on the last floor when he sent this errand, a robot without AI would have to be given specific details concerning the location of the book but an AI robot would not need all the boring details instead it will behave like a human by going down the stairs or take an elevator to the floor where the book is, then it will compute its data by doing a statistical analysis of where the man usually keeps his books so that it will find it in one place or another. The aim of artificial intelligence is to learn, adapt and to compute complex data to bring out information, not to function like a Basic Input and Output System that you'll have to click on buttons all the time just to accomplish a single task. AI would really take art to the next level because it will learn from artist who have made wonderful achievements and search the internet for how to make emotional-filled art work. Yes, AI does not possess emotions but only act on it's programming but it will definitely show the world a different form of art. Imagine you could search and find information about how an artist make his art then learn them, what would you create with that knowledge?

      Therefore, I believe that AI won't make our artists useless instead it will give us a different perspective of what art can be.

      1. I got captivated by this comment though, but I would like to add to it by saying; AI is not something that you could just wake up one day to create it takes lot and lots of human intelligence to be able to create something that act as human.
        Though, a well programmed AI robot can perform superbly well.Moreover we are in a world where technology is taking over so, AI would be very useful for lots of people even the artist.

    4. I searched about artificial intelligence a year ago, I was not surprised by the information here much...but I used to think that artificial intelligence draws abstract things devoid of emotions and feelings,, but art scientists discovered that AI has a sense of art, so a text is written and AI turns it into an artistic image and a painting Wonderful and I think that over the years and with all my regret .. The AI ​​in art will overshadow human artists, and I hate this phrase because I love art, drawing, and everything related to it... Artificial intelligence is just an imitation of the human artist, but I and most of the artists were shocked when they saw pictures drawn by AI that seem emotional and have a feeling. However, the organizations responsible for AI should not seek with this application to destroy the future of human artists. Everyone has his own world and should give the artist another name. Which uses AI so that there is no worryAbout covering the work of human artists....and we must reinforce this idea, because life is art and art is in colors, so what if art disappears in this real world and spreads in a virtual world!!! Colors, and life will end...many people love art. So let's not ruin this imitating an application for it 👍..

    5. Yes, AI I strongly agree with you because I believe putting your emotions and passion into art can help to convey your message to people but, AI lacks all this things not being able to send the same message across.

    6. I agree because... you are right when you say AI do produce more efficient pieces of art, but only a hand with a paintbrush can push things to the next level for someone like me whose dream is to become a future artist, I would love it when people go to a museum to see art and it's true emotions. That is something that i can boldly say AI can barely do, yet they do produce art but they can not give the emotions hand made painting can give but I think that AI is less of good advantage to artists to because I agree that AI can make what is an accurate painting but I strongly agree that some artists like always like to reveal emotions in a metamorphic al way so you understand the picture better because it's true just like the Mona Lisa is it brings out the art in you and the Mona Lisa more valuable than we think because how how it popularity grew after it being stolen more than twice which proves it is very important and expressing my self think AI is actually kind of not helpful because it can affect artists in it can it can financially destabilizing because through art they get money and when they get the money they can take care of two of their children but without that act in especially because an artist can sit down for literally days and work on their art yet it was their idea but y\ the AI comes in and copy something like the art it a bit it's like you're stealing the persons work because the person has put a lot of work a lot of emotions and so I really think that it's best if people start finding a way to limit the abilities of AI because I think it's not good because those who use AI also have to have need to have a copyright law and it's not only art which can't actually like painting like music and I can copy it celebrities voice and use it as their own yet which can which is very painful because as during our discussion we were told that some are an artist in the northern part of our country Ghana she can literally she all she goes to study she sits down and she just listens to the beats in the words just are flowing through her so I really think it's really when people when people actually put their work into art and make all that they can the best they can but I think it's really stealing when the AI him take their works and changes it into its own form because every man made everyone has emotions and it's true when i has doesn't have the feeling

      so I think we must act on this

    7. Your article is quite engaging and interesting, and it has really opened my eyes to look and think deeper than the images displayed. I believe it is a good thing that AI can create new and inspiring artistic designs. This can help human creativity by inspiring people to create new artwork and even improve their skills; the fact that AI can create great and wonderful pieces is something to be cherished.

    8. I completely agree with you on this comment accurate_atom. While AI-generated art can be impressive and efficient, there's something special about the metaphors and deeper messages conveyed through handcrafted art. Sometimes, a simple image can speak volumes and inspire change in ways that words cannot. It's not just about depicting an idea, but also about evoking emotions and making people think. AI-generated art may be able to follow instructions to a tee, but it can't replicate the creativity and personal touch that human artists can bring to their work.

      1. I agree with you as well. Human artists possess a unique ability to infuse their art with their emotions, experiences, and personal perspectives. This adds a depth and richness to their work that can be challenging for AI-generated art to replicate. Human artists have the capacity to convey complex emotions, tell stories, and provoke thought through their creative expressions.

        Handcrafted art often carries the essence of the artist's journey, their struggles, and their growth. It can capture the subtleties of human experiences, cultural nuances, and societal issues in ways that resonate deeply with viewers. The imperfections and idiosyncrasies in handcrafted art can also add charm and a sense of authenticity that may be absent in AI-generated art, which often adheres strictly to predefined algorithms and patterns.

        Furthermore, art has always been a form of human communication and a medium for cultural expression. It reflects our diverse perspectives, challenges the status quo, and invites dialogue. Human artists contribute to the evolution of art and culture by pushing boundaries, experimenting with new techniques, and challenging established norms. This creative exploration and individuality are essential aspects of art that may be difficult for AI to replicate.

        While AI-generated art certainly has its merits, it is important to recognize and appreciate the distinct qualities that human artists bring to the table. Both AI and human-created art can coexist, each offering unique perspectives and contributions to the artistic landscape.

    9. I agree because many people do not realize many of the deeper meanings of art. The passion, creativity and the desire to create are all nonexistent the moment you use AI to produce art. Recently, in my art class, a local artist came to present for our class. He showed us many of his artworks and what really appealed to me were these mailboxes he painted. They look like a normal design on the outside, but when seen from the creators view, you see it way differently than you would if you were to walk by it on the street. The

    10. Your educating points really got me captivated, based on the two images given above,it made me to realize also that AI obeys wishes literally and most artists uses it in a metaphorical way,most of the drawings and paintings I have seen on streets, conveys deeper messages and informations,the say the future is in our hands,as accurate atom said just a hand with a paint brush can really push only things to the next level,this implies when he gave an example,a mouth bandaged and people are screaming to say something, meaning,the people of our society are voiceless,the Intented purpose of the drawing is to pass deeper message.
      As we generally know that AI cannot generate new ideas on it's own but that it can support human to do so by catalying human creativity,that is why the ability to be creative has been a big part of what separate human beings from mechines.
      Therefore,I agree with you,like I said earlier the future is in our hands,the drawings and painting that has deeper meanings and passes effective information to the society,it is best appreciated and valued,it is not that AI can also not be valued but just that it cannot generate new ideas on it's own but support human to do so.

    11. Hi accurate atom.
      I deeply agree with your point, this is because if we use AI to create art, it will obey every single instruction we give it, however, this is the major difference between art created by humans and art created by AI.

      Art created by AI can never convey emotions in the artwork, how can AI convey emotions in art when it doesn't have emotions itself?

      Therefore, this is the reason I 100% agree with your point.

  • I think that artificial intelligence will reduce the importance of artists because there are many sites where you can write to them what you want the drawing to contain and they will draw it for you, but this thing as I said will reduce the importance of artists and there is no need for human creativity. This is from the negative side, but from the positive side, it became possible for everyone to paint their own paintings through artificial intelligence and they do not need another person, and also save money because I do not need to buy paintings, but I can draw. Through artificial intelligence, although humans have invented and developed artificial intelligence, they cannot control it, so artificial intelligence dominates the world and humanity.

    1. I disagree with your comment because ... artificial intelligence helps as in saving time, it automates repetitive tasks,it helps in repetitive jobs, it enables the execution of complex tasks to easier tasks without significant costs. It makes work very easy in that the struggle to think a lot and take a lot of time coming up with an answer, AI does this in a minute. Therefore, i wish to say that long live AI especially when it comes to education,art and creativity in learning.

      1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) in various fields, including education, art, and creativity. I agree with you that AI can be a powerful tool in helping us save time, automate repetitive tasks, and simplify complex processes.

        In education, for instance, AI can help teachers personalize learning experiences for students by analyzing their performance data and providing personalized feedback. In art and creativity, AI-powered tools can assist artists in generating new ideas, creating digital art, and even composing music.

        However, it's important to note that while AI can offer many advantages, it also has its limitations and potential risks. For instance, we need to ensure that AI is developed ethically and transparently to prevent bias and unintended consequences. Moreover, we should also consider the potential impact of AI on employment and job displacement.

        I appreciate your positive outlook on AI and its potential to enhance various aspects of our lives. As AI continues to evolve, it will be crucial to strike a balance between harnessing its benefits while also addressing any associated risks or concerns.

    2. I disagree with this because... To me AI saves lots of time and doesn't consume much of human stress. Remember we are not in the old generations where people paint or mould sculptures with local materials, nowadays even artists make very good use of AI because they could also create something creative and magical with graphics, animation and so on and this is only posible with the aid of AI.

      1. Though AI saves time and make works easier but according to my research Ai cannot create, conceptualize, or plan strategically. While AI is great at optimizing for a narrow objective. It is unable to choose its own goals or to think creatively. Nor can AI think across domains or apply common sense that it doesn't possess.
        We know when it comes to speed, humans are no match for artificial intelligence or robots, but the people mind is capable of adjusting to its perspective in response to the changing conditions of its surroundings. Because of this, people are able to remember information and excel in a variety of activities. While it takes artificial intelligence a lot more time to adapt to unneeded changes. AI is creative and so on but by far the greatest danger of artificial intelligence is that people conclude too early that they understand it.

    3. I disagree with your opinion at all. Indeed, your opinion has made millions of percent wrong.. Rather, artists will be called the word artist and deservedly, and also artificial intelligence works to help painters and artists first to save time and effort as well, and facilitates tasks and work for us from difficult to easy, as well as artificial intelligence  It does the work of artists in less than a minute, i.e. a few seconds, and it develops art and creativity and develops ideas that did not appear to us through drawing, coloring, or otherwise .. Artificial intelligence is very important in our lives and has a great role in our lives that must be appreciated  .

    4. I agree with you. In the end, this is considered cheating, because the artist who works for days is different from the one who takes the drawings from the program without getting tired.
      The writer who spends weeks writing is completely different from the one who takes poetry from programs.
      If the situation remains like this, the artists will have no importance.
      Some see him as good, maybe he is in developing skills, not cheating, in the end each of us has his own opinion ☺️

    5. do not agree with you...
      In my opinion, artificial intelligence will not replace humans, nor will it reduce human creativity. Most people think that this rapid development will put people out of work and reduce their creativity, but I never see that. People who combine artificial intelligence with their own intelligence are always the best, for example let me I explain to you: you are an artist and you use artificial intelligence to help you andHe gives you inspiration, or if he is good at a certain sport and you let him make you a plan that suits you and your development, or for example a genius in writing and you let him help you be better and better, or even a good programmer and you let him teach you to write more complex codes, so I do not think that artificial intelligence will reduce human creativity, but rather will increase it 🔥 .

  • Hello, I do not support artificial intelligence at all, as it poses a threat to the spirit of creativity in humans and outperforms humans and obliterates their creativity and distinctive thinking. I prefer that a person work by himself, discover, experiment, search, make mistakes and learn, not to rely on artificial intelligence
    But it is no secret that it has positives, as it facilitates things, keeps us away from dangers, reduces mistakes that people can make, saves time and effort, and excels at work because it has a high IQ.
    But its disadvantages are many, as it reduces manpower and kills human capabilities, increases human laziness, as a person relies on artificial intelligence and forgets his work
    Success is not in creating artificial intelligence. I know that we are in the era of technology and development, but this kills the spirit of creativity in humans. We no longer know who is the smart and distinguished person because artificial intelligence has hidden human capabilities.

    1. Why do we need to know who is "smart and distinguished" if AI can do everything we need?

      1. From my point of view..I see that there is no doubt about the importance of knowing who is smart and distinguished. Of course, we need smart and distinguished people in our world. After all, we are the ones who invented artificial intelligence that does everything today. For example, when we ask someone why do you need artificial intelligence, the answers will center around that it helps us in our lives. I think that it is like the invention of cars at a time when there were no cars, and the invention of the phone and the lamp. They are all works and inventions that I am proud of as a human being. Another point is that we should not rely on artificial intelligence because it fulfills all our needs. We as people need to do many things without relying on artificial intelligence. For example, when we want to express our feelings in a painting that you wanted to paint yourself, and also using artificial intelligence, you will see a big difference, of course, because artificial intelligence is a machine that will do as you command from its owner. It will draw a painting, but not like your painting that you drew yourself. Especially artificial intelligence, and also a person needs to secrete dopamine by doing things himself that he loves, develops from, and makes them smart. Intelligence is something that is acquired with life and its experiences, and excellence requires that you think outside the box ,so its important to know who is smart as we can develop, creat, and do many other things in future as we reach the Al. I believe in this saying "no one can know about the future and this is the purpose of life".

      2. After all, the question contains the answer. You said that artificial intelligence will perform all human tasks. It is true what you said, but let us not forget that humans invented artificial intelligence. What does that have to do with it? Do not rush, and let us imagine that in the future we depend on artificial intelligence. There has been a malfunction or a defect, how will we fix it? We will not be able because we have relied on it completely in our lives, and at that time we will feel inferior, and here we turn our attention to the distinguished person who will fix the defect. Wonderful moment. What about the development of artificial intelligence and the creation of new technologies? Here lies the role of the creator in the end. Within every human being there is a talent and a valuable treasure that we must discover Don't bury it with our dependence on artificial intelligence.

        1. I disagree because, the fact that we introduce AI into our world as humans does not mean it will rule us or we must totally depend on it. You have highlighted a very good point which is humans dependency on AI and I give you plaudits for that but your approach to tackling it may not be the best, AI is faster, more accurate and has many other advantages over man but there are also areas that humans surpass them such as emotional intelligence and innovation because it was the idea of man to make it and it's abilities were given to it by man so anything they bring up can only be an advancement of the humans ideas everything they do centers around human life because that is their ascertained destination. Yes, we are enhancing into the realm of the metaverse but those who rule and manage what happens to and in it are we the humans, the main aim of the metaverse is to enhance and raise the standard of living in the world, I know we are all afraid of the metaverse failing us but you totally depend on your police and Army to protect in the real world and they some times disappoint why then are you afraid of AI's disappointment. Just the way unforeseen circumstances and hardships take place in our present world it is also prone to take place in the metaverse with the AI, Getting rid of AI won't solve the problem of disappointments rather our ability to manage them effectively will curb it. Lastly you said the human being has a hidden treasure and talent to discover but what if we have found one of those talents, what if our ability to create and manage AI for the better of the world is a talent.

        2. I like the way you think have helped me to understand AI better . Especially your thoughts towards the fact that in every human there is a talent so we should not bury it because other technologies have now been developed

        3. Well said glad_apricot.
          AI is invented by man itself, so it should only serve as a help and tool to artist just like a brush is a tool of the painter.
          AI apps are unlikely to replace artist. While AI technology has made significant progress in generating visual and audio content, it still lacks the creativity and touch that is intrinsic to art. It can't pass or send the absolute information of the picture like that of a painter and it's brush. So human should make the AI a tool not what they should rely on everytime.

      3. I disagree because... But artificial intelligence cannot convey to others the feelings and feelings as a real person does..The poet with his poetry can communicate to his audience about the extent of pain or joy he feels and can inspire others..Likewise, the painter can communicate to us about the feelings that the image carries that cannot be sensed Unless it was drawn by an artist who has mastery, inspiration, feelings and talent

        1. Good answer but I don't agree with you. I do believe that art has the ability to convey the meaning fully as well as humans can do. This is because a picture sometimes is enough to tell the whole story without the need to write a paragraph or talk a lot. This depends on the painter if s/he is qualified enough to do this task.

        2. You're right, I really wondered if the emotions would reach the viewers if they were drawn with AI, but why? Is it because the one who painted it was not a human being, or because the brushes and colors were not filled with feelings?! I really wonder.

      4. I think that artificial intelligence is not everything, so let's go back to the past a bit.... Who invented artificial intelligence? Yes, it is humans and scientists who invented it. They invented it not to steal their creations and cover them up. Rather, they invented it in order to help them a little bit, but this has developed very much and has become a point of purchase for many people. It threatens art and human creativity. This is not a good thing. It is a very bad thing. Artists can retire because of the lack of fans or Buy from their drawings

        1. I totally agree with you calm_song about artificial intelligence obstructing human creativity or as you said threatening it , but another thing is that artists will not have to retire because of artificial intelligence because firstly, it does not have a mind of its own like I said once before in one of my comments AI is like a tool artists just use to enhance their art and this in fact will draw more fans to the them because many people greatly admire AI but not all though. Once people know your style of art to me they will recognize you still giving the fame for your hardwork and creativity, yes there will still be those who use AI to pilfer or filch other people's ideas but sometimes you just have to look at the brighter side of things and embrace positivity instead of negativity. Actually in my point of view AI is an opportunity for upcoming artists to make it in life much faster than before . So yes I do agree that AI is not everything but at least it's something ,do you not agree as well.

        2. I disagree with you much as you say that artists can retire due to lack of fans for their drawings I feel like that's a choice they decide to make because he mentioned that AI is a human creation so why do you have to let what literally can do what it can because of human knowledge am talking about the knowledge that you also have overpower you. The thing is easy we all know that AIs are created to help us so instead of retiring I suggest artists just learn the use of an AI and that is to help them get the bigger picture and since they are artists I strongly believe they can do the specific drawing that the AI has done better and it even gets more fans.

          1. Thinking through all what you said enlightened pomegranate, what you said wasn't actually wrong but I suggest you should have a rethink. AI art form of art whether illustration generated by artificial intelligence algorithm and system. This artwork are without emotional expression personal touch, people who go to the museum look for artwork that can inspire them,if those artwork cannot,they won't buy it. This modern world we are now are developed with technology. What of if the AI art gets faulty who will? how will?without the help of we human.AI art can do a lot of things but it shouldn't who push artist out of work not all artist like the idea of stealing another person's artwork, artist draw paint to express,communicate with us.If the AI generated art gets out of existence, people will start relying on our artist and handwork.I think that AI generated art should learn from the artist and assist the artist not the other way around.

            1. I disagree with this because I believe AI can create emotion filled artwork even though they don't express these emotions. I don't say all these out of mere thinking, I say it out of experience. After hearing about AI making art, curiousity took control of my actions and I tried to make me own art, I asked ChatGPT if it can make an artwork but it disappointed me and gave me a sparkling no as an answer so I went ahead to try bing AI and it gave me a truly beautiful work of art, I couldn't stop looking at it, I felt a mixture of happiness and sadness and I was truly impressed. That's why I still insist on the world giving AI a chance and maybe we'll be able to benefit a handsome deal of knowledge from it.

              1. Thinking in your perspective,AI art can be emotional but sorry to say, an artwork being processed by a computer doesn't have any emotions to express. Have you ever tried taking a look at what an AI art image,picture,drawing looks like and comparing me to that of a human art you see a difference in what we are trying to say,in what I read you said you took a look at an artwork being made by AI art did you also take a look at what we human made???, Saying all these,we are not trying to put AI art out of existence but trying to prove to the world that AI art cannot be anywhere compared to that of a human art.

                1. I must say you have a nice combatting strategy towards my comment. Yes, I have compared art produced by AI with that produced my humans. As I said earlier I'm not speaking from mere opinion, I speak out of experience, the art I saw was equally emotionally filled as that of a human. I don't think you understand how AI produces this art, it doesn't just mix a few colours and call it art. What it does it that it takes a thorough search through the web, scans artworks of great artist, details out what each of them have in common, then mixes its paint to form art. I'm not trying to imply that it does this with emotions instead I'm trying to say that it does this with over 90 percent accuracy, it is like it was taught by the greatest of all artist. It doesn't do it emotions instead it does it with intelligence. Its artworks is grounded by the principle of psychology that guides the human brain, I believe you say this because you have not seen any of its masterpieces, if you're a kind of person who is able to interprete art you'll definitely agree with me on this notion.
                  It doesn't necessarily have to make this art with emotions for it to be beautiful because it depends on the researches it has made on artworks made by humans. This doesn't mean that I prefer AI art to human art, all I stand for is that AI should be given a chance in our modern world. Apart from this Human Arts rocks.

              2. Hello! It's great to hear that you have been exploring AI and art. While AI is capable of creating artworks, it doesn't experience emotions like humans do. Instead, it uses algorithms and data to create pieces that are aesthetically pleasing.

                Here are some examples of AI-generated artworks:

                1. "Portrait of Edmond de Belamy" - a portrait created using a generative adversarial network (GAN) by the Paris-based art collective Obvious.
                2. "The Next Rembrandt" - a project that used deep learning algorithms to analyze Rembrandt's works and create a new painting in his style.
                3. "AICAN: When Art Meets AI" - an exhibition featuring artworks generated by an AI program called AICAN, developed by Rutgers University.

                It's important to remember that while AI can create beautiful artworks, it still lacks the emotional depth and human touch that comes with traditional art-making techniques. Keep exploring and learning about this fascinating intersection between art and technology!

                1. Thank you for this new insight on this topic. I truly appreciate because I now understand why humans shouldn't be compared to AI. Art is practically the product of human emotions and the ability of AI to do it is fascinating but also queer, in a way it is just the mere sequence of copy and paste because it does it from its algorithm and it is capable of this just because it has the ability to duplicate parts from abstract paintings. Even at that humans shouldn't treat AI like it's a piece of trash because we created it and it's just following its instructions instead we should utilize its ability to do this in schools and businesses to create presentations or to transmit information rather than utilizing it in competitions with humans, in fact using AI in competitions involving humans should be stopped so that we will learn not to fight against our inventions, instead will work in sync to create more.

      5. It is important to recognize that AI is not truly intelligent but rather well-trained to perform specific tasks. AI lacks the ability to think independently. We need to know who is smart and distinguished because creativity is one thing that is important in our society it can take people places.

      6. Of course, we need smart and distinguished people.. We need that artificial intelligence does not overpower humans.. In the end, artificial intelligence is just a machine, no matter how multiplied its capabilities.. it may be damaged.. Imagine that the world has become completely dependent on AI, even with simple tasks. Then something went wrong. Then will the world stop? Of course not, humans have a mind that distinguishes them from other creatures. This mind will work to solve the problem. But we may find that some people have also dispensed with their mind and will not be able to face the problem or search for alternatives. So we have to take advantage of this intelligence for the benefit of humans and not to cancel the role of humans. We have to control it and not control us. We need a teacher, a physician, a leader, and other human beings who can make wise decisions in crises and difficult situations. It is difficult for a machine to take such decisions.

      7. Well, your question is surprising and beautiful.. I think that whoever learns artificial intelligence is smart. “The programs and algorithms of artificial intelligence have a huge storage capacity, much larger than human memory, and they can retrieve information and process it at lightning speed, which is something that humans are not capable of. And this is The first type of intelligence, which is actually very simple compared to the second type of intelligence, is the ability to analyze and think analogously.”
        Artificial intelligence contributes to helping teachers and lecturers by liberating them from office work that often consumes a large part of their time, as artificial intelligence can be used to automate most ordinary tasks, including administrative work, classifying papers, evaluating learning patterns in schools, answering general questions, and other tasks. Administrative tasks
        This technology (machine learning) makes it possible to access and publish huge amounts of data and processes without the need for much human intervention. With the development of artificial intelligence, it has become possible not only to achieve improved results than was the case previously, but also to predict and even plan what can be done in the future.

      8. Well, my dear friend, while AI is very smart and can do many things, it still needs humans to tell it what to do!

        Think of AI like a really cool robot that can do all sorts of amazing things like playing chess or even helping doctors diagnose diseases. But just like how you need a teacher to tell you what to learn in school, humans still need to tell AI what tasks they need it to do.

        Plus, being "smart and distinguished" is important because it means someone has worked hard and learned a lot. They might have come up with new ideas or found solutions to problems. And when we know who these smart and distinguished people are, we can learn from them too!

        AI can do many things for us, but we still need to work together with smart and distinguished people to make the world an even better place.

    2. Hello!
      Welli in my opinion I feel we share some similar views and opinion on this topic as I think was created to assist and reduce human mistakes and not to overrun them and plagiarize their work but AI has many advantages as you said among them is speed and accuracy which has been a problem in human development since the beginning of time but I don't think as you said AI "kills the spirit of human creativity'' reason being that in my perspective AI is a work of art on its on and to produce art you have to be "creative" and original and as we know AI can only be enhanced and developed meaning that human beings need to create new technologies which means that rather than killing creativity in humans it enhances and even betters it as through AI they have more credible and better sources of information.
      Although AI has many advantages, I feel that anything with advantages has disadvantages and in this case AI if its disadvantages are not managed well can have catastrophic effects.
      Weighing the advantages and the disadvantages I think AI has come to stay and I support it because our era is ''the era of technology and development.''

    3. I agree because...In my opinion, although AI allows us to do somethings we aren't capable of doing manually, I feel it kills an individuals' creativity. As long as the AI has its advantages, it also has its disadvantages such as it becoming an obsession to people due to the mentality they have created that they can live/survive/do anything without the help of AI which is not healthy in any manner. It would also promote laziness because individuals will be too used to it.
      Also AI is capable of taking out the natural beauty in a piece of artwork due to the fact that its copies/pirates the original workpiece.
      There is also a high possibility/rate that the AI is capable of making individuals feel irrelevant and useless due to the fact that AI will practically be in control of and everything literally anything.

    4. I really compliment your critical thinking. Well said.
      I agree AI can be varying on one length to another either good or bad. We cant say it is all good because it has its advantages and disadvantages. AI is a tool created so going back to the world of Robots.
      Last year or so an event took place abroad where they said a robot was invented to operate and do surgeries in the theatre. Human of course were the brain behind this invention, but it only serves as a tool to help. So if human were to rely on this source(Robot) too much it would be of great disaster to them because the robot can develop fault at any unlabelled time. What if the robot gets faulty amidst an operate, due to the fact that it is just a connection of wires, panels and other stuffs, it doesn't possess the human brain so it will probably stop working, and this might hinder a successful operation.
      So returning to the world of AI today. I'm not rendering AI useless but is should be seen from a distance as a tool which does massive works beyond expectations but not human art itself.

  • I think AI art is a good thing that AI can produce art.
    I personally have issues when it comes to drawing most especially in science related subjects. I become discouraged because my image always comes out not too good. with AI art, it will make it easy for me to draw my desired image within seconds and with ease. AI art will make drawing easy and fun. People with the same issue as mine will also be excited to use this invention.
    I think the AI art will not make human artists less important rather it will make them become more creative in their work. It used to take days, months or even years before some artists come up with their master piece, but when they use AI art, they can to use their ideas to come up with more creative masterpiece within a shorter time. This will make them produce more art work which will make them more famous.

    1. I'm not sure about this because What is the purpose of generating art with artificial intelligence?? The purposes of art generated by artificial intelligence are many and differ, for example, art generated by artificial intelligence is used by artificial intelligence to explore the potential creative capabilities of machine learning and deep learning networks, as artists and researchers can contribute to learning more about the nature of these systems and then develop ideas New . Also, it is a way to create new forms of artistic expression that old techniques are unable to, as it can create highly detailed and complex images, and this makes others rethink the impossibility of drawing some things

    2. Well I'm with you on this opinion is to facilitate drawing graphics. But you cannot copy the image, print it, and give it to your teacher. Rather, you must first try to draw, and if you cannot, then ask the artificial intelligence to draw the drawing, and then take an idea for your drawing and start with creativity. We all have our own touch that adds beauty to our drawings. Everything we work on in the beginning will be wonderful and beautiful in the end. This is advice for you as a brother to me, because I care that each of us brings out the creativity within. My grandmother used to say, “Release the light within you and start creating.” Yes, she was absolutely right.

  • Day by day Al is developing more and more, and with time it will cover the world and will affect them negatively and positively. Positively when they do a hard operation doctors can't do it! , traveling to space, teaching at the schools and they can draw a picture in one minute so is very good but it began to outperform humans. Al has surpassed human in the skills that they used to enjoy, so humans leave their activities for them, and they give up their skills and their creativity will decrease, this is originally wrong thinking because Al with its development except they are limited in thinking and creativity they just can do what they programmed to In the future, AL will cover the world, so we must deal with AL as if they are like any ordinary machines such as cars, etc... But if we deal with it as something big There will be no important role for humans here is the negative side at this time the unemployment rate will rise because Al can do anything medicine, driving, education,... etc, So Al poses a great future threat to human life.

    1. You bring up some valid points about the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI development. It is true that AI can perform certain tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans, which can be incredibly helpful in fields such as medicine, space exploration, and education. However, it is important to remember that AI is only as good as the data it is trained on and the programming it receives. It cannot replace human creativity or the ability to think critically.

      It is also important to consider the impact that AI development may have on the job market. As AI becomes more advanced and capable of performing tasks traditionally done by humans, there may be a shift in the

      1. Thank you for your insightful comment. I completely agree with you that AI is not a replacement for human creativity or critical thinking. AI can only perform tasks that it has been specifically programmed to do based on the data it has been trained on, and it lacks the ability to innovate and create in the same way humans can.

        Regarding the impact of AI on the job market, I believe that it is important to address this issue and find ways to mitigate any negative effects. While AI may replace some jobs, it can also create new opportunities and industries that we cannot yet imagine. It is essential to ensure that the benefits of AI are shared widely and that workers are given the tools and training necessary to adapt to a changing job market. Additionally, policymakers can play a crucial role in designing policies and programs to help workers transition into new roles and industries.

      2. I completely agree with your perspective on the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI development. While AI can certainly improve the efficiency and accuracy of certain tasks, it cannot replace the unique abilities and creativity of humans. The use of AI should be seen as a tool to assist humans in achieving better outcomes, rather than a replacement for human intelligence.

        Additionally, the potential impact of AI on the job market cannot be ignored. While AI has the potential to create new job opportunities and industries, it may also lead to the displacement of certain jobs. It is important for policymakers and businesses to prepare for this shift in the job market by investing in education and training programs that equip individuals with the skills needed to adapt to the changing job landscape.

        Overall, it is important to approach AI development with caution and consideration for its potential impact on society. By balancing the benefits and drawbacks of AI, we can harness its potential to improve our lives while also minimizing any negative effects.

      3. I'm not sure about this because
        Is artificial intelligence good or bad??
        First, I will express my opinion: As is the case with any new technological mechanism, artificial intelligence systems have their pros and cons. There is no doubt that the presence of artificial intelligence will reduce the number of manpower, but on the other hand, it will allow modern areas of work such as: programming, data analysis, robots fault repair and Many other professions related to software and database processing. You may one day become a robot programmer or specialize in it, and who knows, you may live in a smart home after developing all the technical services in it. Therefore, in summary, I think that we must develop artificial intelligence, but to a reasonable extent that does not match the capabilities of the people who created it. And what do you think??

      4. Hello!
        Well in my opinion I think AI has had a huge impact and based on my research and my ideas here are some of the benefits and reasons for the advancement of AI:
        1. Increase of speed of human activities
        Due to the growing populations and the increase of demand many businesses have been forced to find new ways to stay in business and meet up to the demand of the consumers and as such have tuned to AI which has been a major help in keeping their businesses running.
        2. Reduction or elimination of human errors
        As we all know human beings have the tendency and capabilities to make mistakes which could have a negative effect such as loss of profit and the like of others, due to AI the mistakes of human beings has been reduced as they are much more accurate and efficient than we are.
        But this got me thinking do the advantages of AI outweigh the disadvantages I mean AI is great and al with its superhuman abilities but is it worth all the stress. If AI is adopted in businesses it means that humans will lose their jobs and also if there is a problem with an AI it could have huge consequences for example if an AI machine had access to all the company's details and transactions and there where to be a glitch or a malfunction and the AI loses the information or sells out a company's secret online what then will become of the business.
        This brings me to my point on this topic I don't fell AI should be allowed to copy or redo people's work reason being that although human artists can take inspiration from other artists or nature, they don't copy it exactly rather they are inspired or motivated to their own. For, AI to be fully utilized in art I think they should be given the opportunity to think on their own and come up with their own ideas of art.

    2. Hi jubilant wallaby,
      I am in complete agreement with your comment, if there is AI to do all the work ,what will happen to humans? Right now there is already a lot of AI technology that is presently in use and they're literally taking over a lot of professions. So if there is already the AI technology what use do humans have, what role will we have to play? What exactly is the point of going to school to learn and be educated in order to pursue a career in future when there is already the AI technology that is being built in order to do everything humans are able to do and to even do it better? Although the AI technology has its advantages, it could also serve as a major menace to our human society. As the AI technology is slowly taking over our professional life we are at the verge of being rendered useless because when there is already technology to do all the jobs humans do, we won't have the chance to pursue our dream careers and professions we will lose our passion and zeal for our talents when we are already being replaced by the AI technology which can perform such tasks better than us humans.

      1. Looking from another checkpoint, AI is like a tool and source to make work easier so it shouldn't manipulate or captivate our spirit of working in the future.
        Artificial intelligence is superlative to it certain tasks, but it can only "think" in terms of its training data. An AI tool can't innovate or create, so businesses will still rely on humans for fresh ideas.
        Most people think AI will make us look inferior, but then anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex everytime he looks at a flower.

    3. I agree because... AI has the ability to significantly reduce errors and increase accuracy and precision which significantly increases productivity. AI also helps with disaster management and has smarter decision making than humans. Therefore strengthens the economy but AI needs a lot of computing power to work properly and also needs alot of technical expertise to run effectively. Lastly AI is slowly replacing human beings because of how advanced and ample it is.

  • I will answer these questions clearly and honestly.
    1-I think the Artificial intelligence is very useful since it has been used In performing very complex and difficult tasks I agree with you that it is used in the arts in general.
    2-It greatly affects humanity in its development, works on developing the intellect and self, and helps in completing difficult tasks.
    3-It will make them less important because it will become a habit to it and people will adapt to this situation and it will become less important because it is an old topic .
    This will be the answer to your questions, I hope you like it.

    1. I agree! I think its great that an AI software could produce that picture. I wasn't even done with the cat in 3 minutes. AI could mean an advancement in the future of arts, such as better materials, other art styles an so much more. Where I don't agree with you, however, is on your opinion that AI will make difficult tasks less important. I feel it just makes them way easier, leaving time for other things.
      I think that AI in art is good, as long as it doesn't plagiarize.

    2. hiya
      I have been doing a lot of research on AI art but i don't really like it because i think it is less easy to express yourself. I mean that the human brain is large and wide so one can easily picture something is their head and easily draw it down, but AI art is limited and restricted in the sense that it has to be programmed before you can do some certain things and it has to follow its protocol.

    3. I disagree because... 1. if AI can produce art then the importance of art will reduce and a lit of artist might loss their source of income 2.if it really helps in completing difficult tasks then there might be no need for hard work and if so then artist will have to be jobless would not just be an old topic but it will make artist lazy and they would not be hard workers anymore

      1. I do not agree with you because you view the issue from a negative side. We do not say that artificial intelligence is used in all areas of life and work.We say that it is used in difficult and complex areas because it serves to develop humanity, intellect and

      2. I do not agree with you because artificial intelligence should be used in a simple way in human life so that it does not affect work as you say, but if we look at the issue from a positive side, we find that it is very beautiful and helps to develop thought and self

    4. I agree with you
      Your words are correct..Artificial intelligence is really very important and necessary in our lives. I wish everyone knew the extent of its value and impact on life because it helps in human development in terms of creativity. Arts really have a wonderful effect. It will change generations from the worst to the better. Primary stage, it develops the mind and self-development and makes us among the greats in the world .

  • Artificial intelligence is a very wonderful thing, and we never expected it to be invented. The most important thing that a person possesses is intelligence in order to live his life, learn and understand the world, set his goals, and be able to solve his problems through his intelligence.
    When there is artificial intelligence, I think it is something that is not positive. Now I want to talk about it in general. If all people depend on the use of artificial intelligence throughout their lives, then this is not good because we want to grow and develop our thinking. When we depend on it for everything, a person becomes ignorant and cannot rely on his mind with any problem. And when there is a defect in intelligence Artificial, many have become addicted to it and cannot live without it. In my opinion, it is a system to make people ignorant

    It's also good, but for specific people, people who don't have the smarts to think and create. This is very nice for them. There are many people who need him in their lives because their intelligence is not enough to complete their lives.

    Now let's talk specifically about artificial intelligence and art. AI in general is not good. If it enters a field, it will naturally destroy that field because art is such a wonderful and creative thing. I do that every day. I draw and create, and when drawing is of my intelligence, it is much more beautiful than any other drawing. It never needs artificial intelligence. The artist is very smart, he can draw beautiful and varied drawings, and we have seen that. There is no intelligence and even artificial intelligence, that is stronger than human intelligence. Also, man invented artificial intelligence, and this is sufficient to indicate human intelligence

    1. I agree with you
      The AI is a wide field and can improve the world in many different sectors for example

      1. AI Can Help Preserve the Environment
      An advantage of artificial intelligence is that it can help in environmental preservation. Combined with the knowledge of robotics, artificial intelligence has the potential to help improve recycling systems globally — particularly by sorting recyclables in a more efficient way
      In relation to our previous topic earth day; climate change AI can also help reduce the effects of climate change by helping in the management of renewable energy sources (using it to the best), and improving agricultural practices around the world

      2. In businesses the AI can make decisions faster for humans and make more accurate decisions. An AI’s end report can help the company executives and leaders make the best decisions for their organization. it can be seen in finance and trading companies
      No matter how careful human is the individual must make a mistake a an AI helps to minimize the mistakes made by a human.

      3. Healthcare
      Through the help of AI doctors and surgeons have found it easier to practice some scans on the human brain all because of AI

      1. I agree with your view. Al used in engineering manufacturing&health on other hand advanced robots are helpful for research.It also used in medical field.
        In business.
        Solving problem
        In learning for students allows them to under stand better what they still need to learn helping them focus on areas of improvement.

      2. Yes, those are all great examples of how AI can have a positive impact on various fields. Another example is in the field of education, where AI can be used to personalize and optimize the learning experience for individual students. By analyzing student data and behavior, AI can provide tailored feedback and recommendations for improvement, as well as create personalized learning plans.

        AI can also be used to improve transportation systems, such as optimizing traffic flow and reducing accidents. In addition, AI can help in the development of autonomous vehicles, which could potentially reduce human error and improve road safety.

        Overall, AI has the potential to revolutionize many different fields and improve the quality of life for people around the world. However, it is important to also consider and address potential ethical and societal implications that may arise from its development and implementation.

      3. Yes, we can say AI helps in making decisions for humans but there are some categories of decision making that require the human conscience to make. When dealing with the less privileged, we have to be understanding and lenient but the AI's programming is quite strict and does not have that bit of leniency and sense of understanding that the humans do, some times you have to put yourself in other people's shoes, things may be hard for them and they may not be able to meet up to standard you desire but there is that ability that an individual has to pardon. Some times, if you fail to do, it may really hurt the person and cost him a lot. Sometimes it may be your employee he may not be meeting up to standard due to some reasons but in those situations we should be patient with them instead of going to look for an alternative we should show care and understanding as humans because some times we may end up looking for the people we threw away and may not find them, this message is more than just a comment, it is something we should check and apply to our lives . Such decisions and understanding perspectives in decision making may not be seen in AI so I feel for the decision making aspect, it should be left to the humans to perform.

  • I think that the ability of artificial intelligence to produce art has two positive aspects, which lies in the fact that it saves time and effort and helps in providing new backgrounds that help the person develop the mind and apply some of them if it is useful in society, and it can also help in building designs for buildings and this works to provide Time, as for the negative limitation of it lies in the fact that it is harmful to sight because it uses anti-eye lighting, which can hide talents in the minds of people such as talented people and painters, which leads to cutting off the livelihood of some people.

    It is possible that artificial intelligence increases human capabilities, as it may help to design some difficult things in an easier way, which helps to do the impossible, but on the other hand, it may work to obliterate some civilizations instead of developing them, and it will work not to make the mind devoid of thinking because It will work on receiving the mind on the ready-made graphics and designs without it working.

    It may work on developing the skills of painters by throwing their thoughts on new things, but it may work on people using it a lot and not giving respect to painters and talented people.

  • For the first question, the answer depends on the individual's perspective. On one hand, the ability of artificial intelligence (AI) to produce art could be considered good as it can help create innovative and unique artworks that may be difficult for human artists to produce. On the other hand, it could be seen as bad because it could result in human artists losing their jobs.

    Regarding the second question, AI can impact human creativity in different ways. On one hand, it can assist in improving human creativity by providing new and advanced creative tools. On the other hand, it could lead to a decrease in human creativity if it is used improperly or relied on heavily in the production of artworks.

    As for the third question, it cannot be determined whether AI-generated art will make human artists more or less important in the future. AI-generated art cannot replace human-created art as it lacks the human senses, emotions, and personal experiences that distinguish human art. Therefore, human artists may still have an important role in the future, where they can use AI as a tool to enhance their creativity and performance instead of replacing them.

  • Well, I feel it is exiting that AI can produce art I feel it gives everyone the opportunity to be creative. And explore not everyone has the natural talent of being artistic, like so creative with ideas on drawing, arts, performing and so on. AI helps or gives everyone the opportunity to learn even faster, easier, improve on ideas and develop creativity. It could even serve as an inspiration to an artist. For instance, I was once given an assignment do design a pedigree of my family unfortunately, I am bad at drawing, designs and so on. But through Ai it was much easier, I even got an idea of what it should look like and even got a chance to add my own style instead of directly copying what I saw, which left to me technically resolves the issue of plagiarism in AI and arts. AI gives artist the chance to explore far and wide and even invent new amazing designs from their research which gives a whole new horizon to arts in my opinion. Even creates job opportunities for artists, designers for example architects have a higher chance of creating accurate measurements/ designs on floors, walls, e.t.c. on building projects easier and faster this can help solve the prblem of homelessnessin the world through the use of AI.

    1. the AI is coming in really fast it can help change the world into a more comfortable and enjoyable environment.
      examples are:
      1. the robots are transforming journalism in the sense that they are capable of doing the activities that humans do and they use artificial intelligence to generate news
      2. the AI helps monitor the health facilities and functions of hardware malfunctions
      3. another interesting fact about an AI is that it can repair itself due to development over time so the owner doesn't have to frequently check up on it
      4. the AI is not bias according to my research there are also proven that there are both male and female bots
      5. the AI is quick at processing information with very little or no mistake

  • After artificial intelligence dominated many fields in our modern world, such as education, medicine, engineering, and so on... Here it now dominates the field of art, the field of art that works to develop the human mind and highlights human creativity.
    Well, I think a lot of artwork is generated by artificial intelligence.
    As we know that artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword, which has advantages and disadvantages.
    The advantages of artificial intelligence are numerous and beneficial to the human world.
    It also works to improve services, increase quality, and the ability to complete tasks quickly.
    Well based on what I know, artificial intelligence is affecting the world of arts and human creativity in a big way.

  • I agree that artificial intelligence is good for creating art. Why? It is possible for a person to become an artist when he is not an artist, how? He can learn the rules of drawing in an easy way on artificial intelligence and draw simply. Also, artificial intelligence can affect human creativity well, how? He can supplement the person's ideas that need to be supplemented, meaning if a person thought about a project or creativity, but his thinking is primitive, which means it is not complete, he can use artificial intelligence to draw or write his ideas and creations.

  • Well, artificial intelligence is a good thing and an invention that dazzles minds. I think it is nice for artificial intelligence to produce art, but that will negatively affect the arts of humanity. Thus, we will not need and will not see the minds of artists and their creativity, and so another job will end because of artificial intelligence. Evolution is a beautiful thing that entertains life. Man, but if he exceeds his limit, there will not be human touches in life, only touches of artificial intelligence will be present. I think that the number of artists will become less, and thus human creativity will not be. Can you help me with suggestions that we will face this disaster????

    1. Hello...
      I think that, as I said earlier, artificial intelligence does not produce art as humans do, so AI paints, but it lacks many things such as (emotions, expression, feeling), but human art produces these things in its painting, so you feel that the painting makes you sad or happy, unlike AI, and as you said it should If the number of artists decreases, we have to solve the problem ourselves, such as:
      1- Organizing demonstrations that encourage artists to draw
      2- We encourage the state to provide job opportunities for painters
      3- We display artists' paintings in a special exhibition, or we encourage that through means of communication and the Internet...
      And, these are my thoughts👍. You might have other great ideas. I'd love to hear your opinion

      1. I agree with you in your suggestions, and they are wonderful, and I like them. Also, artists should not be neglected. I searched all the communication sites and found that people do not care about art and consider it only to waste time, but art compensates us for feeling psychologically inferior. We must educate people, draw drawings and hang them on the walls, and as I said, provide job opportunities for artists In drawing, it should never be neglected. Also, drawing develops our capabilities and increases our talents. I am a fan of those who draw artistic paintings that no words can describe.

    2. Hi
      Artificial Intelligence is an amazing designed to reduce stress and workload on man, make life easier and also assist man in learning and other angles of life. Yes artist may loose their value, Even other professions too. as AI continues to expand. This is a huge disadvantage to both young and old, lack of jobs because robots can do them and a a lot better to. So yes AI can be said to be a disadvantage to professions but arts is quite different, art can be defined as "self expression, the use of imagination and creativity to develop, arouse feelings, and so on." Art is diverse to wide for any computer to master all forms of art. No computer has literal imagination it only thinks or access ideas based on what it is programed with. New forms of languages, ideas, songs, drawings, performances and several forms of art, first start with imagination. So there will be need for people to create such art before it is programmed to AI and then can be modified by it. Not every artist will allow his or her work as a database for AI because they feel their style of art/ culture of doing things may be exploited. so also with other professions therefore I feel that art made by humans can not totally go extinct.

      1. Hiya ,storytelling_dog
        I totally agree with your comment I like the way you see things in a different way, and it give me more encouragement to do more research to learn more.
        i learnt more example that AI can help save the planet in the following ways.
        1. AI can survey simulations and real-time data (including the regular data we all use) of weather forecast and disasters in an area to seek out vulnerabilities and prepare for the disaster before it arrives like providing early warning. Deep support learning may one day be integrated into disaster simulations to determine optimal response strategies.
        2. AI related agriculture involves automated data collection, decision-making and corrective actions through robot to allow early discovery of crop diseases and issues, to provide timed nutrition to plants and animals, and generally to advance agricultural buying and selling based on supply and demand.
        3. According to my research a new field of “Climate Informatics” is beginning to come up that uses AI to basically change weather forecasting and improve our understanding of the effects of climate change. This field initially needs high performance energy-intensive computing, but deep-learning networks that can allow computers or gadgets to run much faster and allow more complexity of the ‘real-world’ system into the calculations.

  • Well I loved the questions ✨ It's just like the questions I was thinking about, first: I think and in my opinion AI is very bad and in my opinion it is a threat to humanity and now adults and children are using AI and everyone also does not think with his own mind but uses AI of course, I am against This idea, because it does not develop skills, and it is better for a person to use his skills in art alone and develop himself by himself, so there is no need for that. Use of artificial intelligence. But on the plus side, I do like one thing. If we make a programming mistake in the computer, it will be fixed. And the third question that I will answer: it will certainly reduce the importance of artists because it did not develop the personality of artists, and vice versa, artificial intelligence will spread widely, so there is no need for artists. Thank you for reading ❤️

    1. Yes AI may be dangerous to people and humanity,I mean what if AI expands so large it takes over the jobs of other people having many terrible side effects on the society and world at large. For example there will be loss of jobs leading to increase in cases of hunger, poverty, and so on making life hard for normal citizens. Though it is two-edged there are also many advantages AI can bring. Somewhat it can even solve the problems it can create in cases of unemployment AI will need technicians and with easy to learn code languages people can easily learn how to work the Meta verse and also get employed if there is supposedly no space in the real world for them. There is now a new invention of 3D printers to create houses and reduce homelessness and also destruction of house from climate change, war and so on. The point is instead of also looking at disadvantages AI also has solid advantages the question is... Can AI create solutions for the problems it create? Is risking AI inventions to the world worth it?

  • Well first of all AI was created by they human beings to solve problems, do creative things and do multiple calculations at a rate faster than humans because it will reduce energy, resources and time and now that AI is now used to recreate the art of some people it is actually good to think that we have increased our technological advancement and that is nice because now AI will actually become a breathtaking achievement for mankind but the question is whether AI being able to copy art and do it so well that it looks like the owner created it by themselves is good or bad and my answer is that if it was done with permission from the owners it is good but if it was done without permission it is bad. Actually the truth is that AI stands a chance of impacting and changing human creativity because of its high computing and performing capacity and whether artists choose to follow this is based on their choice or preference. As for the last question I honestly think that AI will make artists less important than they are right know because before people held artists with regard because they had talent and skill to create such a masterpiece but now as long as you have a high performance computer and the right AI software you can easily be Da Vinci, Picasso, Michelangelo and other great artists who had to hone their talents and train but now because of AI even a 7 seven year old that creates a picture can compete with those who have been in the game since so, basically even though AI is a promising development for society it still will makes some professions lose their value because of how easy it will be for robots to replace them.

    1. Interesting comments. What other professions do you think will lose value?

      1. Well the truth is that AI stands a major chance of making more and more professions lose value. We are beginning to see AI in different fields of work such as:
        UNESCO made a report that AI has to potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices and accelerate progress towards SDG 4. AI also can be used for innovation and knowledge only if we harness its capabilities and I actually think that AI is good for the educational sector because AI has more than the average amount of knowledge a normal teacher possesses and this is good because the AI will be able to explain, teach and elaborate more to the students and another thing is that there are no strikes with robots because they do not need salary or fair working conditions because they are not alive and such.
        AI is now used to multiple restaurants to cook, serve and forecast orders and they are better than normal workers when compared to working because they make little or no errors and they can continue non stop according to some place they believe that AI will revolutionize the cooking industry and will be the driving force for innovative and personalized cuisines and dishes and now top food businesses are now involving AI
        in their organizations and this is somewhat good because AI can learn cooking methods and techniques in a jiffy but people would normally take years to learn and remember and it also makes people to lose their jobs.
        I think this is one sector that almost everyone will agree for AI to come into which it has already AI controlled cars are programmed to drive more efficiently than normal people and they are believed to reduce traffic congestion by suggesting alternative routes to the passengers and reducing cases of accident by driving carefully and within the speed limit and I feel this should actually become a change that takes effect soon because we cannot allow people lives to be wasted due to the stupidity of some people that cannot drive r are under the influence of alcohol and drugs and if these takes effect from now onwards the mortality rate will significantly drop or reduce.
        There are many more aspects where AI can take over and manage the job but because of the lack of time and energy I sadly cannot continue.

      2. Well,
        Administrative legal jobs are at risk of losing its value in the future due to the increasing use of and AI in the legal industry. Cooks, waiters, and other employees in food services; short-haul truck drivers; and clerical office workers are among those with jobs most at risk of losing its value due to AI.
        In addition, the rise of electronic payment systems and online shopping due to AI has reduced the need for physical mail services, such as bill payments and package deliveries. More people are choosing to pay their bills and purchase goods online, which has reduced the need for postal workers to handle these duties thereby making this profession to lose its value.

      3. In my point of view yes, professions will lose value and also also human that the AI will take over their jobs will also their source of employment an example is
        1. Finance and Banking
        AI have begun to involve AI in their business."56% of banks claim they’ve implemented the technology of AI into their business domains like management, and 52% claim they’ve used it for revenue generation, according to Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance and the World Economic Forum".

        2. Media and Marketing
        this job will be affected because the media will be controlled by the AI because they send information faster and without many mistakes and they will make it smoother so the people who work there will be unemployed.

      4. Hello, I like your question... I can say, according to my knowledge, that I think artificial intelligence is a beautiful thing, but despite that, it really loses value to devices. Being able to take on some of the biggest challenges in education and rapidly advancing and innovating teaching, teaching and learning practices... As far as I know and know AI is beneficial for the educational sector because AI has more than the average amount of knowledge that an average teacher has and this is good because Artificial intelligence will be able to teach students and expand with explanations, etc... Everyone has an opinion, and some people have a positive view of artificial intelligence, and some have a negative view, and some have a moderate impact, but my point of view does not change. Artificial intelligence is useful and positive .

      5. When he searched for professions that would not exist, I was surprised a lot, as some of these professions need people. Has development really reached the point where we can travel safely on a plane without a captain???  Customer service by phone, there will be an assistant or an auto-responder, and this is the best profession that I am eager to see a model about. 5. Office management. As for the profession that has disappeared recently, it is the mail profession.

  • The third question talks about the future of art and artists. I love drawing, and you can say that I am a beginner, because drawing is an expression of feelings. As I mentioned, I love drawing, so everyone searches in the field of his passion, so he intentionally browses social networking sites, or let's say YouTube. The trend was for drawings by artists or beginners to show them to artificial intelligence, so it would modify them in certain details that would make the drawing more beautiful and realistic. After researching the topic, I found that artificial intelligence that generates images appeared at the beginning of the millennium. But its first forms of development appeared in the year two thousand and fifteen, with the Google company's project, which was called "Deep Dream". I argue, one of these two intelligences is an artist who learns how to draw faces from pictures of faces found on the Internet, and the other is an art critic who learns how to criticize drawings and see if they are beautiful or realistic or not. These two intelligences are constantly working together and learning from each other. In my opinion, artificial intelligence can be both positive and negative for artists. Positive: Through the use of this technology, the art critic for images, this technology will help artists develop their drawing and make it more realistic. Negative: By not relying on artists, anyone can draw any painting they want (Personally, I don't think I would enjoy having artificial intelligence paint a painting I want, because even if it is less than the required level, I will feel happy because art comes from the heart, that is, let your heart control your hand I think that many of us like to hold the pen and draw even if it is not professional, but it is a way out of negative energy).

  • 1-i think the creation of artificial intelligence that can produce art is a good thing because it has made people to be able to share there ideas with the world
    2-I think it might help people to create better
    3- I think it may make human artist less important because people will not need to go to the artist to get there portrait painted instead they will use AI.

  • Welcome...
    1- I think artificial intelligence is great and it has two sides too... Of course it is indispensable for natural art with human hands because it expresses emotion or sadness or brings joy... Also, many human artists whose art is created through AI lack expression, emotions, and preferences, so you don't feel that a painting comforts you, makes you sad, or even makes you happy.. While the qualitative differences between AI and humans are the subject of intense and beautiful debate on I do not think so .. ..
    2- How can artificial intelligence affect human intelligence??
    I think they are complementary to each other because artificial intelligence has the ability to greatly improve work efficiency, better than what humans do, and of a higher quality....while humans perform tasks that require emotion and expression, so we can improve and increase productivity..
    3- I believe that as time progresses, development increases, perhaps artificial intelligence will not cover artists now, and we also do not know what developments may occur in this program, because it may reduce the importance of the artist with the passage of time, but art is still a follower of the heart, not of Modern tools and machines...

  • In my opinion, it is ok for AI to be introduced in art. I say that because technology cannot take over lives. Technology exists to aid in our lives, and humans use that advantage too much to be precise. We make technology control our lives in every way.
    The introduction of AI in the arts will cause unoriginality; in the sense that no emotion will accompany the art. We go to galleries because there is always a story behind that photo or sculpture. Those stories inspire us and that is one thing that no matter how advanced the technology is, the emotion and originality will not be there.

    1. Let me say that what I said about AI not controlling lives is wrong because it is likely to increase the chance of abandoning doctors and using AI. AI has made great progress in many medical aspects, such as: diagnostics, medicines, and biotechnology. This is what it does. The current time, and it is not a little, after a while, it will increase its interference in the medical field and the work of doctors, and I know that the question you will have now (how can artificial intelligence affect doctors leaving their work) and there may be a lot, but I would like to remind you of the issue of the strike, as if he decides Doctors strike and demand their wages. This will be an irreplaceable opportunity for the government to get rid of this problem by using artificial intelligence, because they are machines that will not get tired, will not complain, and will not demand money. Attractive features, but artificial intelligence remains an electronic program that must have a defect in it, which will affect the lives of patients, and this is what we have to do Realizing it at the present time before we make technology control the tasks of human beings, it will lead to an increase in unemployment.

  • I think that the intervention of artificial intelligence in the field of art will be wonderful, and I also think that it will not be a condition for the number of artists to decrease in the future. It is possible to find among them those whose will and determination increase, and that he wants to prove to people if there is a difference between the drawings of artificial intelligence and the drawings of humans, including them Who may leave this field and move to another field.

  • AI art is not bad. It is a form of art that allows for exploring new ideas and techniques with less time and effort than traditional methods. Also, because a machine generates it, many options can be explored, which would be difficult or impossible with traditional methods. AI art is not intrinsically bad.
    One of the biggest advantages of Artificial Intelligence is that it can significantly reduce errors and increase accuracy and precision. The decisions taken by AI in every step is decided by information previously gathered and a certain set of algorithms. When programmed properly, these errors can be reduced to null.
    AI Art Gives Artists The Ability to See Their Vision in a Matter of Seconds. Often, artists have to work feverishly to get ideas out of their head and before the inspiration vanishes. AI art is generated in minutes, or even seconds.
    The leading opinion is that AI cannot generate fundamentally new ideas on its own but that it can support humans to do so so by catalyzing human creativity. What's easy to overlook, however, is that AI can also inhibit human creativity because as AI gets more intelligent, it becomes more helpful and distracting.
    Generative AI can augment human creativity and problem-solving with machine learning and data analysis. So what does this mean for design innovation, and how will it impact your ability to solve creative problems? AI will not replace humans. But it can help you work through human barriers to creativity.
    AI may be able to imitate some facets of the creative process, but it will never be able to fully replace the human one. Even if more and more art is produced by artificial intelligence in the future, there will always be a need for human artists. That being said, creative types need not fret.
    Will AI art make human artists more or less important in the future? Why?
    The short answer is no. Suggesting that AI can produce Art is no different than implying a pencil can draw illustrations or write stories. A pencil, just like AI, is not human — it's a tool.

  • The fact that AI can produce art in my opinion is a bad thing because the feeling, the emotion,the care that a human being would put into creating a work of art would be different from that of an AI.
    AI affects human creativity in the sense that AI is the combination of human creativity it can produce an outstanding result it can also lead us to new insights and accelerate the pace of innovation. As AI gets more intelligent, it becomes more helpful.
    AI might make them less important but AI may be able to imitate some facets of the creative process, but it will never be able to fully replace the human one. Even if more and more art is produced by artificial intelligence in the future, there will always be a need for human artists.

  • Based on my personal view and opinion
    1. I think it not a good thing that AI can produce art this is because art is the expression or application of human creative skill or imagination and not AI (Artificial Intelligence). Also why I disagree with this is because AI will not give an authentic representation of the art that will show that it is produced by a human being and the aim of the art such as expression, emotional feeling or imagination of the artist would not be portrayed. AI should not perform true human abilities.
    2. AI would impact human creativity through inspiring artist and other art individuals to be able to develop arts that are very good and inspiring young individuals thereby drawing more people into the field.
    3.I think AI art make human artists less important in the future because, we all know that the AI is a very good and accurate form of tech in modern days and so therefore AI will be able to create far far better arts than normal human arts resulting in attracting more people to its art.

  • It can be both a good and bad thing that AI can produce art because it can be a extraordinary show of how far technology has came from the past but it also can bad for human artist who spend a long time on their art just for AI to beat them in making it. This also enables people to use AI art and say it is their own when really it was created by an AI. Can people become famous artists even when they don't really do any of the work? AI may decrease the value of human art in the future because it creates art without the hard work put into it. AI art could make human art more important in the future because most people may want human artists art more than AI art because it is more authentic. Some may say AI can make human art less important because people do not have to spend time making art or displaying other people's art in museums. Personally I think AI art will make humans artists less important because their will be no need to take time to make art your own to the very last detail when AI can do it for you.

    1. Interesting point. Can you elaborate on why people may want human art more than AI?

      1. Art is basically originality, so AI copying an artist artwork is not true art because it is a duplicate of a person's artwork. People appreciate art for it's uniqueness and ability to speak to the mind. Art can stimulate ideas as it allows viewers to draw their own emotions in their thoughts and pull from their personal experiences as they encounter them and I feel this is best done by a human. THANK YOU.

      2. People may want human art more than AI art because you know that person took their time with each detail in their art. They created an idea and expressed it in a way that is unique to them. In this way people may have more of an attraction to this art because it was created by a human who feels the way you do. The Mona Lisa for example is famous because of the attraction people have towards it. To some people human art may have the feeling and emotion that they want to be expressed.

      3. Art is simply the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
        Well, people cherish human arts It helps us understand what we are as human beings and influences how we relate to each other. Art is an expression of our inner most thoughts, feelings, and experiences. I personally prefer human art than AI art because human art is natural and original and it portrays emotional connection and personal touch which has the ability to convey a sense of influence.

      4. Hello!
        I think AI is a very wonderful work of technology that will just keep getting better and better but you can understand why many people prefer man-made art to AI art because while AI gives us speed and accuracy it fails to capture the emotions and feelings that human art portrays because AI cannot experience what we feel as humans and also the imperfection of human art is what makes it unique also AI can only produce what it's told to do it cannot create original and unique works of art.
        Don't get me wrong I mean AI has helped us as humans in so many aspects of life and has made it easier and faster but if it means overriding human creativity then I am not a fan.

      5. I was waiting for someone to ask this question for me to answer it I believe that human art is the best art in the world, because it is one of the innovations and work of man, and the extent of his thinking and intelligence. It expresses his feelings and the feeling he carries, whether it is good or bad. It is a rest for some artists who fill their passion in drawing and be creative with it. It is the most beautiful drawings, the most beautiful arts, and the most beautiful of art. artificial As for artificial art, it is innovative from nature and is an imitation of human art. Also, this type of art does not carry the meanings of feeling, and artificial intelligence cannot express its feelings, as it is not human, so I think that human art is better than artificial art.

      6. I think because it is inspiring and eye-catching because it is unique and rare in terms of its beauty and the beauty of art, but sometimes artificial intelligence is somewhat similar (there are similarities in some arts), but human art has things that do not come to mind, very beautiful, beautiful art, human art, thank you

      7. Though AI can also inhibit human creativity and work like human beings, because as AI gets more intelligent, it becomes more helpful, distracting and interesting.
        People will chose the human artist over the AI because the artificial intelligence cannot give out the inspiration and full information of either a writing, stories, images and so on.
        So even if the AI do well and overpower human artists we shouldn't forget that it is human that invented that source

      8. Because artificial intelligence is usually from the program itself and not from human thinking and creativity. Artificial intelligence has disadvantages, which is that it gives some people a right that they do not actually possess, for example, let us talk about art (drawing). Except by rejection, quite the opposite of the person who paints a creative painting in one minute and people praise him, and we see here that some few can refuse or dislike it even though he is not as good as the person who draws in reality, he uses his mind, thought and creativity to draw a beautiful painting. It does not get tired, for human art stems from the heart, soul, conditions and circumstances that pass between us, and it expresses them, and many people admire it. As for artificial intelligence, it lacks the intellectual creativity of the person and does not keep pace with people’s conditions, for example.

      9. I know that AI may have its appeals in terms of efficiency and convenience, however,human art offers a unique emotional connection, individual creativity, social and cultural influences, and a human connection that cannot be replicated by AI.

  • We can say that AI has both good and bad sides . Using AI in art field gives lots of benefits such as exploring new ideas , automating tedious processes and tasks and enhancing existing pieces of art . But , on the other hand, AI sometimes can not give the images the perfect feelings or emotions the artist wants . So ,he should interfere to make it more natural . That's why, the artists' role can't be avoided . So, their existence in arts field is still very important .

  • From my aspect I think it is a bad idea for AI to produce art because, it gives others the opportunity to be able to steal peoples art works making it very unfair.
    AI's impact to humanity is very creative because, it has created business opportunities, improved healthcare services and also increased access to education.
    yes, AI can make artists less important in the future because, it can make a lot of artists loose their jobs,because something like AI exists nobody will want to hire artists to do family portraits anymore, it can also make the work of artists irrelevant since a robot can be programmed to do art works much more better than the ones produced by artists.

  • 1- I think it is a bad thing because art is an expression of feelings, creative ideas and artistic skill. If artificial intelligence is used, then artistic production will have few artists, but I do not object to the fact that artificial intelligence makes people comfortable..... 2- Yes, artificial intelligence affects human creativity as it It helps to solve some problems where people can make robots with different functions, for example we can make a robot to clean the environment through this robot we can get rid of environmental pollution ....... 3- Yes, it will make artists less important in the future because artificial intelligence makes it easier for us Difficult tasks where if you ask a computer to draw a cat, it will draw, people will prefer to use artificial intelligence, we will not need artists in our future .... This is my personal opinion

  • I think it's a good thing that artificial intelligence can make arts works, because it can increase human productivity so people don't have to suffer in the making art and it will make life easier.
    I think AI art can boost human creativity because we can use it as a reference people might lose idea of what to draw but with the artificial intelligent they can ask for ideas then they can improve and increase production.
    I think artificial intelligence will make human art less important because with artificial intelligence you can easily ask for what you want and print it out because of that they will start closing down art shops all but artists can use AI to get more ideas and improve their own art which will make artist become more relevant.

  • I believe that AI is a positive force in art production. It can influence human creativity by showing individuals how they can perfect their work, inspiring them to push their creative limits further. Additionally, AI can enhance an artist's skills through training, making them more valuable and potentially improving their livelihood.

  • For me I think it's a bad thing from one of my perspective although it's a good thing for people who want to know different techniques and unique styles of artists beyond their own country artists. But for the question why it's a bad thing? Is because let's take an example, in childhood during kindergarten schooling or in homes we used to draw and we create our own style of art, we get prizes and appreciation from our parents and teachers ,but during these days we really don't have access to mobile phones to see videos or pictures to draw like we have now. So the creativity and innovation increased and we had our own styles of making art. But nowadays it has totally changed, and I saw my little brothers simply taking their phone, seeing a video of some artists and starts to draw , it makes them to think less and lacks novelty and originality. And now there is no well-liked or mainstream artists like Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Leonardo da Vinci, Claude Monet, Michelangelo. And what if AI-generated art replaces human artists, making them less important? But I know that one thing for sure that AI-generated art is not a substitute for human creativity, as it lacks the emotional depth, context, and cultural significance. And it is good if human artists continues to play a significant role in the art world even if AI-generated art becomes more prevalent. I think we should take AI-generated technology as a source to learn art and creating base for the image.

  • Hello , I'm going to answer to your questions from my point of view.

    1-I think is a good thing AI can produce art . It can be a point of reference for other artists when they need to get inspiration.

    2- I think it will impulse human creativity. When someone need to get their ideas done , they could use the AI to portray all their ideas . If we use them in a good way , AI could help making new projects and settling ideas in a more effective and visual way.

    3-I think it will not , an AI is similar to digital art , a type of art that is not exposed in museums nowadays , so , not digital artist will still have a important place in museums. AI will help these artists to find inspiration, making more good quality art .

    My conclusion , AI can help artists in they daily work . AI could help them for example making their sketches or getting them inspiration. AI are very helpful because they help us solve problems and it can help mother society.

    1. Buzzing_opinion, you have changed my mind regarding when the AI can obey the customer's service with a point of reference so the artist can get inspired. However, isn't that the foundation of what sparks conceptual creativity and innovative ideas. Coming up with the design or principle is the hardest part that really pushes your artistic boundaries to a whole other level and then elaborating on the idea is easier. My opinion is based off of what I hear around my classroom on a daily basis. Before we write our piece, we recieve what we call a model text. This model text is an example of the essay we will write on the following days ahead. Some people, however, feel like their creativity has gone down because the only literary devices or layouts of the paragrpaphs are the only things from the model text they can think of rather than their own that will eventually form an exceptional piece. Personally, in the classroom, for those who struggle with originality, they can write the paragraphs first and then compare it to how the teacher would have done it. This way, you can incorporate ideas other than your own but still push your writing to the next level by incorportaing different and unique ideas.

  • Hello
    Day by day, computers are proving increasingly capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence, from translation to diagnosing diseases. Moreover, the algorithms behind artificial intelligence are increasingly able to influence our decisions: from the news we read, to the videos we watch, to the way we interact.
    To know one's own voice, to think for oneself, and to absorb information by oneself instead of having someone else do it on one's behalf... I am concerned about the impact of artificial intelligence on learning in general, general comprehension, all of which will affect creativity

  • As an AI language model, I do not possess personal opinions or beliefs. However, I can provide some insights on the topic. The ability of AI to produce art has been a topic of debate among artists, critics, and scholars. Some argue that it is a positive development, as it allows for new forms of creativity and expression. Others believe that it is a negative development, as it may devalue the role of human artists and their unique perspectives and experiences. Ultimately, the impact of AI on art remains to be seen, and it is up to individuals to decide whether they view it as a good or bad thing.

  • I think AI will change the world in positive and negative ways. A positive is that AI can work harder and longer the us human can, because AI can code faster than us and work when we sleep. The negative ways AI can change the world is by getting access to nuclear weapons and War plans, which can caused World devastation.

  • It will be bad if AI creates art, because it replicates the art based on the millions of pictures provided to it. It will extract some information and create the art. After few months AI will keep creating the similar art. Once human start using this art created by AI, they wil stop to create new arts and loose their creativity.

  • 1.Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing that AI can produce art?-
    I think that this depends on the way we use the AI . It could be used just like a xeroxs machine but as it is generated by AI it will look like we are holding the real painting or if any artist is well known for his/her style of painting which no other humans are unable to perform,when that artist dies the style of painting also dies;to avoid this the style could be recorded in the AI and the style of painting could be experienced by many generations.
    2.How might AI impact human creativity?-I do not think that it will affect human creativity a lot but it will affected because the AI respond to what we are giving as an command so without creativity a person can't give the correct instructions to create a masterpiece.
    3.Will AI art make human artists more or less important in the future? Why?-
    I do not think that human artists will become less important in the future due to AI art

  • It will make less importance to the art created by humans, because AI will create art based on millions of art throughout the world. AI will create arts in a fraction of second. This will lead to less importance to the art created by human's creativity.

  • 1-From my point of view it is a very good thing for artificial intelligence that it has reached the stage of producing art.
    2-Artificial intelligence will produce many creators and will change the world vividly and beautifully .
    3-I think he will produce a lot of artists in the future .

    1. I agree because... This technology can provide non-artists with access to tools and techniques that may have been difficult to use in the past, allowing them to explore their creativity and create unique and personalized artworks.AI-generated art can provide a valuable opportunity for non-artists to explore their creative potential and engage with the world of art in new and exciting ways. This technology can be very very useful to people who don't have traditional art education but do have interests in making art and explore them. So this might be a root cause for many artists to evolve in future.

  • I think it is possible for ordinary people like us who are not very interested in art to adapt to the idea of ​​art through artificial intelligence, but people who are interested in art, I do not think that this matter will be liked very much.

    And if you are an artist, would you like the idea of ​​artificial intelligence drawing the paintings??

  • Artificial intelligence has made our lives easier. Now I will answer these questions.
    1. I think it is very good for artificial intelligence to be able to produce art, because it will represent artists to draw difficult things, such as / when the artist wants to draw something difficult, but he does not have any idea to draw it, he will use artificial intelligence, so the artificial intelligence will draw this drawing, so the artist will take  idea for this drawing
    2. I believe that artificial intelligence can affect artistic creativity by increasing the artist's creativity in his drawing, so he can take some ideas from the wonderful drawings of artificial intelligence and add them to his drawing, and this will increase the beauty of his painting
    3. I believe that artificial intelligence cannot underestimate the importance of artists.  Because there are many people who still love hand-drawn drawings and would love to see the signature of the owner of the painting under the drawing.  But the AI ​​graphics are very beautiful but as the artists and craftsmen said in the old days, "We are all apprentices in a craft in which no one ever becomes a master.."

    1. Hiya,happy_flower
      Yes i can agree with you that AI can bring a lot of advantages likewise there are also disadvantages.
      the disadvantages are
      1. people start becoming lazy because simple calculations that one can do with their brain because of the familiarity of using an AI they would prefer to using a machine. Since we AI come humans do not have to memorize things or solve puzzles to get the job done, we tend to use our brains less. this can cause a problem for a future generation

      No creativity is a huge disadvantage of the AI is that people will not start to think outside the box. AI is capable of learning over time with pre-fed data and past experiences, but for the AI to be creative is still being developed. According to my research of late a classic example is the bot Quill who writes Forbes earning reports.

      3. Unemployment
      as robots and other machines come so, for the production of goods, the manager or people in charge will tend to trust the robots more than humans so this will lead to unemployment

      4. Stagnancy
      Humans cannot develop artificial intelligence because it is a technology based on pre-loaded facts and experience. AI is good at repeatedly carrying out the same task, but if we want any adjustments or improvements, we must manually change the codes. Also leading to no improvement

      thank you so much

  • "After artificial intelligence broke into the various fields of science, here it is knocking on the door of art, the field that remained a fortress for the creations of the human mind alone.
    The first artwork produced by artificial intelligence was Edmund de Bellamy's painting, which was sold at auction in New York in 2018 for $432,000."
    By reading this on the internet, I think it is really good for artificial intelligence to produce art because it allows artists to make decisions about colors and materials used in painting or sculpting, and also helps them produce more realistic images, and also through artificial intelligence anyone can make art.
    Otherwise, art with artificial intelligence achieves high sales.
    Artificial intelligence will unleash creators and artists to bring out and develop their talents.
    I believe that artificial intelligence has not diminished the value of human artists, but rather they will resort to it and their importance and value will increase.

    1. Is it fair that people get paid more AI produced art than some artists get paid for their own art?

      1. I think that it is not fair for artificial intelligence workers to receive a salary more than the salary of artists, and this will affect artists in many ways. They will retire because of this phenomenon. They feel inferior, even though they are better than artificial intelligence. They create new things that have many beautiful and nice meanings, but they do not receive any encouragement from Anyone, so isolation is better. They work hard on their drawings, and in the end, the drawings are very beautiful, but the world is different in this regard. They think that artificial intelligence is the most important. No, but natural intelligence is the most important.. Without natural intelligence, artificial intelligence would not have appeared, because the human being is the one who invented artificial intelligence

      2. It is not fair for the art produced by artificial intelligence to receive higher wages because human art has a complete difference, as it is full of the many feelings and expressions that the artist wants to communicate through his painting, and also he is the one who lays down the basics of drawing and his own method during drawing, unlike the art of artificial intelligence, which is a phrase About a machine that is entirely done by and only implements the programming commands, that is, it is an inanimate object devoid of feelings and tastes

      3. Well, I think it is not fair that the person who used artificial intelligence in a painting gets a higher salary than the artist who used his effort, talent and imagination to make a painting. When I was participating in drawing competitions where most of the winning drawings were from the internet, or someone helped draw them, I got frustrated every time I lost and lost my passion for drawing because there was no justice. So, the same applies to artificial intelligence. Artists are frustrated with this stuff, so there has to be justice. An artist who works hard on his paintings is entitled to be paid more than those who use artificial intelligence, or at least they are fair

      4. it is really unfair how AI artists get paid more than human artists even though they obviously do less work than them. Nowadays, there are AI app generators that can can create a wonderful masterpiece by simply pushing a button. This could make artists who spend all of their time and sweat working on their paintings to give up because they feel intimidated by AI arts. all the greatest masterpieces came about by simply expressing emotion on a piece of paper, but AI does not feel anything. this could cause the artists to develop an inferiority complex. as we all know, the world is slowly being replaced by robots and artificial intelligence, this could make humans feel like they are no longer needed and it could cause a lot of people to lose their jobs. But, is it possible that artists could use AI art generators to make their artworks more beautiful? Could AI actually be here to help artists? This can only be decided by the artists themselves. Some artists actually use AI to improve the quality of their artwork which is very beneficial to them. But some artists may chose to stay true to the traditional canvas, paint and brushes.

      5. well I think it is fair looking from another side of this because, probably that must've been thought through before they decided to program robots to do art . My point is I actually think that the artists are paid to allow AI copy their artworks , because if an artists work is needed to be copied by AI according to loyalties for arts payments made to rights holders, including songwriters, recording artists, and intermediaries like labels, publishers, or producers for the licensed use of their work .
        I know many of you must be thinking,What if the amount of money paid to the artists for their work is not up to the amount of money that is being paid to AI produced arts? Well I think that they also benefited from the money they are being paid so, they should be happy I mean if I were them I would be happy because not everyone is good enough to pay you some others will simply just steal your work and claim that the art was created by them.

  • Artificial intelligence is the stimulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications include expert systems, natural language processing and machine vision. AI has no internal universe and no need to express attitudes or fears. The results will be effective if artists work with the machines..TI is considered an imitation of human creativity. TI works differently. TI know how things look but not how they work.TI is a mirror and this mirror can reflect whatever we are training.

  • I think the lives of individual artists who are making their income will be destroyed if they no longer have work. I think TI is also a hot topic in the arts world as programs that generate art using AI are widely available to the public

  • I can provide some insights on the questions posed.

    Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing that AI can produce art?
    The answer to this question is subjective and depends on individual perspectives. Some may argue that AI-generated art can offer new and exciting forms of expression, while others may argue that it lacks the emotional depth and human touch of traditional art. Ultimately, whether AI-generated art is seen as a good or bad thing is up to individual interpretation.

    How might AI impact human creativity?
    AI has the potential to impact human creativity in several ways. For instance, AI can assist human artists in generating ideas, creating designs, and even completing certain aspects of the creative process. This can allow artists to focus on more significant and challenging aspects of their work. Additionally, AI-generated art can inspire human artists to explore new creative directions or experiment with new techniques.

    Will AI art make human artists more or less important in the future? Why?
    AI-generated art does not necessarily make human artists more or less important. While AI can create artwork, it lacks the emotional depth, life experiences, and personal touch that human artists bring to their work. Ultimately, human artists bring unique perspectives and insights to the creative process that cannot be replicated by AI. As such, AI-generated art may complement human art, but it is unlikely to replace it.

  • In brief I think that Artificial Intelligence is a very good example for the spirit of creativity in humans so I think it is a good thing.

  • I personally think AI features are good advancements in the world of the Arts. But, if these features make humans lazy and uncreative then it should simply be discontinued. Humans are what I see as the most creative creatures ever to be made and our minds flow with talent and everyone has an individual perspective on the Arts, as beauty is relative.

    With the invention of AI, human artists are seen as less important than the times before. Artists in the previous times were more valuable as their works were handmade and original, but know we all search the internet for "inspiration" and copy what others have made, belittling our sense of individuality.

    Currently, art made online is more treasured than the ones made by humans. The only time we can really see art now is in museums, art galleries or as decorations at home; and even at this, the decorations on the walls of the rooms are most likely printed out from the web rather than it being based on a canvas or with charcoal scrubs.

    Also, there are other forms of Art like music and drama. I don't think drama is affected as much but as for music, everyone can become a star currently with the help of auto tune. Back them, music was based on instruments and vocals but now it's all sorts of technological rubbish. Music is a gift from God but know it's being taken advantage of as a source of income.

    Arts before the invention of AI were appreciated and valued more, it's quite sad to admit.

  • From my perspective, utilizing AI as a means of generating artistic creations may not be the most appropriate approach. There is a concern that the emergence of AI technology in the creative industry may lead to the displacement of human artists and devalue the significance of their artistic works. It's important for young people to find inspiration from real artists, as this can help them develop their own artistic abilities and avoid relying solely on AI. The lack of individuals who possess genuine artistic talent may potentially impede the younger generation's capacity to discover authentic inspiration in their pursuit of artistic passions. The preservation and advancement of artistic techniques, such as cross-hatching, rely heavily on the contributions of artists. Without their dedication, these methods may stagnate and eventually become forgotten. It is plausible that the conventional paintings and drawings that adorn art galleries may be supplanted or outshined by art and paintings produced by AI technology in the future. Nonetheless, it is crucial to recall and admire the worth and legacy of these classic art forms. AI technology is a valuable resource for artists who are looking to enhance their creative process and spark new ideas. Nevertheless, it is crucial for artists to maintain their individual artistic flair and avoid becoming overly dependent on AI-generated content. Instead of relying solely on AI, artists can use it as a supplement to their work. This approach ensures that the art and designs produced will always have a personal touch that is unique to the artist, distinguishing it from any other AI-generated content. By blending technology and individuality, artists can produce exceptional works of art that reflect their creative vision and personal style. Already, more than 3000 artists from 118 countries are using AI for their works.

  • From my point of view: *It is a good thing that artificial intelligence can produce art, it makes art more accessible and it can give the artist inspiration in drawing and help develop art.
    With regard to human creativity, artificial intelligence helps to achieve what the artist thinks and makes it easier, more beautiful and visual. Therefore, with artificial intelligence, we can achieve new projects and use it in children's animations and also helps engineers in engineering drawings, so it has a very big impact.
    3. I do not think that artificial intelligence will make artists less important because it inspires the artist, develops his ideas and drawings, and improves them for the better.
    From myself, I say that artificial intelligence is very important in human daily life, for example: it helps doctors in surgeries, painters in inspiration, and engineers in construction as well..... ❤️❤️ I hope that my comment will be liked and thanked

  • 1 I think it's hard to decide that it's good because it is
    * cheap
    * Saves time and effort
    * Providing work by selling paintings
    But bad because
    Don't enjoy drawing
    * Lack of interest in talent drawing

    2 Artificial intelligence helps erase the culture of art, the lack of interest in drawing, and the lack of thought and creativity in the drawings that humans used to draw

    3 I think it will make them less important by making a drawing of the artist and AI and compare it. Because of the speed of work, AI will be adopted, but it is possible that the next generation will make it more important. Because it is considered an ancient heritage and an artist's drawing

  • Al can be used as a tool to aid human creativity. For example, AI algorithms can be used to generate new ideas or designs, providing inspiration and new perspectives for human creators. In this way, AI can be seen as a collaborator rather than a replacement for human creativity.

    1. I agree because you are one of the few people that see things from my perspective. You see that just the way humans, due to their incapability to do everything by themselves join minds together and use the advantage that each individual possess to their advantage in order to produce a splendid result. We should also for the benefit and development of the world, merge our ideas with that of the AI, for the sake of our development, we should see AI as the humans we collaborate with and not as a force aiming at replacing our creativity, we just need to get rid of that mindset and with that done, the world will definitely become a better place for all.

  • I think AI can impact human creativity because a lot of people like to draw and maybe the AI can create their own group of artists.

  • Will AI art make artists more or less important in the future?
    My answer would be no, because artificial intelligence is a tool that can be used since we have lived with it and witnessed its potential. And the use of artificial intelligence in art does not eliminate the artist or reduce his status. The truth is that the production of this art is the work of a whole team of programmers, technical directors, and others, and not the work of a single artist.

  • 1- Quite frankly, this is a good thing because it will create complex paintings that some artists may not be able to paint. 2-Artificial intelligence affects human creativity through one thing, which is that it will overshadow artists, so humans will become less interested in drawing artists, and thus artists will be less important to humans. 3- Yes, artists will get less importance because AI can draw complex paintings, so people will use it more.

  • From my point of view, the mix between traditional art and the use of AL as a new tool for producing art is a good thing. It is correct that the beautiful photos we see on screens are artificial ones but who was really behind their production is the man. Therefore, art does not need only an artist! It is an artist and programmer at the same time. The artist works with his artistic tools, and the programmer masters dealing with the machine.
    Artificial intelligence is a tool that can be used since we have lived through it and witnessed its potential. And the use of artificial intelligence in art does not eliminate the artist or reduce his status. The truth is that the production of this art is the work of a whole team of programmers, technical directors, and others, and not the work of a single artist. For example, we have the most famous kids' channel "Spacetoon", the cartoons it displays are drawn first and foremost by artists on paper and then given to programmers to put them in their final picture.
    Hence, in producing this art, the artist takes many tools and methods, and this does not mean that the programmer has taken or will take the role of the artist. Creativity does not have a specific logic. Human creativity, in particular, differs from technical creativity, regardless of the capabilities of the latter, and regardless of its data.

    1. Your opinion is wonderful and very contradictory to my ideas, but you amazed me, so I became more optimistic about AI in art .... because I did not like the idea of ​​​​artificial intelligence in art because I love drawing and art and I aspire to excel in it in a wonderful talent .. But you made me think in a different way, which is (integration). I have been watching the Spactoon channel since I was young. Its wonderful characters lie in the union of programmers and illustrators. Here I say, I will not worry about illustrators losing their work and being covered by AI, as each complements the other... I would love for someone to contradict my ideas to see the issue. From both sides... But in your opinion, dear speakers and experts, will the artists accept the idea that one complements the other, or will there be a contradiction?!

  • (artificial intelligence )
    In fact, artificial intelligence is a good thing because it works on writing research and topics, draws beautifully, and works as if it were a mind that thinks, innovates, and understands just like a human being. Most students resort to it in writing topics and research, or drawing drawings related to the subject.
    and people use it a lot; Because it is easy to use, and it can be downloaded as an application or opened from the Internet.
    Also, artificial intelligence can solve difficult mathematical problems that the student cannot solve easily. Artificial intelligence can be used:
    Education through solving mathematical or physical problems.
    -The drawing .
    Also, engineers can use it to design homes, buildings, and schools.

  • I like that there are programs in our world that help us overcome difficulties, save time and effort for us, and make our lives easier through developments that occur like artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is one of the most prominent developments that change a lot In our lives it is possible to design exciting designs for an engineer and can draw beautiful paintings for an artist and can also write different topics for a book and all of these contributions that occur from artificial intelligence are good and very beneficial to us .
    My opinion؟؟
    I enjoy and I see all these developments that occur in our world by artificial intelligence. It is a very beautiful, exciting and interesting content so that I like this ascetic in life. I thank those who contributed to his invention of us.

    1. I agree I like the advancements in our lives that help overcome difficulties but what if artificial intelligence takes away the creativity we have as humans. It may be possible where we become too reliant that we cannot do things such as writing a book without it. Personally I think artificial intelligence does have its pros but comes with its cons also.

  • My opinion in terms of negativity, I do not agree with this thing, because it is possible for some people to forge some pictures to install pictures of girls’ bodies, to provoke and threaten them, and it is also possible in terms of artists, it can affect their psychology and despair and give up and stop working, and thus becomes inequality and makes people They trust more than technology. As for the positive side, enhancing quality is to be higher in artificial intelligence and reduce risks in our lives.

  • Well, for me, artificial intelligence is wonderful. When I searched for paintings and artists who used artificial intelligence in making paintings, I found a unit that I liked, and it is wonderful and designed through artificial intelligence, as there is only a girl who entered words indicating the painting, and artificial intelligence represented these words in a painting. This is from The wonderful information that I just learned, but from my personal opinion, although artificial intelligence is wonderful, I think that it will be negative for artists in the future in many respects, as the number of talents and artists will decrease, and everyone will use artificial intelligence, and any disputes may occur in the community itself, so two paintings can be drawn In the same way, by using artificial intelligence, each person begins to accuse the other of having stolen his idea and for people who are interested in art and artists and adopt talents for the sake of their companies or selling paintings, I think that their interest in artists will decrease. For example, the artist receives a wage and a salary, but artificial intelligence does not, so everyone will adopt artificial intelligence, and the number of artists will become few

  • Artificial intelligence is a technology that can be used in art to create new and unique works of art. The use of AI in art is just the beginning, but the potential is great. Artificial intelligence will help artists make better decisions about what colors and materials to use when painting or sculpting their work. It would also allow artists to produce more realistic images by giving them more knowledge of what certain colors look like when mixed together on canvas or stone.
    Artificial intelligence has the potential to dramatically change the art world, and not just by creating more digital art. It can also help create new types of art, such as paintings that are created from scratch using algorithms.
    AI has already impacted art in many ways but not just as a new tool for artists. Artificial intelligence has also changed the way we look at art and what it means to be an artist. Artists are now using artificial intelligence to create new work, perform tasks such as color matching and pattern recognition, and even to analyze paintings all without human intervention. This opens up new opportunities for creative expression and collaboration between artists, designers, programmers, and engineers. While there are still many artists who use traditional methods such as painting, there are many who are beginning to experiment with new ways of working as well as new materials such as 3D printing or stereograms.

  • Artificial intelligence is defined as a new technology that is known to improve basic skills such as drawing, writing, designs...
    For example: There are programs that draw beautiful graphics as if they were an artist, write articles and books as if they were written by a writer, and design designs and maps as if they were designed by an engineer.
    Frye is very clear this thing is so beautiful that it is irreplaceable.

  • It's not really a good thing that AI can make art, there are many people who can't work, so they paint for long hours in order to earn money for a living, and this is a source of income for them, so if artificial intelligence comes, the person will only have to describe the painting that you need and it will be ready in a few minutes And I, as a novice painter, really hated this thing, and also artificial intelligence depends on collecting the specifications that you wrote for it to draw your painting and draw these specifications only. From your drawings, and this makes you express your feelings better, and to draw paintings that express the feelings of other people, and have meaning and be unique, not drawn before. It is rare to find a person who wants to draw in the future because it has become a hobby that has no benefit, but there are some rich people who are obsessed with collecting strange things, which are not an ordinary thing. In the future, drawing can become something rare, and perhaps the rich will be proud that they have paintings painted by painters

  • I do not think it is a good idea to use AI for art production as this will minimise human creativity.

    It could affect how creative human beings are as that will reduce the activation of their brains by reducing the practice of art production by replacing it with AI.

    3- I believe that will reduce the value and respect for artists in the future as they will not be that much needed.

    1. I disagree because, Some artists use artificial intelligence to take ideas for a painting that they do not know how to draw. I think a lot of artists do this to add some touches to their painting to make it more beautiful. And there are some people who do not only like to see drawings on artificial intelligence, but also want to buy paintings that they put in their room, for example, or in the hall. They love handmade things. In the past, priority was given to handmade things. There are some painters who use art to paint paintings that express feelings, and they convey their feelings in the painting they paint.

    2. I agree with you, but what if there are problems in learning to draw and how can he learn in another and easier way?

  • When it comes to the debate of Al can never replace the emotional depth and creativity of a human artist.
    After all, art is born out of the human experience and emotionals, which are unique to each individual. Conversely, others argue that Al can enhance the creative process, providing new and innovative tools for artists to use.

  • As a student , I find the intersection between technology and art fascinating. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as an alternative to traditional artistic creation is a topic of much debate. I aim to investigate the impact of AI-generated art on human creativity, the potential implications, and whether AI-generated art might eventually surpass human art.

    Firstly, the idea of AI creating art raises questions about the nature of creativity. Can machines be considered as creative as humans? Or is it merely simulating creativity? Progresses of machine learning and generative algorithms suggest that machines are capable of producing art that is difficult to distinguish from human-generated art. However, the lack of consciousness and emotions in machines may challenge the concept of creativity as it is commonly understood. Hence, AI created –art might not be considered as a genuine form of creativity.

    Secondly, AI-generated art poses challenges for humans in terms of adapting to the technological era. Tech companies now use AI to create music, visual art, and literature. This prompts concern about the future of human creativity. As AI becomes more efficient and sophisticated, humans may find it increasingly challenging to keep up with the speed and quality of AI-generated art. This could lead to a decrease in the value placed on human creativity in society.

  • I think the emergence of AI-generated art should not be a threat to human creativity but rather a tool to enhance creativity. With recent advancements in technology, AI-generated art, and the creative process, could offer exciting opportunities for individuals. Furthermore, art has always been reflective of society, and AI-generated art is another form of art that reflects the current technological advances. I believe that path to progress is about keeping an open and curious mindset and using technology to benefit human knowledge.

  • The machine creates according to an organized mechanism, the main basis of which is machine learning. The artist shows it multiple models of works of art, so that it can practice on it, analyzing thousands of images. After that, the machine tries to create an algorithm that enables it to create its own artwork, and the artist makes an adjustment in the algorithm so that its results come close to simulating the artwork it was trained on. And when the machine succeeds, it is up to the artist again to decide and evaluate its productivity, making other adjustments so that the production is suitable for display, which means that the human element is indispensable for directing and conducting that process completely.
    Sometimes, programs fail to simulate human faces and emerge distorted images, other than that in that case the distorted faces are automatically lacked into the destination and intention.
    Machines can imitate the further techniques of visual arts created by humans, but without emotions, which lacks two major king, which are indispensable to describe any work, we: First of the expression of the income as the orthodontics, joy or anger Or desire for self-expression, and secondly are authenticity and meet creative expression standards

  • I both Al and Art have their strengths and weaknesses. At the end of the day, the choice between Al and Art depends on one's preferences and needs. While Al has the potential to revolutionize many fields, art will always be a fundamental part of human expression and creativity. As school students, it is important to understand the value of both Al and art, and how they can be used to make a positive impact on our world.

  • it is plausible that increasing reliance on AI-generated art could lead to less emphasis on human creativity. However, human creativity remains essential in the context of art because creativity is closely tied to the human condition, emotions, and experiences. Unlike machines, human artists bring a unique perspective and personal touch to their art, which cannot be replicated by AI-generated art. Hence, AI-generated art could motivate human artists to learn new techniques and to become more innovative in their approach to art.

  • artificial intelligence all that i know about this branch is that it simulates human mental capabilities, as it is able to give special capabilities and capabilities to the programmer by motivating him towards the graphics and shapes in which he presents them. He works to give capabilities, talents, and incentives to people who experiment with him. At the same time, artificial intelligence may give extraordinary ideas to users, for example. Drawings of the painter or engineering ideas of the engineer or other things, so what is the problem that people become famous? We are developing and technology is developing with us. With the passage of time, the user will benefit another user, or who sees what he is doing, so the follower thinks that it is something that has been tried and works on developing it. This is something useful and entertaining, and people are developing with it And their abilities and talents are improving, so I think it works to renew the ideas of the human mind, so it tries as much as possible to comply with the same artificial intelligence. I think it is useful for humans and it is good for us. It is not capable of that. You just do not know where this artificial intelligence enters. To the depths of the sea, artificial intelligence is able to explore
    The technology that I traveled to and discovered through the robot may transcend the realistic limits of humans. The machine has replaced the human being. I believe that over time, we may have robots that live with us, comfort us and work on everything we want. All this credit goes to artificial intelligence. Through my report, artificial intelligence is beneficial to humans.

  • We discussed in the class with our teacher and the class that artificial intelligence is not bad for me, and it helps us in many areas, including communication with relatives, and I helped in manufacturing robots well and used to process languages. There are few drawbacks to it, which are unclear legal responsibility and imitation of human activities.

  • Beginning.... Hello 👋
    ➡️ What I know about artificial intelligence is: the intelligence shown by machines that simulates the human mind and its work pattern. 🧠
    ➡️ Among the goals of artificial intelligence: improving the productivity of institutions and facilitating people's lives.... 💫~ ~➡️One of the most important advantages of artificial intelligence is: it facilitates people's lives...he can draw as if he were an artist...or write stories and articles as if he were a writer....he reads books as if he were an actual human being....etc 💥
    ➡️And it also has positives It has disadvantages, the most important of which are: it cuts off the spirit of hope, optimism and creativity in a person and kills the emptying of energies because, for example, some people empty their energy by drawing .... writing and other things ....
    ➡️ Finally, we have to limit the use of artificial intelligence in our lives so that societies are not ruined.. ..and paper it ❤❤
    Finally...thank you 😁.

  • I think the AI art will not make human artists less important rather it will make them become more creative in their work. It used to take days, months or even years before some artists come up with their master piece, but when they use AI art, they can to use their ideas to come up with more creative masterpiece within a shorter time. This will make them produce more art work which will make them more famous.

    It is also important to consider the impact that AI development may have on the job market. As AI becomes more advanced and capable of performing tasks traditionally done by humans, there may be a shift in the

  • Artificial intelligence is very useful as it increases production and increases the accuracy of the currency and the quality of the product, but I do not think that art resulting from artificial intelligence is better than manual art, as manual art contains the story behind drawing the painting (the human motive) and when you look at it you feel With the feelings of the artist who painted the painting, but the painting resulting from artificial intelligence does not have an emotion or message that the painter wanted to communicate to us, and also one of the reasons for my admiration for art is that you find creativity, and in every painting there is a different style that makes you amazed, but artificial intelligence is a copy that applies what I learned from The paintings of other artists, that is, they imitate the styles of other artists and do not create new ones. Also, what is striking about the paintings similar to Mona Lisa is optical deception and visual deception are types. As for artificial intelligence, it imitates the above and does not create a new type.

  • I would like to say that this paintings are quite good. I think that it is a good thing that AI can produce art because it, in a way shows how far human technological development has come. This is what most people will be proud of. On the other hand, I think that AI's will impact human creativity negatively in the future. The reason I have this idea is because I believe most people will depend on the AI. There is a risk of people or artists becoming overly reliant on AI artworks, which may limit their ability to improve their skills independently. On the question on whether or not artists will be more or less important? I would go with the second option. I believe AI will make artists less important in the future because AI art not only invalidates the hard work of real artists, but it also stands to be an absolute ethical nightmare for the artists.

  • How can artificial intelligence affect human creativity?
    Yes, it will negatively affect humanity and its creativity, because if artificial intelligence enters our lives, it will depend on it in many areas, and it will have negative aspects. It can replace people's jobs and work in their place, because this will threaten human lives if it is also included in education. There are many negatives and effects

  • I believe that artificial intelligence, by definition, is what helped people solve some complex issues and businesses, through applications that helped them in that, and artificial intelligence can help us in our business by adding value to We worked on the most important points about our work, i.e. it included the subject, and I believe that artificial intelligence has its positives and on the other hand negative. Among its positives is accuracy in work and providing advice and guidance to artists in their work, but on the one hand Another has its drawbacks, which is a lack of creativity and out of control, but from my point of view, I believe that artists will work and will work with all their energy and effort to prevent any defect or problems affecting them due to artificial intelligence...

  • When the World Economic Forum revealed, it and its global leaders predicted that 69 million new jobs will be created in 2027, and 83 million jobs will be abolished, equivalent to 2 percent of the current employment.
    AI will spread and will be a positive and negative force. Because companies need new workers to help them implement AI tools and manage their affairs. At the moment many jobs will be at risk. Robots and machines will replace humans in many cases.
    I think it's too bad that AI can produce art. This is because it will affect human creations.
    Each one of us has creativity and talents, which means that he should not let artificial intelligence act on his behalf.. It will also affect some massive strikes over the next five years.
    I am concerned about the impact of artificial intelligence on the nature of learning, thinking and developing our creativity. One must know the tone of his voice, learn and think for himself, and absorb all the information by himself instead of relying on others. Artificial intelligence robbed us of our human creativity and memory.
    In the future artists will become irrelevant and about 14 million jobs will disappear worldwide. I really regret it. It's all caused by people's increased use of artificial intelligence. We must use our brains to fix everything we have broken.
    The mind is one's adornment.... and stupidity is the basis of one's ugliness

  • I don't really think that it is a bad thing that AI can produce art. I actually think it is good because it opens more opportunity for art to expand. The leading opinion is that AI cannot generate fundamentally new ideas on its own but it can support humans to do so so by catalyzing human creativity. AI is incredibly versatile. This gives you a lot of flexibility when creating your artworks. It is extremely unlikely that humans will stop creating art just because a piece of technology can make AI-generated artworks. In my opinion human art will always be more superior and stand out, even if human audiences already prefer the art of AI. An artist's greatest motivation is curiosity. They use their imagination to manifest images that haven’t been seen before, and that no one will ever see if artists don’t make themselves. In this sense artists are explorers, cultivating their skills and talent. The difference between AI and human art is that AI art is created using algorithms, mathematical equations, and machine learning, while human art is created using intuition, personal experiences, and emotional expression. Human art is created with the intention of communicating something in particular while an AI does not create art with this intention. AI can produce prize-winning art, but it still can’t compete with human creativity.
    I believe they should make it illegal to copyright work created wholly, largely, or substantially by machines without permission. Another way to protect artist's art is by using "glaze". ''Glaze is a tool that can help artists protect their work from AI art generators''. The app works by applying subtle changes to the artwork changes so minor that they're barely noticeable to humans that can easily confuse AI software. Glaze basically analyzes your art, and generates a modified version with barely visible changes. This "cloaked" image disrupts AI mimicry process. It is a great tool which artists can use to fight against AI art.

  • In my opinion, I think that is a good thing that AI can produce art
    Because, I am impressed on how far we have gone in technolagical developments that by some modifications and a push of a button we are able to make masterpieces using AI.

  • So, is AI generated arts better than human creations?

    We all know that the world🌍 is rapidly advancing and growing in technology. But in the case of arts, I feel there is no room for AI.

    Arts is used to express emotions and feelings, give inspiration to others, communicate, to preserve history, beliefs and culture, worship, for decoration and to shape our everyday lives. I have absolute certainty that we can't gain all these from AI generated arts.

    Why Human Creations are better than AI arts. AI arts: leads to addiction, is more expensive than human creations, does not have creativity and personalization, still needs human editing, can't generate new ideas, etc.
    So, Human Creations are better than are AI arts.

  • Artificial intelligence is one of the branches of computer science. It specializes in producing computerized software that simulates human mental capabilities. This type is concerned with the machine’s understanding of human feelings and interaction with people. Artificial intelligence has advantages, including that it saves time and effort. It solves very difficult mathematical equations in seconds, and some applications provide advice and advice. In areas such as medicine, you can deal with a huge and large volume of data, process it and store it in a very short time. Among its disadvantages is that it works to weaken the capabilities of the individual and not to enter within himself and shoulder his skills and abilities and end them, work with them and be proud of them, and the dangerous negativity and the biggest among them is that some people, shops, hospitals, factories and machines And famous companies use artificial intelligence, so they work to dispense with a lot of workers, which increases unemployment and keeps them in homes. \\
    I say, no one denies the tremendous progress that the artificial field has reached, and despite the great development in speed, accuracy and efficiency, there are no systems or applications that reach this great and dazzling intelligence.
    See you soon

  • Art has different types like acting, writing and drawing
    Actually I don't like artificial intelligence create an art. Art for me is something for humans only, as the artist puts all his feelings and thoughts in his art that he made, so how can artificial intelligence that doesn't have feelings to draw an amazing painting ?! It doesn't matter how advanced AI is, it cannot become like the beauty and charm of the paintings drawn by artists who put their souls in wonderful musical harmony in the painting, like the artist (Vincent van Gogh) when he painted the painting (The Starry Night), it's my favourite painting , because all colors were in amazing harmony, difficult for artificial intelligence Draw like it .

    1. This is an interesting point. Do you think that AI could learn to write art?

  • I Personally feel AI is good and here are some reasons:
    Speed and Efficiency: One of the biggest advantages of AI art is that it can produce images and videos much faster than traditional methods. This is because AI algorithms are designed to process vast amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a human.
    Unlimited Variation: AI algorithms can generate an endless number of variations, giving artists access to a virtually unlimited supply of creative inspiration. This means that AI art has the potential to break new ground in terms of creativity and originality.
    Accessibility: With the increasing popularity of AI art, more and more people have access to the technology needed to create it. This makes it possible for artists to reach a wider audience and share their work with a global community.

  • How might AI impact human creativity?
    AI may also limit creativity by becoming too dominant in the creative process. If machines are used too heavily in the design or artistic process, it may result in less diverse ideas being generated or even a total lack of originality due to reliance on preset models or templates programmed into these systems. Ultimately, how AI affects human creativity will depend on how humans choose to balance the advantages and limitations posed by this powerful tool.
    There's always the fear that robots will replace us . But here's the thing: AI isn't a magic wand that'll create art out of thin air; it's just another tool in our toolbox. Sure, it might make life easier by handling technical tasks like color matching or scaling images faster than we humans ever could, but it still lacks that thing that makes art human – emotion, empathy and personality. So, while AI might nudge us towards novel techniques or spark groundbreaking ideas, it's up to us silly humans to imbue them with soulful significance.

  • While AI art is certainly impressive in its ability to create stunning pieces, it still lacks the emotional depth and unique perspective that only a living, breathing artist can bring to the table. Sure, it may be able to churn out a flawless replica of a Van Gogh or Dali piece, but can it truly capture the essence of what makes those works so extraordinary? I think not. So while AI art may become more prevalent in the future, human artists will always have their place as innovators and creators of true beauty. After all, who else would add that special human touch and soul to our creations 😎?

    1. These are some interesting questions! What do you think is the essence that makes art extraordinary?

      1. Where do I even begin?! The essence that makes art extraordinary is a combination of so many things that it's hard to pin down just one. It's the way that art can evoke emotions deep within us, whether it be joy, sadness, anger or inspiration. It's the ability for an artist to create something from their imagination and bring it to life in a tangible form. Whether it be through the intricacy of brushstrokes in a painting, the composition of a photograph, or the harmony of notes in music, art has a remarkable power to convey beauty, meaning, and humanity. At its core, extraordinary art captures something universal about the human experience - our joys and sorrows, our dreams and fears. It transcends time and place to communicate with future generations who may interpret it differently but still feel an intimate connection with it. Moreover, exceptional artwork challenges us to expand our perspectives and embrace new ways of seeing ourselves and the world around us. The ability of art to inspire, inform, provoke thought and spur action is what truly sets it apart as an exceptional expression of creativity there is something truly captivating about art that draws us all in – leaving us feeling uplifted, inspired and awestruck by its beauty and power.

      2. Remarkable art may have any or all of these characteristics, or others. It may be connected to a cause, be monumental in size, or the result of an innovative technique invented by the artist. Remarkable art works on several levels, with a concept that is deeper and more meaningful than what initially meets the eye.
        Art doesn't imitate or copy anything, but it thrives on otherness, on the very essence of what it means to be different and unique in its own right. Art changes everything into something different. Furthermore, art is not about seeking but about finding possibilities. It is about re-creating the world anew each time.

        Surrealism is an art that focuses on making ordinary thing extraordinary. It is also known as “super realism,” which revolves on the method of making ordinary things look extraordinary.
        The functions of art normally fall into three categories: physical, social, and personal. These categories can and often do overlap in any given piece of art.
        The authenticity of the artist. The work must be created with skill and excellence, but arguably what elevates one piece over another is the soul which the artist infuses into the work. In other words, what makes art stand out is the artist's willingness to let their personal experiences shine through in the piece.
        The texture an art piece gives off is important in making it stand out. Highlights, shadows, and other light elements all play a part in creating texture in art pieces. Whether it be a photo, painting, or sketch, you can create depth and texture by simply even just adjusting the shadows and highlights.

  • Artificial intelligence is not the work of a single artist, but rather a whole team of programmers, directors, and artists. The effect of artificial intelligence is the emergence of a number of works of art, and there are areas for it, including human perception and artistic modeling of technological and collaborative innovation of technology and art. The painting is considered the first artwork produced by artificial intelligence, and when I read this information, I knew that it is the effect of artificial intelligence, so it creates a number of artworks and develops the world. It works on understanding data on a large scale, and no one can achieve it. It also worked to improve the performance of institutions

  • As we continue to advance in the field of artificial intelligence, it's fascinating to see how machines are becoming capable of learning and problem-solving like human beings.

    With Al, we are entering into a world of endless possibilities, where machines can think, reason, and perform tasks that were once considered impossible.

    The increasing use of Al in various domains has opened up new doors for innovation and creativity, with Al-powered systems being able to analyze large amounts of data and make predictions with greater accuracy.

  • Will AI art make human artists more or less important in the future? Why?-
    I don't think that human artists will get affected due to AI being developed because nowadays too machine made products are taking over the markets, for example in olden days embroidary work,Tiles ,glass etc....was done by hand but even after the evolution of machines the value of hand made is higher than the machenaries this is because of the workmanship and as they are rarer to be found and few people are ready to buy it even at a very high prize.In our country we have a place called kancheepuram were the handmade sarees are weaven and they are aproximately 70% higher in prize than the machenaries based on the material,work in it and also people from several states are visiting this place to buy the purest form of this. so, I think the same will happen with arts made by AI so though there are arts made by AI ,the value of handmade arts will get higher because of their uniqueness compared to the AI made once.

    1. Thanks for using an example from within your community, productive_redcurrant! I wonder if any other Topical Talkers could think of an example from theirs?

      1. Embroidery in Palestine was previously very widespread among women. Every city has its own embroidered Palestinian dress in which the people are proud. With the advent of machines, embroidery has spread in the markets at cheap prices. But when women go to the market, they turn to authentic manual work. Therefore, I agree with her that there is no Great importance of artificial intelligence against the human mind

  • In my opinion, the ability of AI to produce art can have both positive and negative implications. While it can expand our understanding of what art can be, it also raises ethical concerns about using someone else's work without permission. AI could impact human creativity by providing new tools for artists to experiment with, but it could also lead to a decrease in creativity if people become overly reliant on technology.

    Regarding the impact of AI art on human artists, I believe that it could make them less important in the future. While AI-generated art can produce impressive results, it lacks the unique subjective and emotional experiences that humans bring to the creative process. However, the value and appreciation of human creativity in the art world may still remain intact, as it is often the unique perspectives and experiences of individual artists that create meaning and impact in their work. Ultimately, it will depend on how AI is integrated into the creative process and whether it is used as a tool to enhance or replace human creativity.

  • From my point of view, after contemplating many questions, I have found that: Can artificial intelligence replace human creativity in the arts?

    This question is one of the most important and controversial questions in the field of artificial intelligence and the arts. Art is the product of human imagination and creativity, but with the advancement of technology and artificial intelligence, many wonder if AI can replace the art created by humans.

    In fact, artificial intelligence can help artists and creators in creating wonderful works of art, but it cannot completely replace human creativity. Creativity requires emotions, personal experiences, and human interactions, and this is what makes art unique and attractive.

    Moreover, artificial intelligence can learn from human creativity and draw inspiration from it, opening the doors to the possibility of creating sophisticated and diverse works of art with different artistic styles.

    In the end, it can be said that artificial intelligence will not replace human creativity in art, but it will be a value-added to the art and will enable innovation in artistic techniques and expression.

  • I think it is a good thing that AI can produce art because the AI can make life for artists much easier and that can lead to the increased productivity of art.
    AI can impact human creativity. As the AI becomes more intelligent it becomes more helpful and reduces human stress. But the AI also has negative impact on humans.
    For example:
    It can lead to the loss of countless opportunities.
    It can lead to the decrease in income for some artists.
    Finally, I believe that AI would one day make human artists useless.
    The AI isn't like a human because the AI doesn't have any physical capabilities unlike human artists.

  • Artificial intelligence is a revolution in the world of technology through which people are facilitated in many things, and it is one of the most important branches of computer science that is concerned with building smart machines and systems capable of simulating human intelligence so that these systems behave like humans in terms of learning, understanding and realizing things, and drawing as if A painter and writes articles as if he is a writer and designs as if he is an engineer. Among its advantages is that it reduces errors, increases accuracy, and facilitates human decision-making faster and easier, but it has disadvantages, including the loss of many jobs, lack of personal privacy, and killing creativity in the human element, but I think artificial intelligence is a good idea Very if a person uses it correctly

  • Artificial intelligence is a machine made by man, so I say artificial intelligence is human intelligence because he stayed awake for days to produce something that facilitates our lives, and in the end people thank artificial intelligence and do not remember the creative person who made it. There are harmful and beneficial artificial intelligence.
    Benefit / increase production and save time and effort, especially the elderly and sick people.
    Harmful / increasing the number of cases of diseases that are caused by (electric shock) when it is produced or used, and through which there are more deaths.
    I know we are evolving, but we want safe artificial intelligence.

  • Al art will make artists less important in the future because it will publish a lot of drawings, and this thing I do not like because the drawings of artists cannot be described in words, but we can describe the drawings of artificial intelligence and the drawings of artists in which there are feelings such as sadness and happiness, and this thing is one of the most important things and I do not expect that Artificial intelligence can coordinate between the artwork, and it is possible that there is no unit, and it is one of the most important elements of the artwork, and this I learned in school, so artists must multiply their drawings in order not to diminish their importance

  • In fact, I do not think that I object to artificial intelligence being able to produce art, but I believe that art is always linked to humans, and this is what gave it its value and essence.And I believe that if he can do that, art will become something natural and not special.
    I also like to say that art expresses the feelings of the person who makes it, What would an artificial intelligence express when it has no feelings?.
    In my opinion, he will only try to imitate the art and style of other artists, and this will make art like an empty cup, beautiful on the outside but empty on the inside,And its content is some of the instructions and code designed by the makers of artificial intelligence, and it is not from creativity, so how can a machine that has not experienced the hardships and pains of humans or their happy times express that better than them?

  • 1..AI art is not bad. It is a form of art that allows for exploring new ideas and techniques with less time and effort than traditional methods. Also, because a machine generates it, many options can be explored, which would be difficult or impossible with traditional methods. AI art is not intrinsically bad.
    2… my opinion is that AI cannot generate fundamentally new ideas on its own but that it can support humans to do so so by catalyzing human creativity. What's easy to overlook, however, is that AI can also inhibit human creativity because as AI gets more intelligent, it becomes more helpful and distracting.

    The future of AI art is bright, with advancements in AI technology making it possible to create more complex and sophisticated art forms.
    As AI art becomes more prevalent, it is essential to integrate AI into art education to prepare future artists for this new form of art .AI art is not meant to replace human creativity but to enhance it.

  • My question is whether we can survive without it
    given the complexity and scale of the risks we
    collectively face, such as climate change, population growth, declining agricultural production, environmental collapse, etc. In his book, The Collapse of Complex Civilizations, anthropologist Joseph Tainter argues that once society reaches a point where the marginal returns to increasing social complexity (innovation) are negative, society needs to either adopt entirely new technologies or collapse to a lower, earlier state. We are arguably at that point, where our technologies are creating more problems than they solve and without the benefit of truly transformative technology our society is facing collapse. Artificial intelligence is a technology created to simulate human intelligence.. Despite its many positives such as speed of performance, efficiency in work, and accuracy, its negatives have multiplied, especially in its artistic field, as it is considered theft of artists’ arts and also robbed the creativity of others, so it is bad, but it is in the same Time is good because it helps us in all fields and inspires us in the field of art and also in writing stories, novels and poems ... Secondly / the impact of artificial intelligence on human creativity: Yes, it has affected it, as it has become easy to obtain information and creative ideas

  • I think it's a good thing that the AI can produce art , but without stealing and I think the AI art could make human artist less , because now or in the future anyone can request anything from the AI whatever if it poems or drawings or anything .

  • Artificial intelligence is a professional system that helped us in many areas of our lives. With artificial intelligence, we were able to master drawing things after collecting data on the drawing.

  • Artificial intelligence is a professional system that helped us in many areas of our lives. With artificial intelligence, we were able to master drawing things after collecting data on the drawing.

  • Artificial intelligence has transformed our lives for the better and helped us draw a lot of fantasy-like things into reality

  • Through the two images in front of me, I see that artificial intelligence carries out all the commands that are given to it. As for art, we need the emotions and feelings that the artist relies on to do this and express what is inside. . For example, if I asked an artist to draw Palestine for me, and I didn't specify if I wanted a map of a landscape, or a religious landmark, what would it be? The drawing that the program will show me and how the artist I asked will draw it. Electronic intelligence drawing

    1. That's a very interesting question! What do you think it would draw?

      1. I think he will draw the thing he likes in Palestine and the thing that attracts him to come to Palestine and love it. As for artificial intelligence, I think he will draw something imitated from the Internet.

  • 1. AI-generated art is a positive development, as it can produce new and innovative forms of artistic expression and expand the boundaries of what we consider to be art.
    AI can also facilitate the creation of art that is more accessible and inclusive, as it can remove barriers such as the need for technical skills or training.

    2.Enhancing Efficiency: AI can automate many aspects of the creative process, such as generating and editing content, which can allow artists to focus on more complex and creative tasks. This can also help to reduce the time and effort required to create new works.

    3. Replacement of Human Artists: Others argue that AI-generated art may eventually replace human artists, as AI algorithms become more advanced and capable of producing work that is indistinguishable from human-created art. In this view, human artists may become less important in the future, as AI becomes the primary source of new art.

  • I want to change my comment a bit 👍 .ok
    My question is whether we can survive without it or not?
    In his book, The Collapse of Complex Civilizations, anthropologist Joseph Tainter argues that once society reaches a point where the marginal returns to increasing social complexity (innovation) are negative, society needs to either adopt entirely new technologies or collapse to a lower, earlier state. We are arguably at that point, where our technologies are creating more problems than they solve and without the benefit of truly transformative technology our society is facing collapse. Artificial intelligence is a technology created to simulate human intelligence.. Despite its many positives such as speed of performance, efficiency in work, and accuracy, its negatives have multiplied, especially in its artistic field, as it is considered theft of artists’ arts and also robbed the creativity of others, so it is bad, but it is in the same Time is good because it helps us in all fields and inspires us in the field of art and also in writing stories, novels and poems ... Secondly / the impact of artificial intelligence on human creativity: Yes, it has affected it, as it has become easy to obtain information and creative ideas

  • AI producing an art is a development. But because of this AI many of the artists could be quitting the job. Because many of the people can think that we can AI for painting it gives us beautiful painting in less period of time. So artists could start quitting the job.
    I have tried the challenge but I couldn't complete my drawing within 3 mins.

    1. Do you think speed is important when it comes to creating art, loving_woodpecker? Who might argue yes? Who might argue no?

      1. I Don't think speed has much importance in creating art. Besides speeding has more risks of making errors. I feel that AI won't create the work as well as a real artist would. This is because it is even the humans or the artist that can get the idea or the inspiration and will be able to represent it well on the canvas.

        1. I disagree because...
          I disagree because...
          It helps with line efficiency.
          Because of the time limit when practicing art, we don't have the time to build up lots of details using lines. Sometimes we can fit in a bit of hatching to show the light direction, but most of my time is spent making sure that the colors we do place down look good.
          How to draw & paint faster: 5 tips for high school Art students
          1. Use a ground.
          2. Incorporate mixed media /patterned surfaces / textural elements.
          3. Work on several pieces at once.
          4. Paint things in the right order – background areas first.
          5. Use masking tape to create straight edges.
          Speed is the most important thing in the world. Without speed, nothing would exist, because it had taken too long and other things would have moved on. Whether you're starting a business, doing a job or working on a side project, the quicker you do it the better.
          Speed painting is an artistic technique where the artist has a limited time to finish the work. The time can vary, usually a duration is set from several minutes to a few hours. Unlike sketches, speed paintings may be considered "finished" after the time limit is up.

      2. Some artists argue that speed is important when creating art. Artists who work under deadlines for commercial projects and commissions may say that it is important to draw at a fast pace. Furthermore, artists who want to focus more on building their creativity or ideas will also value speed when it comes to making art. Other artists might argue that speed is not important and that the creative process should be allowed to unfold at its own pace. These artists may feel that working slowly and thoughtfully gives them time to contemplate their choices, refine their technique, and create more detailed and nuanced works of art. The speed of how fast artworks are made really depends on the artists themselves and their preferences and circumstances.

  • I think that when some people want to write a poem, they use artificial intelligence, but they do not take it as it is, so that it is not considered theft, but by adding some of the writer's ideas, it is not considered theft.

  • They're basically 3 ways Ai can catalyze human creativity

    -Identity patterns
    -provide the bigger picture
    -Guide experimentation

    AI cannot generate fundamentally new ideas on its own but that it can support humans to do so by catalyzing human creativity. What’s easy to overlook, however, is that AI can also inhibit human creativity because as AI gets more intelligent, it becomes more helpful and distracting. Therefore, we should know how AI can support human creativity and where it does more harm than good.

  • Creative confidence is only going to grow - This technology not only makes creativity widely accessible, but also allows individual artistic confidence to grow since the barrier to entry is quite low.

    Professionals can access endless creative possibilities -Integrating this technology into artists’ tools has the potential to grant them an “edge to a breakthrough.” Generative AI allows artists to create countless visual concepts at the click of a button, making the process of fielding potential design ideas with clients exponentially more efficient

    Outcome-oriented versus process-oriented people - Outcome-oriented individuals are less interested in the details of the final product and more focused on receiving the product itself. For example, if an outcome-oriented person were to ask an AI program to generate images of a ‘cowboy in space,’ they would be happy to use the first image presented that suits their needs. The speed of the output is key.

  • For myself, I love poetry very much, and it is one of my hobbies. I have a notebook in which all my poems are written.
    But I do not think that artificial intelligence writes poems that affect humans because it is a machine without feelings without a sense of creativity
    Poetry needs strong feelings, feelings that come from the human heart and body, not from a metal machine
    I do not deny that artificial intelligence has benefited humanity, but poetry needs people's hands, minds and hearts
    It is not artificial intelligence that does everything in life so that a person does not lose his profession

    1. I think it is great that you love poetry and it is one of your hobbies. Do you think that like poetry, artwork will not be creative when made by AI? Do you think AI could 'learn' feelings?

      1. Let me tell you something AI will help in things that too hard to human being to do it.
        But about poetry and art i feel a
        metal machine can't give the right poem or a art that will effect in souls of people also if AI learend how to feel. The human will give the right feelings more than the AI because he live in the world and he feel what happen around more than a metal machine made by people hand .

      2. One of the main limitations of current AI and emotion research is that it is focused on recognizing and responding to emotions, rather than experiencing them. In other words, while AI systems may be able to recognize when someone is happy or sad, they do not actually feel happy or sad themselves.
        The reality is that machines designed to have intelligence do not have emotions. As a result of our own evolutionary process, we have emotions. Charles Darwin and other scientists investigated the idea that human emotions ultimately serve to aid the organism's survival, which is necessary because the organism is alive.
        Feelings are associated with emotions that occur within the body, while the machines can sense the world and agents around them, and by doing so they can respond to the circumstances. To make it clearer, software or robots can express sadness or happiness, but they do not feel it in the way that we know and do.
        AI can detect facial expression, but not the thoughts and feelings behind them. Business people smile and nod and empathetically frown because it's appropriate in social interactions, not because they are revealing their true feelings.
        AI and neuroscience researchers agree that current forms of AI cannot have their own emotions, but they can mimic emotion, such as empathy. Synthetic speech also helps reduce the robotic like tone many of these services operate with and emit more realistic emotion.
        According to research, the creators of AI have spent years trying to make artificial intelligence-powered entities confess their love for us. But that's futile, experts say, because the AI of today can't feel empathy, let alone love. There are also real dangers to forging genuine one-sided relationships with an AI, the experts warn.

  • From my point of view, I see that, As the years progress and human progress and development increases in life, man strives his best to save time and effort for himself, and they come up with artificial intelligence, smart machines that perform a specific function, so man has benefited a lot from it, so instead of risking his life and going to the depths of space or the seas or performing a surgical operation A minute that requires intense concentration and risking his life, the artificial intelligence carried out these tasks. Despite all these benefits that benefit humanity, it has damages that may affect human life and threaten it with danger. With the development of artificial intelligence, the percentage of labor force decreases, and thus the unemployment rate increases and causes a burden on the state.
    And we saw many robots saying that one day they will control the earth and attack humans, so they get out of control, and this greatly threatens humansAnd I found the specific results for him without the presence of a creative sense, but man puts all his feelings and touches in his inventions and works
    Although evolution is useful, it is a double-edged sword, and not everything that man invents is of permanent benefit

  • I think that it is not a bad thing that AI can produce art in fact it will be of good use, there are many benefits of using AI for art creation such as exploring new art styles exploring creative ways and bringing the gap between the physical and digital worlds. I do not know about you, but I think that AI will have an impact on human creativity because, as AI get more intelligent, it becomes more helpful and distracting. I do think that AI will not make artists less important because AI can not generate important new idea on its own but that it own support humans to do so, so by castalyzing human creativty. In fact it will make artists more important giving them more ideas and ways to make one piece of artwork differently in so may ways in a matter of seconds, which can be very useful for the next generation.

  • Well, it's a good thing that AI can produce art because, artist uses AI as a tool in art . Artificial Intelligence helps the user look for different and creative style which are different than the user imagination. AI also creates expressive piece of art. In the challenge above which says to draw a cat in the forest playing football, when AI uses it's own creative expression, through the human drawing, AI then converts the drawing into a beautiful artwork, as a result of creative expression. This way, it give more message to the user art. It enables us to understand more about art. AI also enhance existing piece of art and in that process, opens more minds, more ways to take his/her artwork to the next level. AI will impact human creativity in a good way. If the user creates an art. AI then process it into a wonderful art. Then, AI encourages the user, boost the user more positively and creates, building more skills to make an even more beautiful art. AI will support humans to work more on their human creativity. AI will make human artist more important in the future, because AI cannot work without the artist artwork and AI lacks in the creativity of human touch in art.

  • I think that the ability of AI to produce art may have both advantages and disadvantages. From one point of view, AI-produced art can be a positive development since it expands the possibilities of what can be created. AI can generate innovative and novel art pieces that were not previously considered, and it can be produced at an amazing speed. I think this also allows artists to explore new insights, mediums, styles, and practices that may have been challenging to achieve without AI.
    From another point of view, I think that the art is a human expression which should reflect human emotions, experiences, and values, and that AI lacks the depth and complexity of human creativity. It also may make human creativity and artistic abilities seem less valuable or necessary.
    AI can have a significant impact on human creativity by providing new techniques and tools to enhance the creative process. Moreover, AI can inspire and support human creativity by providing novel ideas, facilitating investigation. It may help artists in generating prototypes, or sketches, selecting color schemes, providing feedback, and suggesting new ideas and knowledge.
    Yet, relying too much on AI may limit the human creativity and reduce the uniqueness of artworks. Besides, the ease and accessibility of AI-generated content may discourage human creativity and originality, as it lowers the barriers to entry and may reduce the perceived value of human input.
    I think that the AI art will make human artists more important, as it will highlight the unique abilities and qualities of human creativity, such as emotional depth, subjective interpretation, perception, and innovation. While AI can generate impressive and accessible artwork, it still lacks all these dimensions.
    AI-generated art may serve as a complement, not a replacement, to human art, and that human artists will continue to play a central role in shaping the art world. In addition, AI-generated art can provide a new source of inspiration and challenge for human artists to push the boundaries of their creativity.

  • Well AI was created to obey and do exactly what humans want and it this picture it exactly did what it was told and gave alternatives for the people to choose from and actually think that it is good that AI is capable to create art and do it in a way that is somewhat appealing to humans. I am not saying that AI is bad but we should use AI futuristic technological capabilities to modify and edit the picture and not just leaving some bunch of programming to do all the work and later we just take credit for it. Humans appreciate and love originality, creativity, hardwork and the commitment the artist put in it because it talks more to people and sends a deeper meaning to it than when it is made for beauty AI just duplicates the style and beauty of other artists works but when people do the art by their own self it appeals more to the public. AI is not alive and cannot express, feel or understand the emotions that we humans feel so, that means they do not understand that art is a form of self expression rather they think it is just another of their owners command that they haveto fulfill but humans have the ability to feel this emotions and express it on a blank canvas for them to express and that is what makes it different from AI and more appreciated.

  • I think artificial intelligence is not a good thing because it will reduce the number of jobs of artists for example, you can ask for a drawing and the artificial intelligence will draw it for you. Secondly,the artificial intelligence will affect the human's creativity because if you get a task to do which is difficult, you will just go to the artificial intelligence
    and it will solve it for you.
    My last opinion about the artificial intelligence is that it will make artists less important and make their talents be useless in the society.

  • I disagree with AI continuing in the world because it affects art and human activities
    First of all, it makes humans idle.
    It makes humans less meaning full because they don't have any thing produced based on their own knowledge.
    Secondly, When humans use AI, they will be fighting against nature.
    In the language of nature, humans have to use their own knowledge to come up with new ideas.
    So, I conclude by saying,AI is affecting the world.

  • I believe that AI will have an impact on human creativity because AI does not think in the same way that humans do and does not have the same creative imaginations that artists do. Instead, they imitate the ideas of other great artists, much like taking a test and having one of your classmates copy all of the answers throughout the exam. You are certain that your class would have suffered as a result.

  • I believe that human artists will become less important as AI replaces human jobs, rendering humans obsolete. On the other hand, AI systems will make artist work easier and faster because it will take less time to create a piece of work. I believe that in the future, people will use the AI system to earn money or resources, and that it will be more creative and profitable.

  • Hello!
    Well from my perspective AI was designed to help reduce the burden, make life faster and easier in various aspects of life, for instance formerly in MEDICINE previously had to carry out surgery for many hours to remove tumors but now an AI system can do that under 3 minutes. Although this is great it could have negative effects on human beings as their jobs will be taken over by AI but coming to ART it is very different reason being that art is "capturing of human feelings by expressing it on paper and other art materials". In other words, it is self-expression. When AI creates what they call art they don't experience the feelings that it takes to create art they just interprete exactly what their toldto do in literal terms but when humans make art we discover that what we may see on the outside could have different meanings tat appeal to human feelings and emotions.
    In our world today we see that AI is dawning on the world and as such new technologies have been realized, what was once science fiction is know science fact but when it comes to the subject, I think it's something AI cannot replace or reproduce

  • I will answer the following questions: “Do you think it is good or bad that artificial intelligence can create art?” I think it is somewhat good, but it has damages such as it can obliterate the creativity and ideas of artists, so artificial intelligence can create art, but with limits through remote control the whole domain. "How can artificial intelligence affect human creativity?" It can affect it by taking away the spirit of art and creativity from people and not loving art like before because real art requires patience, effort and diligence, but now that art has become boring and easy, this leads to laziness of human art. “Will AI art make artists more or less important in the future? Why?” I do not think because in the past, those who created art, even if it was simple, would give it great importance, but now and in the future with artificial intelligence, no .... because in the current era all people can create art using modern programs and technologies, and I do not think that there is an importance for artists in our current era and in the future

  • Will AI art make artists more or less important in the future? Why?
    If artificial intelligence is adopted in the areas of our lives, yes, it will make artists less important, because it will take over the role of artists, and it will reduce their role, and this will affect artists negatively because humans will consider that artificial intelligence. It has a bigger role in place of humans and many such things

  • I think AI-generated art has the potential to expand the boundaries of what we consider "art" and introduce new forms of expression that were previously impossible while AI-generated art may lack the emotional and intellectual depth that comes from human experience, and it may not have the same value as art created by human artists. Art created by human artists is a product of their hard work, dedication, and unique perspective. It reflects their personal experiences, emotions, and ideas, and can evoke a wide range of emotions and responses in viewers.

    In contrast, AI-generated art is a result of algorithms and data, without the personal touch and individuality of a human artist. While it may be impressive and visually appealing, it may not have the same level of depth or meaning as human-generated art.

    If someone mentions AI art to me, the words coming to my mind are Robot, no emotion, pre-programmed, pre-made algorithm.

    Furthermore, the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes with creating art is incomparable to anything else. When a human artist's hard work turns out to be good, it can bring a sense of fulfillment and happiness that cannot be replicated by an AI-generated piece of art. In this way, human artists will always hold a special place in the world of art, as their unique perspectives and experiences are what make their creations truly special and meaningful.

  • I think it is a good thing that AI can produce art, as it creates perfect examples based on your instruction just like the cat drawings as accurate atom said, and it will also make human artists mor important as it needs human inspiration because just like the example i stumbled upon when i was in my research, was a photo depicted in the style of Picasso's Mona Lisa so I think that AI needs human inspiration to work because AI artists embrace the interplay between accident and control and use AI to find a balance between the two while developing novel concepts and visuals. We are already seeing it in pop album covers all around the world, gracing traditional art gallery walls, and expanding the knowledge of computer-generated art. AI systems can learn to generate paintings as if it was unique by Caravaggio. What is more, AI assistants can also help people recreate long-lost art historical masterpieces by analyzing artworks and learning the unique style of any artist that ever lived.

  • The use of AI to produce art has been a topic of debate among experts and the general public. Some see it as a positive development that can expand the possibilities of human creativity, while others view it as a threat to the unique human senses that make art valuable and meaningful.

    On one hand, AI can provide new tools and techniques for artists to explore and experiment with, allowing them to push the boundaries of what is possible in art. AI-generated art can also provide new perspectives and insights into the creative process, and can inspire artists to think differently about their own work.

    On the other hand, some argue that AI-generated art lacks the emotional depth and intentionality of human-created art. They argue that AI lacks the capacity to experience emotions and human experiences, and therefore cannot fully capture the essence of what makes art meaningful.

    In terms of the impact on human creativity, AI could potentially democratize the creative process, making it more accessible to people who may not have had the resources or training to create art before. However, it could also lead to a devaluation of human creativity, as people may come to see AI-generated art as equally valuable or even more valuable than human-created art.

    Overall, I would agree that AI is a good thing for producing art as long as it is not abused in a way that others may not affect others negatively (such as copyrighting without permission) even though it will largely have a great impact on human artists in the coming future.

  • hi everyone
    I think that AI will be a bomb of the age ! it will affect the development and production of music and arts as well but in some aspects .
    Having such paintings or pictures of the cats shows how much Al helps to reduce money , time and effort .although it needs to be more lively and vivid .
    it lacks the soul of artistic mood.

    1. How do you think artists, music producers and creatives could work alongside AI in the future?

      1. Yes, artists, music producers, and other creatives could certainly work alongside AI in the future. For instance, music artists can use AI to examine data and learn more about the preferences of their audience by employing machine learning algorithms. By basing their creative choices on what their audience is responding to, this can assist them in producing more focused and efficient marketing materials. AI can also be a creative tool in music and art by coming up with new tunes or graphic concepts. Then, artists can apply these ideas to their creations or draw inspiration from them to further develop their own ideas. However, it is crucial to remember that AI cannot take the place of human creativity. AI cannot match the passion and emotion that human artists put into their works.

  • while AI art is a fascinating and innovative field, it is unlikely to replace human artists in the future. Human artists bring a level of creativity, emotion, and personal experience to their work that cannot be replicated by AI. Additionally, there are many other aspects of the art world that require human expertise and judgment, ensuring that human artists will continue to be important in the art world for the foreseeable future.

  • After he delved deeper into the search for artificial intelligence, and according to what I said earlier about that artificial intelligence carries out our requests in a simple manner without depth, and that the artist draws the drawing with love, passion and imagination as if he weaves a story in his mind. For example, there is a drawing of artificial intelligence that won a global competition (Mena Tech) simple A drawing by an artist of equal beauty and magnificence, so artificial intelligence should not enter this field
    In a simple comparison between Picasso's first painting entitled The Bullfighter, it has great depth and creativity, so the artificial intelligence drawing for her is nothing.
    This is my point of view, and our opinions must differ, and I appreciate that

  • Is Al or someone who uses Al to create art an artist?
    It is my opinion that a person who uses an app to create art is not an "artist "
    First of all, art is something you involve all of your emotions into and art is also something you express your feelings with.
    So using an app is like saying feelings are not important in art.
    So the reason,I don't think anyone who uses an Al to create art should be labelled an artist us simple. This person employed the use of"algorithms"that do not involve feelings or emotions.
    That person is not trying to pass out any message to the society,the person just showed what a digital app can do in a matter of seconds.
    I am not criticising Al,
    But I strongly believe that when feelings are involved in an art, even if it's just a swirl of colours ,that art can persist for many generations and that's for a very long time.

  • I do not think that AI being able to produce arts is bad because, the arts being produced by the AI can help and make an artist to go beyond his potential to have the boost to do better thanks.

  • One of the strengths of AI art is its ability to generate vast amounts of artwork quickly and efficiently. This can be useful for tasks such as generating variations of a design or producing large amounts of digital content. However, AI art is limited by the data it has been trained on, and it cannot create anything truly new or innovative without human intervention.
    Human artists, on the other hand, bring a unique perspective and creative energy to their work. They have the ability to draw on their experiences, emotions, and imagination to create something truly original. Human artists also have the ability to experiment with different mediums, techniques, and styles in a way that AI cannot.
    Furthermore, human artists are not just creators, but also interpreters of art. They can convey their ideas, emotions, and meanings behind their art to others through various forms of expression, such as language, storytelling, and performance.
    In conclusion, while AI art has its strengths, it is unlikely to make human artists less important. Human creativity, emotion, and unique perspective are still critical to producing truly innovative and meaningful art.

  • I think the ability of artificial intelligence to produce art may have advantages and disadvantages.
    Artificial intelligence machines are alien to humans, as the thinking processes of humans are completely different from the rest of the creatures. If this artificial intelligence is possible and the goals of it may conflict with basic human values; Artificial intelligence poses the threat of human extinction and can outperform humans in the future.
    Although artificial intelligence is still below the level of human intelligence. But in a few years he will be smarter than humans at work of art or treating patients.

  • Do you think AI should be able to copy other artists' styles? Why and why not? After artificial intelligence broke into the various fields of science, here it is knocking on the door of art, the field that has so far been showing us the creations of the human mind alone, as I believe and many believe.
    Artworks that are said to have been “generated by artificial intelligence” have emerged.
    This art was produced by the machine, but the man behind its production was really. Therefore, this art does not need an artist only, but an artist and a programmer at the same time. The artist works with his artistic tools, and the programmer masters dealing with the machine.
    That the artist in producing this art takes tools and methods, and this does not mean that the programmer took or will take the role of the artist. Creativity does not have a specific logic. And human creativity Specifically, it differs from technical creativity, regardless of the capabilities of the latter, and whatever its data may contain.
    AI is good for using art It will make more artists use.Do you think AI should be able to copy other artists' styles? Why and why not? After artificial intelligence broke into the various fields of science, here it is knocking on the door of art, the field that has so far been showing us the creations of the human mind alone, as I believe and many believe.
    Artworks that are said to have been “generated by artificial intelligence” have emerged.
    This art was produced by the machine, but the man behind its production was really. Therefore, this art does not need an artist only, but an artist and a programmer at the same time. The artist works with his artistic tools, and the programmer masters dealing with the machine.
    That the artist in producing this art takes tools and methods, and this does not mean that the programmer took or will take the role of the artist. Creativity does not have a specific logic. And human creativity Specifically, it differs from technical creativity, regardless of the capabilities of the latter, and whatever its data may contain.
    AI is good for using art It will make more artists use.

  • Do you think AI should be able to copy other artists' styles? Why and why not? After artificial intelligence broke into the various fields of science, here it is knocking on the door of art, the field that has so far been showing us the creations of the human mind alone, as I believe and many believe.
    Artworks that are said to have been “generated by artificial intelligence” have emerged.
    This art was produced by the machine, but the man behind its production was really. Therefore, this art does not need an artist only, but an artist and a programmer at the same time. The artist works with his artistic tools, and the programmer masters dealing with the machine.
    That the artist in producing this art takes tools and methods, and this does not mean that the programmer took or will take the role of the artist. Creativity does not have a specific logic. And human creativity Specifically, it differs from technical creativity, regardless of the capabilities of the latter, and whatever its data may contain.
    AI is good for using art It will make more artists use.

  • I believe that artificial intelligence has pros and cons, like any program. If we rely on it, it weakens our ability to innovate and reflect, but if we use it well, it will transform the future of humanity for the better. It can facilitate human lives by making machines perform many tasks that used to take a lot of effort and time from humans. Artificial and human intelligence can become Friends to help them, and Ace to leave all thinking to artificial intelligence, so that humans do not become important. As for art, if humans rely on art through artificial intelligence, this will negatively affect human art. Rather, we can cancel what nail human art, and this we do not wish to reach.

  • I think that AI prevents creativity and originality. If every artist used AI everyone would be the same and if they win a prize it wouldn't be on the skills of the artist but the computers makings. All you would have to do is put a few words in AI software, and then you get some artwork. It takes away the talent of art then anybody could do it if everyone used AI. Art wouldn't be as special.

  • Although AI is able to produce spectacular pieces of art under precise instructions in a matter of seconds, I don't think they are able to rival human creativity. The human mind is capable of wild and complex thoughts, these thoughts can then be turned beautiful pieces of art with meaning and emotion. The thoughts and emotions put into our art is what makes it so special and distinct. These are things that AI struggle to achieve within their work.

  • If you told a human artist to draw a crying person, and an AI artist the same thing, you'd end up with one picture with real emotion and beauty, and one with a simple person crying. What I am trying to explain is AI created art lacks the emotion and feeling needed in a piece. While AI is becoming more advanced and clearer rapidly, it'll never understand the depth and passion embedded into an artwork. So, an AI could absolutely, completely never replace the work created by a human. While this point stands, AI art can undoubtedly affect a humans' creativity and motivation. Viewing a piece that looks beautiful and better than your own art created in a short period of time can completely break a human artists' motivation, again due to the feelings and emotions we can fathom. So, in my opinion, no, AI art cannot replace a human, but it can greatly affect one.

  • I don't think that a person who uses AI to create art is an artist. Because when you make art you need to make It your osn yo express how you feel or think about something. If an AI makes that art no one is the artist because the AI is programmed to make what you say to it. If everyone could express their ideas through art and music we were all going to be artists.

    1. This is an interesting point. What if, however, because the AI is powered with your own thoughts and feelings, it makes the AI an extension of yourself as an artist. Can AI not be seen as an assistant: merely improving your technical artistic abilities but with your ideas driving it.

      1. I really like your question and my reply to it is that although art made by the AI is powered by our feelings and thoughts I think that it will never give us a product which the artist made with his whole Heart dedicated to it and the AI is just a machine it cannot posses feelings and emotions for example the famous Mona lisa which is a master piece this depict the hard work and dedication given by Leonardo da vinci but in the case of AI people will not appreciate the work of that person creating AI art even if he is putting his own thoughts and felling into it as it was not made by that person . Everyone can give ideas but the hard part is executing it in the same manner for which the artists are getting appreciated if only giving ideas and topics is considered as art then why do we give awards to a competition winner in arts when the judges are the persons thinking of that idea and topic.
        The art has been slowly improving throughout the past years and the AI might act as an entirely new era for creating art and many people even use art to control or overcome their emotions and feelings for instance when we are felling sad or worried listening to a motivational or cheerful piece of music might cheer us up not only the once experiencing art gets this benefit but also the once creating the art and many people fell relaxed while creating a potrait or a piece of music which gives them the ability to overcome the emotions.many famous poets and artists around the world used art as an weapon to bring their heaviness out. During independence moment they used it to bring the patriotism which is within them through music .They even used it to teach moral values like honesty , self discipline ,puncuality,
        respecting others and generosity
        Most of the time when I listen to a motivating and beautiful piece of music I get gossbumps which shows the power of that music.
        And I think that the POWER of a art is the emotions it carry while listening to our nation's national anthem we imideately express our respect to it this is because of that power it posses and the skill of that artist who wrote it with full patriotism(which is also a felling).

  • Personally, I feel it is each of both. It is a good thing that AI can produce art but it also has it's ugly side. Let me explain what I mean.AI being able to produce makes it able to explore new styles which promotes creativity. AI is also able to explore the creative process, automate tedious tasks, create expressive pieces of art, enhance existing pieces of art, bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds, and explore new mediums.
    But AI lacks that emotional touch that every artwork needs because people need to be able to connect to various artworks. Also, some people are concerned about the ethical implications of using AI to create art, particularly if it results in the displacement of human artists.

  • I think that artificial intelligence is not bad in itself but the purpose for which it is being utilised seems bad to me. This is because there is a tendency that it would strip people of what rightfully belongs to them, in this case, artwork. Imagine a future where artists are somewhat considered useless since the AI is there to do what would even be considered of a better quality than real artistic work.

  • Most strikes are about pay and better working conditions. Without the threat of strike action, corporations will be able to make bigger profits, while working conditions will get worse. Strike is part of their bargaining tool. Striking is sometimes their last legal option.

  • In my opinion AI can be a very good platform to boost already existing artists and also bring up new artists because now and in the nearest future AI will be a very big part of most human lives and this will give importance to art made with AI. The question many people ask is that will AI replace artists in the future? In my opinion the simple answer is no because propound that AI can produce Art is no different than insinuating a pencil can draw illustrations or write stories. A pencil, just like AI, is not human but it's simply a tool, without tools will art be made? Over the years new tools to enhance artwork and also make producing artwork easier are made and AI is just one of those tools made, simply to just enhance artwork and make the work easier. It will also greatly impact human creativity by helping artists look at the bigger picture by the resources and opportunities it offers , some people may think it will just make people lazy and unwilling to lever their creativity up and also their mindset, but personally speaking it will boost it instead because they will at least have hope considering the fact they have some resources that AI presents to them at hand.

  • AI catalyzes human creativity .Artificial intelligence (AI) can lead us to new insights and accelerate the pace of innovation. AI can identify patterns in large data sets, inspiring humans to develop new hypotheses they may have missed. Like Jan Beiser said "
    Looking forward, the most successful ideas likely won’t come from bright thinkers alone but from those best at mindfully steering intelligent machines while remaining firmly in the driver’s seat." Also, AI at times makes us see the bigger picture.

  • Hello!
    In my opinion I feel AI has been a good discovery and invention of man that has come to and may shape the future of man and life as we know it. I personally am not in support of it reason being that the way things are going humans will become over reliant on AI in many countries nowadays humans are being replaced with AI in many professions such as medicine cooking and many other jobs because they are faster and more accurate, but what negative effect do we think it will have in the lives of people and how will it come to reshape our lives presently and in the future? Is AI a good or a bad thing or is it something that when used wisely is good but when used badly is disastrous? I think there are many questions that need to be asked and solutions found before we can even think of fully digitalizing our world or in this case "entrust" it in the hands of AI.

  • Hello Jaz@ KPMG
    I feel feelings are something that cannot be learnt because feelings are an innate nature of man that we have been given so we can express ourselves. Feelings like laughing, crying, laughing and many others are in my opinion something that cannot be learnt. Relating it to this topic, AI and ART. I think art is something that cannot be learnt because art is the expression of one's feelings and opinions and I don't think it is something that we can give to our creations like it was giving to us by God as my religion says. Talent is an innate ability that we can't learn but rather perfect or practice. I think AI is and will continue to be one of man's greatest invention but when it comes to the topic of art I don't think it can be replicated or reciprocated by AI or any creation man will ever make.

  • Should Artificial Intelligence AI be able to create art? No, I don't think that AI should be able to create art: Because we will not know what is original. AI don't have emotions, so the painting won't show emotion it will look very digital. If Artificial Intelligence creates art why would human painters create art? That is why I do not think AI should be able to create art.

  • Yes, it is a bad thing AI can produce art for example, musicians work hard and sometimes it takes years for them to make songs, while you will just use the AI audio system to copy his/her voice and violate their personal privacy. I will be angry if someone copies my work because I worked hard to achieve my goal. Yes, there should be rules such that AI don't use other artists' works as these are private works of other people.

  • I believe that artificial intelligence is not a good thing and it will also negatively affect human life and lead to severe damage in many aspects of his life as it can outpace humans and reduce their creativity by weakening their abilities to innovate, reflect and communicate. And I know that we are in the era of development and technology, but a person must work, make mistakes, learn from them, and correct them, and also because of artificial intelligence, everyone can be an artist, and we do not know who is an artist and who is not.

  • I will talk about a story I heard about art using artificial intelligence, about a smart person in chess who saw a picture on which the chess died (checkmate). In the picture there were two men sitting at the chess table. The first was in a state of despair and defeat, while the second was in a state of vanity and victory. So that person looked at a picture and said you should change the name of this picture, so I said to myself why did he say that, at that time he said there is still an additional chance for the person of despair to win. Then I knew what the picture means and it means "Do not give up even if you are suffering, broken and in pain, do not give up and continue your way" from That day I kept the picture that the clever person was talking about. And all because of artificial intelligence that made the impossible possible. He made art touch the heart.

  • Artificial intelligence affects art in many ways and changes the way art is created, making art and graphics more realistic and more accurate than a human I think that artificial intelligence is a good thing to produce art because it allows everyone to become an artist at any time and can create art and drawings that have not been seen before, and the art of artificial intelligence has ingenuity, colors, shapes and new and dazzling elements.

  • Now let's look at the cats in the pictures, which indicate to me the development of artificial intelligence that fulfills the desires of the children, and also expresses the feelings of the artists in a way so that the picture is understood, such as a cat in the form of a ball player, and thank you in the form of the elderly and the mother in the story of the seven sheep talking and bringing food. Really this It is strange and horrible, and our Lord, artificial intelligence can reduce life's problems, such as climate. Artificial intelligence can paint a bad picture that expresses the damage that results from people's failure to adhere to climate laws and a good picture of the development of metaviruses. Thank you 🤗🤍

  • I think that it's a bad idea that AI can produce art, this is because some artists use AI to make their work, and this is completely unfair; imagine if a group of artists was competing in a competition, and the winner of the competition used AI to produce his or her work. That will be unfair because the other artists used their talents to produce their art, whiles the winner created his or her work with the help of artificial intelligence.

    AI might impact human creativity negatively. This is because by using AI, a person can make a copy of another person's art using AI, and the person can make changes to the artist's art, by doing this without the artist's permission, the person makes the artist's work valueless. Imagine you created something beautiful, and you spent a lot of time, energy, and sweat to make your original work, and a person just uses AI to copy your work and change it, how would you feel?

    AI will not typically make artists less important, however, artists that use AI to mimic or duplicate other people's work will have more credit than artists who make their original paintings without AI, this is because the world's changing, and soon there will be a lot of technologies, therefore not a lot of man made creativity will be appreciated compared to AI made things.

  • Is AI generated arts better than human creation?
    AI art is any artwork particularly images and musical compositions, created through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) programs,while human art can be defined as an artwork done by we humans with our emotions.AI art and human art have their own unique characteristics that differentiates them. AI art can be exact and agreeable but it lacks the personal touch and individual style that makes the human art so unique. AI art is created using mathematics equations and machine learning why human art is created using personal experience and emotional expression.

    Do you also know that AI art takes away the unique qualities of human creation.Human creation are made to express and communicate ideas,bring out some past events unknown to us, helps us to understand our world, why AI art (artificial intelligence) lack creativity, cannot generate new ideas, lead to the reduction of human made art.
    With all my research I think and I know that human creation are better than AI generated arts.

  • Due to the way AI learns, by searching and looking at many human sources and trying to replicate them, it cannot really create something truly unique as all art it creates is based off many other things.

  • I don't like the Ai because it has the ability to do things that most humans can't do and it is very overpowered and it could be dangerous in the future.

    1. Can you explain what AI can do that humans can't?

      1. I really like your question tiff and my answer is that AI is a machine a machine can work 24/7 without stopping if it is provided with the fuel that it needs to do that job it doesn't need rest,food etc....and it has extordinary memory power that is powerful even than the brain which we have as time goes on we forget things and store new things but an AI as an ability to remember everything from the first day when it was switched on this capacity depends on the power of the memory card. It could even be immortal as the broken parts could be replaced by others and as technology gets developed the ability of the AI gets developed.I think that in future it will become like an reliable thing for doing certain works that we humans can't like overcoming the high pressure and cold in the deep oceans and exploring them,going into the most mystirious thing the black hole even an AI which could overcome the challenges of the black hole could be created and we could know what the black hole contains and many more.....

  • I believe that AI is linked to the slides above as if you inform an AI to do something it will do it no questions asked and this will affect our future in learning and teaching techniques as in the time AI is introduced properly to new children by their parents/carers siblings family, etc it will be in our daily lives forever. In advance to this conclusion there will be jobs replaced and new jobs added to our economy for the benefits of our Earth. This will improve the human lifestyle as an AI can tell us the benefits of using them and how to replace bad habits with new and better ones.

  • Based on the two ai images of the cats, i believe artificial intelligence has got very powerful over time as it is able to load up anything that is on your mind within seconds of a search.

  • Art has several advantages, including the fact that it allows people to express themselves in unique and creative ways. Art is also a form of communication that transcends language barriers, and it has the ability to evoke powerful emotional responses in people. Moreover, art can be used to convey important societal messages and help bring about social change.

    That being said, Al also has its advantages. One of the biggest advantages of Al is its ability to process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. This has made Al particularly useful in fields such as medicine and finance, where the analysis of large amounts of data is critical. Al also has the ability to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, which can help businesses improve their efficiency and productivity.

  • I liked this question very much. You can say that artificial intelligence is a double-edged sword.
    Because in some matters, for example, in artwork or in art, some artists will be dependent in their work on artificial intelligence to a large extent. This means that they will fall short in their art, and the art they have will decrease to some extent.As for work, I agree with those who say that artificial intelligence loses the value of work and makes some governments abandon their distinguished employees and not search for employees because for them it is easier to use robots that carry out their orders without any financ Let's come to the positives. There are many positives, including the provision of manpower, for example I liked in China, by providing robots to receive orders and deliver them to people, because there is no delay in submitting the request or the occurrence of a mistake, and also a person does not need to strive to reach excellence, but rather thinks a little and technology will do what he would have done and even faster.This will make the world brighter, more distinguished, and happier, because the number of distinguished people will increase thanks to technology and artificial intelligence Also, artificial intelligence can be a reason for a person to be smart, and it can bring him ideas that do not occur to the human mind, such as imagining some things.For example, the map of Palestine in the form of a liberated bird holding a piece of paper in its mouth that says Palestine is free, or the drawing of Jerusalem in the form of a person crying and saying that the occupation is very harsh, or in the time of Corona the globe in the form of a person protecting himself with a muzzle

  • AI technology has undoubtedly made a significant impact on the world of art. It has opened up new avenues for artists to explore and has given them tools to create art that was once impossible. However, the question remains: does AI really compare to the art created by human hands and minds?When we look back at the magnificent works of art that were created centuries ago, such as the Tanjore Temple in India, we can see that the artists who created these masterpieces had a depth of knowledge, skill, and experience that cannot be replicated by AI technology. They had a deep understanding of the materials they were working with and knew how to bring out the best in them. They used their imagination, creativity, and intuition to create something that was truly unique and awe-inspiring.AI technology can certainly reduce the time it takes to create art, but it cannot replace the human touch. The magic of art lies in its imperfections, in the small nuances that make it human. Paintings and sculptures in temples created by ancient artists cannot be replicated by AI technology, even with all of its advanced tools.The art created by human hands and minds will always have a special place in our hearts and minds, and we must continue to appreciate and preserve the magnificent works of art that were created centuries ago.Ancient artists tried different things, like mixing different colors and using different materials, until they got the colors and textures they wanted. They used their knowledge and experience to figure out what worked best. This allowed them to create beautiful artwork that lasted a long time. They learnt from their mistakes and had lots of trial and error to get the perfect outcome. But nowadays It is true that many of the techniques and methods used by ancient artists are no longer in use today. However, this is not because we have stopped using our brains or because we are less creative. Rather, it is because modern technology and materials have allowed us to create new and different types of art. I think AI can be used as a base for creating art or to get ideas to create them.

  • I think that it is both a good and bad thing that AI can produce art. It is a good thing because it can introduce new forms of artwork to humans and can help people come up with new ideas. I think that it is a bad thing because it may cause people to limit themselves within the barriers that AI artwork creates. This could result in a less creative population of people.

  • AI could make human artists less important in the future. This is because AI artwork may create new trends of art and people will be attached to them. AI may also be able to mimic or emulate artists' works. This could cause the popularity of human artists to decrease. With all of these things, artists may even lose their job, and this will cause them to find another form of income. This shows how AI could make human artists less important in the future.

  • Art, according to the Oxford Learner's dictionary, is the use of imagination to express ideas or feelings particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture.
    AI, according to the father of AI(John McCarty .
    I think that the use of AI to produce art is a good thing, just like I could google search some images that I do not understand. The use of AI should be a 'supporting tissue' to arts such that artists are not just rolled out of arts completely. If I should predict the future, I think artists will still be needed for somethings that even the AI can not do.
    AI would make artists more important in the future because their designs can be used and they would be compensated.

  • I most recommend the person who brought about a new,better way of creating arts through AI, this why i love this global conversation, it exposes your knowledge and makes you know new things, if not because of it i couldn't have anything about the creation of arts through AI. So straight to the point,to me i feel the production arts through AI is a very good thing, WHY? Even though i have never used it or seen but i feel it reduces the risk of wastage as artists can quickly generate multiple ideas and prototypes even though they might be possibilities of bad sides. Also AI can impact human creativity for example Artificial intelligence (AI) can lead us to new insights and accelerate the pace of innovation.The AI art won't be able to make human artist less important reason be because AI may be able to imitate some facets of the creative process, but it will never be able to fully replace the human one. Even if more and more art is produced by artificial intelligence in the future, there will always be a need for human artists. The AI art is just the tools and techniques that allow artists to create works in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional techniques,from they i have thought of it, i don't think human artist would be less important.

  • I think AI being able to produce art can be a controversial subject as it can help people who are maybe not the best at drawing or painting to still be creative and bring their ideas to life but then on the other hand AI art may make artists that don’t use AI less important as it is so easy to copy an idea to AI and have it produced so then most people may be able to do it and people who take time to create art for hours by hand it will take more effort and time so it might become less popular

  • Is Al generated art better than human creations and is Al good or bad?

    I do not think Al generated art is better than human creations.
    Al is an app that is programmed to create art through images .
    Now the reason why u said Al generated art is because,
    Art is an act you involve time,and most of all feelings that is why sometimes youight see just a simple sculpture but it holds a very deep meaning.
    Humans who created this art can use it to preserve memories,and also pass a message to the society and most of all it expresses the feelings of humans.
    I am not condemning Al, but I'm saying that art is an important aspect of human life,the trees,the ocean, even anals they're all art,so it's should be created in an exceptional and unique way.
    I know that Al sometimes inspire some artist,but I don't think it should be considered as art.

    This also brings me to this question is Al good or bad?
    I firmly believe that Al is not really good .
    Alakes artists look like their art are not needed in the society.
    Al makes artist not put in their best when making art .
    It also makes the artist looks like their occupation or feelings can be created by an app

  • AI art is not real art because it lacks the human torch and creativity that is essential to art
    ,its a bad thing because it encourages laziness ,not thinking out the box for creativity however there is still a danger for creativeness.
    Creativity cannot be accomplished by brute force; it requires a specific breeding ground.AI for an environment that fuels creativity with capabilities to handle the repetitive and deterministic activities that consume the majority of our current days
    The rise of generative AI models will take over their jobs and they do not a living even though AI models have led to equal amounts of excitement and concern about the human creativity .

  • As the discussion is about AI and its impact, several people are under the fear that many might lose their job, plagiarism would become part of the system, create lot of lasy losers, and stuff like that.
    I am just reminded of what Mr. Narayana Murthy expressed recently, a man who changed the Indian Technology World, through his organisation Infosys.

    "I am a great believer in the theory that the human mind is the most powerful imagination, machine. There is nothing that can beat the human mind!"

    I am not trying to be preachy but practical in my thoughts and expressions. The world driven by AI is a different phase and we shall learn to handle that too! With or without AI, there would be plagiarism, stealing, losers, lazy and mediocre people.

    However at the end of the day, only the Smart, Real and Inteligent work would get the hands down. The rest may start with a hype but would fall by the wayside.

  • Do you think it is a good thing or a bad thing that AI can produce art?

    Really this question made me to think a lot, The question of whether it is a good thing or a bad thing that AI can produce art is a complex and multi-faceted one, and opinions on this matter can vary depending on a number of different factors and perspectives. The ability of AI to create art can be seen as a remarkable technological achievement, and it opens up new possibilities for creativity and expression. AI-generated art can be used in a variety of contexts, from entertainment and advertising to scientific research and education.

    AI-generated art can also challenge our assumptions about creativity and what it means to be human. By creating art that is not bound by the limitations of human perception and cognition, AI can offer a fresh perspective on familiar themes and ideas and can inspire new ways of thinking about the world around us. some people may argue that AI-generated art lacks the emotional depth, personal meaning, and cultural context that is inherent in human-created art. They may argue that AI art lacks the subjective experiences and interpretations that give human art its richness and complexity, and that it may ultimately contribute to a devaluation of the human experience.

    The question of whether AI-generated art is a good or a bad thing is a complex one, and there are valid arguments to be made on both sides. But finally, the impact of AI on art will depend on how it is used and integrated into our cultural and creative practices, and whether it is seen as a complement to, or a replacement for, human creativity.

    How might AI impact human creativity?

    AI has the potential to impact human creativity in a variety of ways, both positive and negative. On the positive side, AI can be used to augment human creativity by providing new tools and resources for artists, designers, and other creative professionals. AI algorithms can be used to generate new ideas and inspiration, automate repetitive tasks, and help artists explore new possibilities in their work. AI can also be used to facilitate collaboration and feedback, allowing artists to work more efficiently and effectively. However, some people are concerned that AI could also have a negative impact on human creativity by replacing human artists and designers altogether. As AI technology advances, it may become increasingly possible for machines to create art and design without human intervention, potentially leading to a future in which human creativity is no longer valued or necessary.

    It is important to note, however, that AI is not capable of true creativity in the way that humans are. While AI can generate new ideas and produce impressive results, it lacks the intuition, empathy, and emotional depth that are essential to human creativity. As such, it is unlikely that AI will ever be able to fully replace human artists and designers. The impact of AI on human creativity will depend on how this technology is developed and used in the years to come. While there are certainly risks and challenges associated with the use of AI in creative fields, there is also great potential for AI to enhance and augment human creativity in exciting new ways.

    Will AI art make human artists more or less important in the future? Why?

    The impact of AI on the role of human artists in the future is a complex and multifaceted issue, and opinions on this topic vary. On one hand, some people believe that the use of AI in art may diminish the importance of human artists, as machines become increasingly capable of producing art and other creative works. This could potentially lead to a future in which human artists are less in demand or less valued, as machines are able to create art that is just as good or better.

    But, On the other hand, many people believe that the role of human artists will remain essential, even in a future where AI is widely used in creative fields. While AI can certainly generate impressive results, it lacks the intuition, creativity, and emotional depth that are essential to human artistry. Human artists bring a unique perspective and sensibility to their work that cannot be replicated by machines.

    Some argue that the use of AI in art may actually increase the demand for human artists, as it stimulates interest and engagement in creative works. As people become more accustomed to the idea of machines creating art, they may also become more interested in the unique and original works produced by human artists. The impact of AI on the role of human artists in the future is difficult to predict, it is likely that human artistry will remain important and valued for the foreseeable future. While machines may be able to generate impressive results, they lack the essential qualities that make human artistry so compelling and impactful. But from my aspect AI will create negative impact to the artistic works created by humans.

  • I would like to ask a question
    Is Art advancing on the part of the Democratization of creativity ?

  • While AI has its cons, there should be no worry because no matter what, humans are more efficient than AI. When it comes to decisions or emotions, humans completely dominate that field. If you were to open an AI chat right now, and asked it to give you an opinion, it would tell you that as an AI they cannot produce their own opinions. This way we can ensure that AI cannot take over or something as wild as that.

  • Artificial intelligence is not a simple task, but it needs human intelligence, and it needs sound positive thinking that benefits the nation and does not harm it, and there are great benefits to artificial intelligence, including: improving the work of industrial automation, and developing weather forecasts, such as this. Development is a complex process, not a simple one that requires deep and broad operations and education. Therefore, intelligence affects this field and the protection of human lives, as artificial intelligence carries applications that are likely to be used in war, and has many benefits. Can there be applications and areas where we can do without AI, and can people make a revolution to combat harm? artificial intelligence .??

  • It’s an interesting topic, it’s difficult to compare AI with human artists. I see AI as a tool, can help be an artist to create art. It can’t be a replacement for human creativity and imagination. AI can Impact artists creativity by getting various correlations and can create new and interesting works of art with its machine learning algorithms with the set of existing data, but it can’t replace the human touch and the unique perspective that each artist brings to their work. For example, Leonardo da Vinci's famous Mona Lisa painting is a masterpiece and AI can get the perfection as the same, but it can’t bring the real aesthetic touch which is only artist can do.
    AI with a large painting examples/samples loaded into the neural networks and the given data it can analyze the algorithms and can generate new artworks, and of course the beauty of the art lies on the eyes of the viewers how they perceive it. In the future considering the effort and time, and AI getting more into advanced algorithms to give a masterpiece, AI will lead the show.
    Finally, I see both human artist and AI will cherish hand-in hand and will be two distinguished niche which will have importance separately at all times.

  • Hello.. I am pleased to answer the following questions. These are questions that require some thought. 1- Do you think it is good or bad that artificial intelligence can produce art? I think it is bad because the real artist is the one who feels the art and draws it from the depths of his heart, unlike artificial intelligence, as he does not have a heart or feeling, as it is a group of plastic and wires, so he draws what the user asks of him without creativity 2- How can artificial intelligence affect human creativity? I would like to tell you that artificial intelligence can replace humans and change our lives with people believing that it will transform them for the better, but the matter is not like that.
    Will AI art make artists more or less important in the future? Why? Yes, it will make artists less important, as the paintings will become free on the Internet, and the doors of livelihood will be closed to many artists, which leads to the lack of job opportunities, and this also leads to the spread of unemployment and poverty. Do you support Ray or not?

  • AI is becoming a bigger part of our lives, as the technology behind it becomes more and more advanced. Machines are improving their ability to 'learn' from mistakes and change how they approach art.Artificial intelligence (AI) can lead us to new insights and accelerate the pace of innovation. As AI gets more intelligent, it becomes more helpful and distracting, potentially inhibiting human creativity. Using AI to free up time for creative activities requires conscious effort.For Jennifer Gradecki, a Northeastern associate professor of art and design, AI also has potential as a creative aide–in part because of what it can’t do. According to Gradecki, artificial intelligence can help find the most generic answers to artistic dilemmas, which points her down more creative paths.

  • I believe AI will make human Artists less important in the future because, now AI is able to create art like never before making Artists feel lazy about their jobs because they believe Ai art will be more advance. As we all know AI get there ideas and styles from human artists, meaning not all AI art from their database. Another reason is because new developing Artist might rely on AI by their arts being made , known or bought.

  • As we have seen AI is able to write, draw and do many more things in the matter of seconds, but is AI as good as it is said to be? AI is able to draw artworks in the matter of minutes, saving us a lot of time but it still has some cons to lookout for example AI can make and take pictures which people can ultimately use in contests to win, without doing any effort.Boris Eldagsen won a worldwide photography contest by using an AI generated image but later he admitted to using AI, AI also develops fast so we must be aware of that as well.Then again if we use AI correctly we can conquer many things that we may not be able to do without AI, but then again if we exploit AI it will become dangerous for us in the future. So we should use AI in a proper manner.

  • I think its both a good and bad thing that AI can produce art because people could use it for inspiration but the it could also steal other peoples art. It would probably decrease human creativity because people could just copy whatever they get from the AI instead of coming up with anything themselves and eventually most people would not know how to do that stuff on their own.

  • Do you think it is a good thing or bad thing that AI can produce art ?
    I think it is a bad thing that AI can produce art because it is just like the only thing humans can convey a lot of emotion into and create an effect on their fellow humans just by mere sight
    How might AI impact human creativity ?
    AI can not impact creativity .creativity is something that comes naturally
    Will AI art Make human artist more or less important in the future?why?
    It will make human artist less important ,humans will get used to perfection and forget the beauty in imperfection
    Human artist is not perfect but it heals the soul

  • i think AI art will make human art less important in the future, this is because art work that normally takes days can be produced in hours to the exact same standed by AI.Personaly, i do feel that it shouldn't be this way as human art is much more impressive as it shows hard work focus and lots of prestition/determination.

  • This is a comment that could be either in this section or the metaverse section and is about the uses of AI in the metaverse. I think that this a bit of a controversial comment but it's something I haven't really considered before: how would it work? There could be different appliances for AI, from simply remembering preferences to actually molding the very fabric of the metaverse itself.

    Having AI in the metaverse could be calamitous. The AI could use advanced algorithms to generate more avatars who would run around for the AI's purposes. It could infiltrate people's privacy settings and things like that, and could become a powerful spy.

    It would also mean that companies with access to AI would stream ahead. Having this weapon could create a bigger divide between giants and emerging companies, which isn't a good thing. Already AI is expected to become smarter than humans; why would we want to give it a whole world to feast upon?

  • AI is becoming a bigger part of our lives, as the technology behind it becomes more and more advanced. Machines are improving their ability to 'learn' from mistakes and change how they approach a task the next time they try it.Creativity cannot be accomplished by brute force; it requires a specific breeding ground. AI makes for an environment that fuels creativity. With the capabilities to handle the repetitive and deterministic activities that consume the majority of our current days, AI mentally liberates us to engage in creative pursuits.

  • The importance of AI lies in its ability to enhance productivity, efficiency, and accuracy across a wide range of industries. AI systems can analyze large amounts of data and provide insights that would be difficult, if not impossible, for humans to discern. This can lead to better decision making, better customer service, and increased profitability.
    As for art, it is something easier than artificial intelligence, and it has importance 1. Art contributes to refining and refining the general taste of the recipient, because art is beauty and the demand for it elevates a person to positive human values. 2. It also contributes to identifying community issues and the way to address those issues in self-loving and attractive ways to entrench noble human values ​​in the mind.